New Listing Format Nonsense

Just when you thought you have seen it all. Check this link for not only what new listings may look like but, hold your breath, plug your nose and check the ebay comment, in red. I couldn't believe it neither. Whether the comment is deserved or not, actually seeing it totally blew me away.

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New Listing Format Nonsense

Wow. Posted 3 hours ago and still not one comment?
Message 2 of 8
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New Listing Format Nonsense


Poor seller, poor listing description, poor TOS, etc.

Probably one that eBay would like to make "go away".

More importantly, will good sellers get good remarks?

Message 3 of 8
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New Listing Format Nonsense

That person is not a SELLER and more like a part-time dabbler in eBaY - therefore most likely they have regular 9-5 job.

The new system is designed to differentiate between casual seller and those who operate a full time business on eBaY and have the infrastructure to support it.

This person is obviously a part-time casual seller and not looking at building a viable business on eBaY.

Still the RED marked comment by eBaY is uncalled for to say the least - many reasons could exist for why this seller has lower shipping time - ie: Live in a remote area, is handicapped or otherwise physically challenged.


Message 4 of 8
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New Listing Format Nonsense

many reasons could exist for why this seller has lower shipping time

I'm the buyer do I care what the reasons are?

I understand this is a small time seller so any low star rating have a big impact but it's clear they are not very good to deal with and if you read the the feedback comments there have been a few buyers left waiting.

Keep in mind this page layout isn't even the one being shown in the Playground, it's very experimental at this point.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 5 of 8
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New Listing Format Nonsense

Community Member
looks like ebay is taking a huge wrong turn for the worse, after 1+ year of being a powerseller and recently having decided to seek other avenues of profit i am at a loss for words except to say that all the proposed new changes are if anything just a way for ebay to make more money and us the sellers to make a lot less, throw in CANADAPOST SHIPPING COSTS and u have an excellent recipe for disaster.
Wish us all goodluck
Message 6 of 8
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New Listing Format Nonsense

Community Member
And don't forget to be Optimistic!!
Message 7 of 8
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New Listing Format Nonsense

The clueless wonderboy heading eBaY has about as much international experience as he has charm.
Message 8 of 8
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