No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

I'm in the process of updating all of my listings (see previous thread).  For some items today, I am getting a message Alert saying I can't change my listing title within 12 hours of listing end.  Yet when I check my listing date/time, I listed these items on January 20 2013, which is certainly over 12 hours ago.


Getting this Alert is a nuisance, since it means I can't revise those listings and must make a note of them so I can return to them tomorrow.


Why does it do this?  Thanks

Kathy at eBay A Vintage Collectible
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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

" within 12 hours of listing end"


end - has nothing to do with when you listed it.

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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

Good point.  In my eBay store, things are listed monthly and renewed the next month, so I assumed that if I listed on January 20, it would renew on Feb 20 and March 20 etc.  Since March 20 is more than 12 hours ago, I don't understand why it won't let me revise my listing.

Kathy at eBay A Vintage Collectible
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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

What is the listing number you tried to revise and eBay refused your revision?


What specifically did you want to revise on that listing?


It is important to understand limitations to listing revisions: 

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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

One item is 120871704603.  There were 2 more in my Beauty section also.  I'm trying to take out all the extra text that you and others suggested I remove in the other thread Feedback....etc.  I'm also changing the handling time from 10 days to 2.  I'm also lowering the postage price, and making minor changes to listing text to make things clearer, with fewer words.

Kathy at eBay A Vintage Collectible
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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

This listing is created/listed through Sellathon.


Could that be the problem?

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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

It is?  I don't use Sellathon and have never used them to my knowledge.  I did enrol in Auctiva at one time, but cancelled that about a year ago (even though they continue to run a scroll along the top of my listings to this day).  I write and list all my own items through my computer right here in front of me.

Kathy at eBay A Vintage Collectible
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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

"It is?"


Look at your listing


What do you see at the bottom?


I see a logo.  I have no idea what it means.


By the way, this listing goes back to early 2012 and has been revised five times already" 


If a listing for $14 does not sell in a year, is it worth keeping?

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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

Time to go. 


The Boss just call me and "instructed" me to leave the computer alone for the night! 


Time to move to the living room for Saturday night movie!  🙂

Message 9 of 16
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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

Wow, Bruce Springsteen instructed you to leave the computer alone for the night & you get to view a film with him also. You two are lucky.


Tell him we really enjoyed his last cd & please include Winnipeg on his next tour.

Message 10 of 16
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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

Listing 120871704603 ended earlier this evening so unless the OP ended it manually, it was within the 12 hour ending time.


The Sellathon logo is just a counter.

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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

"This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available."

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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

Re. the listings for which I received the Alert Notice saying I couldn't change the listing because it was within 12 hours - I still don't see that I was within 12 hours of the listing end time - but anyway in the same Alert it said that I can make changes if I do a completely new listing and then cancel the existing one.  So I am doing that.  It seems to me that for the listings for which I still have part of the month (I list per month) still paid for, making a new listing in effect gives eBay a "double payment" for that listing, i.e. the balance I've already paid for to the end of the month, plus a new monthly fee for the new listing starting now to the end of the month, but it is simpler for me to do that than have to return in a day or two to revise my existing listings.

Kathy at eBay A Vintage Collectible
Message 13 of 16
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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

I prefer to end listings and then repost them using Sell Similar in the possibly mistaken belief that Similar items will get a boost in Search.

One thing that does happen is that the original date of listing disappears and is replaced by the date of the Similar listing. So the listing does not appear to be "deadstock" but fresh.

And since we can end listings at any time, if they have no bids, tigergirl's problem does not apply.

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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

Hi reallynicestamps,

These are good ideas.  The only thing with ending the listing and reposting is that if someone is following a listing/item using the item  number, it will all of a sudden disappear and they will think it sold.


Re the original date of listing - I lost quite a bit of money ending listings and then paying 20 cents per listing to relist them, in the belief that I was avoiding the appearance of "deadstock" by obtaining a new fresh listing date.  However on the phone with eBay one day I asked them about this and the rep told me that people looking at my items NEVER see the listing date.  He said I could prove this to myself by logging out and then visiting eBay and my listing without signing in.  He was right.  When I did that, I saw my listing but without certain details, such as the listing date. 


Maybe there is another place buyers can see the original listing date.  I know pierrelebel sent me a message saying that he looked at one of my listings and saw that I had revised it 4 times.  On the page he saw, perhaps it shows a list of original list date and revision dates and details.  But I'm not too worried about it because a lot of my items are vintage and thus the original listing date does not imply an "expired" or "outdated" item.


Yes, we can end listings at any time, but mine are in my store, and do not have bids.  Therefore everytime I end and relist, I am charged 20 cent listing fee.


Have a great day.  Kathy

Kathy at eBay A Vintage Collectible
Message 15 of 16
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Re: No Change Allowed Within 12 Hr, But I'm Not In 12 Hours, What's Going On?

I cancelled Auctivia too and everything stayed and evenb when I removed all description and added new when I listed it was still there so your only options to get rid of that is to List new listings from scratch or when you revise click the HTML tab for description and remove all print under HTML this will remove the sellathon stuff

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