In the heat of several fires I was stomping on all last week I overlooked your post #24.
The buyer paid me $90 USD but wrote that she'd accept $30 USD.
1) My cost for the 3 mirrors was very close to $30 USD ($36 I think). The insurance coverage for the merchandise, in accordance with CP policy, wouldn't likely have been anywhere near $90 USD.
2) The buyer offered this not yet knowing CP policy, or my costs, but offerred her acceptance of $30, I believe, to assuage her guilt for her bad behaviour. She's clearly wealthy having previously bought furs from the US and furniture from the orient. Having little to lose I had written to her that, with regards to this transaction she has been impatient, quick-tempered, and completely dishonest with regards to responsibility. In light of the truth her counter-arguements just faltered in the face of several well-reasoned requests for MFB. I believe that I would have kept this ($6) payoff had she not removed her negs but I'll never know for sure. When I filed the claim with CP, after her neg removal, I know that I was going to seek the maximum recompense possible and forward it to her in full.
I called CP today and cancelled the claim.