Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
I am continually receiving emails from winners of my auctions that they have now decided they do not want the item they have purchased and clearly state that if I leave a negative feedback they will retaliate and leave me a negative for me even thou they refuse to pay for the item.

My question is: Will Ebay do anything abt people like this if you send ebay a copy of the various emails that clearly outline these comments from the winners?

These people should get a negative feedback but I sure am not interested in undeserved negatives to me.
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

eBay won't do anything about feedback. They like to keep it a free for all and won't intervene in any way. Your call whether to leave the negative for them or will probably mean with low-life non payers getting a neg back. You can apply for mutual withdrawl but that's about it. eBay hasn't done jack for me about feedback extortion...
Message 2 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

file a complaint with ps support about feedback extortion.
Message 3 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member

I am having a very blonde moment. What is ps support?

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
PS stand for power seller .
Good luck!
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
These do not constitute FB Extortion. FB extortion is NOT simply threatening to leave Negative FB it has to be linked to forcing a Seller to reduce his price or provide something in addition to what was listed and not included in the auction.

Example 1. Auction ends for $20 and Buyer tells Seller to sell it to him for $15 or he will leave negative FB.

Example 2. Auction is for a DVD player and Buyer tells Seller he wants 10 free DVDs as well or he will leave negative FB.

Basically everything else doesnt count. If you look closely at what eBay considers FB Extortion, it is all related to eBay earning LESS commission due to a reduction in the final selling price OR more items being given in the sale without being declared and a commission going to eBay for the sale.

Proving FB Extortion is also very, very difficult as those that are accustomed to doing it seldom spell it out that clearly in their emails and prefer to simply tell the seller over the phone where it cant be given to eBay as proof.

Now my question is this: What is PS "SUPPORT"? Is that like a bra or a jock strap because I have never received any other type?


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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
You could ask them to cover the relisting fee in return for not leaving them a deserved neg if it really is buyers remorse.
Message 7 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
To add to Malcolms post, even if you DO get somebody saying "I want X amount more than I paid for or I will neg you" don't jump up and down in your seat just yet.... Feedback extortion is not deemed worthy of feedback removal.
Meaning if you get threatened with NF and you do not comply with the demands and get negged for it , you will not get that neg removed.
Message 8 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
Basically eBay places the same amount of value to FB as we all should. Dont loose sleep over it because you have a 99.8% instead of 100%. You wont loose a plug nickel in sales.

The bottom line is this, if you have a great product to sell at a great price you will sell it whether your FB rating in 100% or 90% or even 80%.

The only time that I have not proceeded to bid on something that I really, really wanted was when the guy had racked up a couple of negs in a row and what concerned me were the reasons posted more than the negs.

I wasnt concerned about his negs from 8-months ago.

The only time I was stung by a seller, he had a 100% FB rating and was a US Power seller. He never shipped my product and for almost 6-months kept telling me he was sending out a money order to refund me. I finally went through my c/c company for a refund.


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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member

I already faced a few of these types. Usually they just dont respond at all. What I do is file a non paying bidder complaint which you should see a link in 'My Ebay' which gives the seller 7 days to respond and make good. If they dont respond which is usually the case ou can recover the auction fees and the person you're at ispute with gets a strike on their account.

I would probably still leave negative myself though even if they threaten to do the same. 🙂
Message 10 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
In the past 2 weeks, people have purchased my auctions and are obvious scammers or non payers. This is getting annoying.

I know there is the option to pre approved buyers but I would hate to do that as it makes it inconvenient for the buyers.

Is there a way around this? Like setting criteria of bidders allowed to bid etc.?

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member

I now have a non payer wanting to pay for the item but does not want me to ship the item... She wants to do this in order for me to remove the Non paying alert.
I have never had this happen for I do not want the money without fulfilling my agreement of supplying the product.
What would you suggest???
This also could just be a way of the bidders constanting getting (IMO) alerts removed but could very easily come back and neg me stating she paid and I never shipped.
Any suggestions right now will be appreciated

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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
They can get a PP refund as you cant prove you didnt ship it just as you pointed out.

It doesnt make any sens at all. Why wouldnt they pay and take the item? Too fishy for words. Ignore it and proceed as you would have had they not contacted you with such a ridiculous proposal.


Message 13 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
Geez Dar, NO WAY would I accept a payment and not ship, unless the buyer had a bid on another auction I'm running that would end in a week or less, in order to combine shipping.

What do you mean "a non payer"? Is this a previous buyer who reneged and has now bid on another lot?



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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member

Hi Glenda
This buyer made it clear she would not pay for the item so I filed a unpaid item dispute. Now she is "upset" abt me filing a dispute and emailed that to get me off her back she will send the money ( but not the shipping fee) and I can kep the money and the product.
Do I tell her to forget abt the money and cancel the dispute?
I want to tell her to forget abt the money anyways but I think the dispute should still continue since she really refuses to pay the full amt ( product cost and shipping cost).
What do you think?
Message 15 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
I really don't know what I'd do at this stage! I guess I might email the non-paying buyer and let them know that this whole shemozzle is costing me money and I expect them to make it up to me.

I don't think buyers have any idea of the costs to the seller -- it's free to buyers, I think (if they think about it at all!) -- they believe that it's free to seller also! Whether we like it or not, it's up to us to educate them -- eBay sure ain't doin' it!!!!!!

Good luck on this dar, at keep us posted on the results!



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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
dar I've just reread this whole thing and I really think I'd probably just file a mutually agreed (which I agree, is a cop-out) and let the non-buyer know there's no black mark against them, so they don't dispute it -- as soon as they realize there's no black mark, they don't usually object. (I'm not talking personal experience here -- this is what I've gathered by reading these boards for the last few years.)



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Message 17 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
I appreciate your input here. Yes it is their cop out and now I know why their feedback is private.
I just don;t enjoy Ebay when I have to experience the rudeness of bidders like the one this person is.

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

Community Member
I just noticed that I got credit from ebay for the item.

Message 19 of 21
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Re: Non Payers & Feedback

You can reverse the FVF if you want to take Glenda's advice.
Your other option is to invoice them through Paypal for service fees, making no mention of the item number. Not sure if she'd be able to charge back then. And if she did, start the NPB process again.
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