This is a member to member board and is not monitored by eBay employees. (There are some 'bots that filter/censor certain words and members can Report improper postings.)
There are restrictions on listings sometimes based on items that are illegal in one country but allowed in another. There are items that are subject to VERO regulation, most easily explained by saying you need the manufacturer's permission to sell them.
There are also restrictions on the number and value of items listed by new members. These restrictions may also apply to experienced members who have low Detailed Seller Ratings or bad feedback. The restrictions are stricter on listings of items that have been shown to be high-fraud categories, like cosmetics and electronics.
As a new seller,your best bet is not to try to sell anything that has been removed. You have no clout as a newbie, and even long time sellers run into problems when we relist something that has previously been removed.
And by the way, yes, lots of stuff is made in China, but if you were persuaded to buy stuff directly from China, that is normally sold as a brand name in North America or Europe through retail stores, it is very very likely that you bought counterfeit goods. The entire run of the brand name product is bought by the brand. Nothing is (legally) sold to any other retailer, particularly online sellers.