Not sure what to do in this case? HELP!!

Community Member
I had a buyer in the USA purchase a set of dragonfly earrings from me in late February. Several days later, the buyer purchased the exact set of earrings, but this time with the necklace to match. I really didn't give it much thought as this happens more often than one would think. I thought the earring and necklace set were possibly purchased as a gift for someone else, or they just wanted another complete set.

I received and email from the buyer when they received their order in the mail, indicating that they had made a mistake and wanted to return the first set of earrings for a refund. I told them 'no problem' just send back the set of earrings and when I receive them, I would refund their purchase. Normal procedure I thought...

Well, they sent me another email asking for a return address. Regardless that the return address was clearly marked on both enevelopes they received, they must have tossed the envelopes out, so I sent them the return address via email.

Didn't hear anything from them for a couple of weeks, and I just waited for the return of the earrings. Shipping to the USA from Canada takes up to 2 weeks, shipping from the USA back to Canada takes almost the same amount of time, at least that is my experience.

Now they have left a negative feedback indicating that we are being uncooperative, and that we did not supply them with a return address.

This morning I get the message below from the buyer:

I've had them packaged and then had to go to the hospital to have back surgery and when I got out of the hospital I still had no concrete reply so I gave up. I cancelled my PayPal account because it looked like I had again purchased the same thing when I tried to give a response and was then totally frustrated with the system. I will be glad to put them in the mail next week and when I get my money back I will reverse my response.

Now I am totally frustrated...:-(

I tried to give them a refund but can't because they have 'cancelled' their PayPal account. They are in the USA and I am in Canada... What the heck do I do now?

You know, as Powersellers or as any seller on eBay, a negative feedback is so damaging to our sales record. Buyers see a negative and they run like scared rabbits...

We all try so hard not to get negative feedbacks but now I am being held responsible for their mistake in purchasing two identical sets of earrings, one set with a necklace.

I checked the buyers feedbacks left for others, (only 10 purchases in the last year), and one thing I noticed was that their responses, although positive, were leaning to the negative side with comments like:

"Do not like hook, falls out of ear", and "Slight bend in end of pin near clasp".

The above statements indicate that this buyer is quite particular about their purchases. I wasn't concerned because I know my products are high quality.

I am being held responsible for their mistake, and until they get a refund from me, they will not change their negative feedback, but I can't provide them with their refund because they have 'cancelled' their PayPal account.

I have emailed the buyer and told them that we cannot refund their purchase without an active PayPal account.

What the heck am I supposed to do now?

I don't want a negative feedback, and they are willing to change it, but the means to do so no longer exists...

My apologies for running on, but I am really upset about this...:-(

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
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Re: Not sure what to do in this case? HELP!!

First of all, this is not about you at all.

Secondly, the effect of the neg should be insignificant on your sales and the neg will be off your front page in a week.


It's quite possible the customer is on pain medication for their back and isn't thinking clearly, especially since she left you a neg AND a positive, one right after the other.

If she's unwilling to re-establish a Paypal account, send her a money order when the items come back.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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Re: Not sure what to do in this case? HELP!!

Do what we do in such a case. Pick up the phone and call them. It is amazing what can be achieved that way vs. emailing.

Do what you need to do. Either stick to your guns and carry the neg or, if you really want to have it disappear, negotiate the removal.

Evaluate if you really want the item back as you only have 30 days to initiate the FB revision and mailing time both ways (merchandise and money order) may exceed 30 days if the customer drags his/her feet.

Personally, I would negotiate FB revision conditional to the customer receiving the refund (mail it right away). That is if the FB revision is that important to you. On the phone you should be able to get a feeling for the buyer. They can always mail you back the item at their convenience.

Good luck!
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Re: Not sure what to do in this case? HELP!!

Community Member
Yep, ditto to what Bernie said - call them! I was thinking that as I was reading what you wrote. Call them and let them hear that you care and that you want to help. Explain to them that by closing their PayPal account you can't refund them immediately - there's nowhere to refund to.

If you have no other choice but to send a money order get a Canada Post one so they can bring it to their local USPS and cash it. Otherwise that'll be a problem for her too. She doesn't sound like the brightest bulb in the box.

I'd also add them to your BBL but that's just me.
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Re: Not sure what to do in this case? HELP!!

Community Member
You should still be able to SEND MONEY to your customer. It will give you the choice of Purchase or Personal. Select personal.

I don't believe that they have to have an active PayPal account.

Check it out.

Mind you, until I had the product back...I wouldn't send a payment....just my return address through eBay and through regular e-mail with a read receipt!

And, be cautious of the way that your buyer will send the product back...could cost you more than the product is worth with duty/taxes.\

Message 5 of 8
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Re: Not sure what to do in this case? HELP!!

Thanks to everyone who replied.

I was able to call the buyer and instead of them returning the earrings, I just said 'keep them' as out gift with hopes of future business with them.

The buyer did say that they would change their negative feedback, which they did. They have also re-initiated their PayPal account, so I will provide them with a refund in a couple of days.

Easier all around at this time, they don't have to send the earrings back and I will provide them with a refund.

The buyer was willing to pay the cost of shipping the earrings back to me because it was their mistake for ordering a second set of earrings in the first place, but what the heck, I'll let them keep the earrings, and provide them with a refund.

At least it was all settled... 😛
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Re: Not sure what to do in this case? HELP!!

Oooppsss, sorry for the possible confusion...

I was logged into eBay with my second account credentials, so the above message response may look like it did not come from Copper Jewelry & Gifts, because the avatar and eBay User ID is different.

I have two stores on eBay: Copper Jewelry & Gifts, and Canada Buckles.

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Re: Not sure what to do in this case? HELP!!

The dog in the picture/avatar is my 7 year old black lab, Tessie...
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