New Customs process at PO

I was there yesterday and they did not say anything. Today, a handout: Sending a parcel to the US or internationally?


Says to visit


I "think" all parcels will now have to have a barcode. Those barcodes small packet has been showing since last July? They now seem to have a reason. Customs scanning.


If you do not have this barcode walking in, for now, it is free. Starting in the fall the code is $2 EXTRA. Buying postage at the counter, yer gonna get hammered. They want volume mailers doing this at home.

Message 1 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

Paper sewing patterns are 482390 - Printed patterns,dressmakers, of paper, nes


The HS codes given for is for printed fabric that is at least 85% cotton; 520851 with a fabric weight of up to 100 grams per square metre; 520852 with a fabric weight between 101-200 grams per square metre; -the weight does not refer to the actual weight of the fabric you are shipping.

Message 41 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

Where can these codes be found?  The Government website does not function at all (enter a search - push the button - nothing happens!)  The Canada post site is the usual difficult to navigate mess and the codes look longer than 6 digits long?  Does anyone know of a straight forward alphabetical list with the correct codes?


Thanks Canada post for springing this on us with no warning!!!  Smiley Mad

Message 42 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

The link is for the Canadian IMPORTERS Database.  Won't these only apply to imports coming into Canada???

Message 43 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

The HS Code are universal for the first 6 digits because it is meant for shipping from any count to any other country.


I am using the US HS tables as it is much easier to find codes and then verifying it on the Canada site. You can browse down in the US table.


I have checked some of the HS Codes found in the USA table with the Canada tool and they match (as expected).


Can someone else who has found codes in the Canada system check in the USA tables above. It should be the same since the first 6 digits of the code are universal. We need to only enter the first 6 digits so there should be no problem using the USA site.



Message 44 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

For more general info on the HS system, read this Wikipedia article.

Message 45 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

@pocomocomputing wrote:

The HS Code are universal for the first 6 digits because it is meant for shipping from any count to any other country.


I am using the US HS tables as it is much easier to find codes and then verifying it on the Canada site. You can browse down in the US table.


I have checked some of the HS Codes found in the USA table with the Canada tool and they match (as expected).


Can someone else who has found codes in the Canada system check in the USA tables above. It should be the same since the first 6 digits of the code are universal. We need to only enter the first 6 digits so there should be no problem using the USA site.


I found a discrepancy between the USA page I gave and the Canada Post HS search page. Someone was asking for a code for shoelaces and I get different codes.


OS the USA may not be used it seems. I do not understand why because the codes are supposed to be universal. Maybe I misunderstood something about the codes being universal. (First 6 digits).


Very frustrating to find some code using Canada Post tools. The USA page seems easier to use.

Message 46 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

Pocomo - I tested mine, (postage stamps) and it is the same in both places.....

Message 47 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

I checked knitting needles, totally different HS number.

Message 48 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

Bingo, you said it in the last paragraph!

Message 49 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

Like the ladies at the PO said to me "It is not going to affect you, Expedited and Expresspost are the ones changing right now" and that does not seem to be affecting me.


More and more this looks like it is really just for commercial shippers. We are just being brought into the fold of providing the same info for Customs clearance. Pretty much a tempest in a teapot.

Message 50 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

@mr.elmwood wrote:

Like the ladies at the PO said to me "It is not going to affect you, Expedited and Expresspost are the ones changing right now" and that does not seem to be affecting me.


More and more this looks like it is really just for commercial shippers. We are just being brought into the fold of providing the same info for Customs clearance. Pretty much a tempest in a teapot.

It will affect you if you use small  and light packet and Paypal shipping. Both of those services are asking for the code when printing a label through Paypal.


Message 51 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

Affect? I have to put in a six digit number. What kind of affect is that? So far it looks like everything I do will be under one code. My CN22 continues to say "no manifest required". It will never be required.


A six digit number is a tempest in a teapot.

Message 52 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

@mr.elmwood wrote:

Affect? I have to put in a six digit number. What kind of affect is that? So far it looks like everything I do will be under one code. My CN22 continues to say "no manifest required". It will never be required.


A six digit number is a tempest in a teapot.


You said it wouldn't affect you because it was only used on expedited and xpresspost. I was correcting that statement.


Because of the info you got from the post office, some of us  already knew where to get the number, most people did not and there is no information on the paypal site about it. When something new comes up and there is no explanation or information about it, it can be frustrating for people. You say that you may only have to know one number. That isn't going to be the norm for many sellers and some of the codes are not easy to find. may not be a problem for you but there is no need to suggest that others are overreacting.

Message 53 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

I'm sorry PJ. Of course you are right, the sky is falling.


My point is, is that it looked like it was going to be something, and turned out to be nothing. It is looking more and more like it will never be anything.


I'm sorry I even said anything now.

Message 54 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

I didn't say the sky or even suggest that the sky was falling.  I am glad that you did give us a head's up on this.

I am simply trying to say that sometimes you have to put yourself in another person's shoes. Just because something does not "affect" you at all does not mean that anyone else who thinks differently is wrong or overreacting. Everyone has different tolerances to change.

nuff said




Message 55 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

'pj' -- I have to agree with you.  This will be a time-waster for me (and I'm sure for many others), particularly for the first few weeks until I work up my list of the codes for the various types of items I sell. 


It appears for example in my case that a different code is going to be required depending on what material(s) garments are constructed from, whether they are new or vintage, etc., and this is going to create yet another level of checking and searching each time there is something different. 


Since I sell mostly to the U.S. and almost never use letter mail, yes, I think I'll actually end up  breaking  a few teacups against the wall before I get up to speed.


I'm sure it will be much simpler for sellers who consistently sell goods that fit into one category.  I feel especially sorry for those who sell a wide range of items - it's going to be an exasperating learning curve for them. 


This sort of thing may seem like a very minor issue, but sometimes it's the little irritants that can become major frustrations.  It reminds me of the time when I was working in property law in B.C. and some dunderhead at the Land Title Office decided that all signatures on documents had to be in black ink only.  Well, it took even the most seasoned of us a year or two to adjust to that little wrinkle, after having documents rejected and returned multiple times.  Three years later, some other dunderheads decided that black or blue was OK again, and we had all gotten rid of all blue pens by then. 


So what I resent about the HS code requirement is that it's just one more thing to create a potential problem or mistake, one more layer of complexity -- I already have a checklist of 10 or 12 things I have to do once a sale is made.  Can we be certain that an incorrect code won't mean trouble at US Customs and/or increased assessment of duty/taxes for the buyer and/or return of the parcel?  Am I willing to take that chance on a ca. $300 item that the buyer is anxiously waiting for?  No, I'd rather spend the time it takes if necessary to double-check that I've got the required code.  They had just better not change all this 6 months from now!!

Message 56 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

I'm pretty sure anyone saying this process isn't going to negatively affect businesses is ignoring the facts. Many people are just going to put whatever HS codes they can find and remember on an item.

Personally I sell a huge range of items on various websites from fishing gear, fly tying gear, craft feathers, antiques, bottles, insulators, metal, synthetic dreadlocks, jewelry and much more. Some things are easy to find the HS number for. Others it's nearly impossible and you need to make a guess at it. And in the end, just like before 99% of the packages are going to travel over the international borders without the package actually being inspected.

Message 57 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

Apparently, each type of item is assigned it's own HS Code.  You will get a different HS Code for different types of items, books will get an item specific HS Code, while a teapot will get something different. This is to assess the amount of duty for each type and value of the item for shipments from Canada to Elsewhere.


My question is:  since when have ebay buyers in the US EVER been charged duty on items coming from Canada???  Do I charge the ship cost AND the duty as listed by the HS code?

Message 58 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

Do I charge the ship cost AND the duty as listed by the HS code?


No, you don't charge duty. The only difference between what you were doing before and now is that before you listed a description of the package contents and now you list the code as well as the description.

Message 59 of 67
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New Customs process at PO

So I am one of those people that sell a long list of different things, man I hate this until I get a list of numbers.......

I hate it.  Have only printed a few labels, and can I can again, I hate this......

Is the question actually on the label?  Or is it part of the computer code? 

I can not tell a lie, first time I got the HS code requirement on a parcel, I was on a time constraint needed to be catching a boat, so |I did not have time to read the boards, and find out what this was about, so put in "123456" in the space, printed the label, and was off to catch the boat.

So, how precise is this going to have to be, there are so many variables, so hard to find the code, 5 seconds for something easy, and then, wow, 5 minutes for another one, did I say I hate this, and I think I might grow to hate it more!!

Wonder if I will get this "123456" code parcel back?

Wonder why there was no heads up from ebay?


Message 60 of 67
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