I have noticed that eBay usually offers a 5¢ listing day at least once a month.
Sure would be nice to see one about now, especially with Christmas coming, and the cut off dates for shipping worldwide and to the states. I would hate to have to refuse an order because of the cut off shipping dates with CP...
Anyone have any ideas as to when and if there will be a 5¢ listing sale this month?
Is there any way to know before it is advertised? I usually get only a 1 day notice via email, on these things. Probably like everyone else.
I will assume that if there was a way to know when the 5¢ listing day were to occur, then everyone would wait and not list their items till that time, so it kind of makes sense not to tell everyone it will happen mid month or next Monday, etc...
I was just wondering...
Any thoughts or experience with this?
Thanks, and best regards.

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."