After some extensive trial and error, I found that free shipping did very little to boost sales, and alot to reduce profit. Sure it attracts a few more buyers, so I found that if you offer a few items with free shipping, then that would bring some of the more frugal buyers a little closer to making a purchase.
The rest though?? I raised my shipping prices, and offered free combined shipping, so they can order as many items as they want, and just pay the one shipping price of the one item with the highest amount.
If they only want one item? Then in most cases I charge the same. Even on the small stuff I find you have to make 3 or 4 bucks per shipment to cover your packaging and time etc, otherwise you are doing all the work for nothing.
Plus, eBay does not make any $ on shipping, but we should, even if its only a small amount to cover our expenses.
Better to sell something for 10 dollars and charge 4 dollars for shipping, than charge 14 dollars and give free shipping. You'll pay less FVF and pocket more money, and still be extremely reasonable to your buyers.