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Let me say this again.....a joke! Thanks.

(Dream About Comics)

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It should be: "..For 0.00001% sellers, this price promotion may be valuable to them and their business requirements. For others 99.9999%, it doesn’t make sense.."
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"Marketplace data leads us to believe buyers are motivated by and respond to shipping deals even where the total item cost is no lower ... BECAUSE WE PUSH "BEST MATCH" AND HIDE BEST TOTAL ITEM COST FROM BUYERS. WE NEED MORE MONEY TO CREATE A SIMULARE OFFERS.
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Just like I said all along - BEST MATCH is eBaY's new revenue generating tool that they use to manipulate who see what and what is seen and when.

Does not matter how higher your DSR scores are they know can control traffic and feed business to whoever they want and/or they deem worthy.

Level playing field my @ss
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Hi Everyone,

I called Power Seller Support today to ask them to explain the reasoning behind Best Match in the category of Daisy Eyelets. I explained to the rep that I typed in on .com Daisy Eyelets in search. Once there I then clicked on *See Buy It Now Items* in Stores. (All still under Best Match as the search mode.) Once there I found 3 pages. I was on the bottom of page 2 and the top of page 3.

I looked at each individual's seller who was listed ahead of me. I checked their feedback score and DSR. I would say that all sellers who were listed above me had equal or a tiny fraction less than what my feedback score or DSR's are. However, THEY DID, provide shipping costs.

This did not bother me at all as I know that by not having shipping listed...I would be lowered in the search.

HOWEVER, I was quite perturbed to see that ONE seller who was rated above in Best Match could not be explained.

This seller has a feedback score of 95.6%. In the past month this seller has received 71 negatives and 29 neutrals. My feedback score is 100%.

This seller's DSRs are 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, and 4.3. My DSRs at this time are 5.0, 5.0, 4.9 and 4.8.

My question to the rep was WHY was this seller rated above me in Best Match standings. This kind and gentle soul tried to explain to me that it was because THEY PROVIDED SHIPPING in their listings and SHIPPING IS MORE IMPORTANT in BEST MATCH than feedback scores or DSRs.

I said to him that while I can't see all of the details to their dashboard, that my dashboard said that my search rating was RAISED. RAISED could I be if I follow a seller with such feedback and DSR scores?

He then went on to explain that BEST MATCH takes into consideration when listings end and gives those ending soonest priority in the BEST MATCH search. My question to him was then why have BEST MATCH when all one has to do is search using ENDING SOONEST as the search mode.

The rep then switch the subject to give me tips on how to get to the TOP on BEST MATCH. I listened. His suggestion was to OFFER FREE SHIPPING ON ALL OF MY LISTINGS. He said that was a FOR SURE to get me the highest visibility.

I said to him that while it might get me high visibility it would also put me in a position where I would not be making any money, only eBay would be.

He then suggested that I put shipping for my eyelets at 50 cents per package. I explained to him that here in Canada I couldn't even send a letter across town for 50 cents let alone a package of eyelets!

I did an example for him. Eyelets listed for $1.50. Once I took the shipping off...$1.92 minimum I would already be in the red and there were still listing, final value fees and PayPal fees to pay. I explained to him that the goal was FOR ME to make a profit...not just eBay and PayPal.

His next suggestion was for me to add the cost of the shipping onto the eyelets. He gave me this example: $1.50 + $1.92 = $3.42 and then add a bit more on to help cover selling costs...making the price of one package of eyelets $3.75 US.

Hmm....I had to agree with him...looked great for me! But, then I asked would you really buy a package of eyelets from me for $3.75 US when my competitor sells the same thing for $1.00 and then adds on shipping. The rep's reply was YES! It's a great deal! Yes, I know...this is a programmed response!

I had to disagree with him. As I can ship 10 packages of eyelets for $2.99 US and my buyers appreciate that. eBay would be making more money on Final Value Fees and I would still be out.

Basically he said SHIPPING is MORE IMPORTANT than Feedback and DSR's.

Okay...just wanted to share. I guess eBay doesn't feel that sellers who have high feedback scores or DSRs are better than sellers who don't. JUST OFFER FREE SHIPPING and you'll be at the top no matter what. Those are the reps words...not mine.

Have a good night!
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Stay optimistic though eh!!
Message 25 of 32
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Yes, Tea...I am optimistic and will remain so! This to shall pass!

It means that I have to work on having shipping stated. And, my goal is by the end of the summer to have this all figured out!

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Susan, why wait until the end of summer?

NOW is the time. It took me a couple of days to fandangle all the shipping rules and integrate them but it does work.

And the beauty of it? My store runs 24/7 and when I log into eBay in the morning I can count my hatched and paid for chicks. No need to send invoices as anyone that wants to pay can check out right away and and gets correct shipping calculated.

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Hi Xena,

*S* You are right...the sooner I have this figured out, the better! We're in the process of closing down our family farm and my attention is actually there vs. changing anything with how my eBay store, etc. runs.

As soon as the last speckle of grain is off the farm....I won't be on overload here and can think clearly as to how to do the shipping.

I did copy and paste the information given to me regarding shipping and will for sure ask for more advice from those on this list who care and offer constructive help! My to be automated!

Thank you for the encouragement!
Message 28 of 32
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Hi Susan,

It is not difficult to figure out shipping if all of your items are basically the same size and weight. But when you have a variety of shapes and sizes such as you have, each item can drastically change the shipping cost. eBay does not give enough options to cover all the different combinations of items that you have. I wish you luck.

When the grain is gone, will the deer be gone too? I hope not.

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I am wondering how Best Match will work if very few take the bait and offer free shipping. In that case, it could end up to be Worst Match if only the poor sellers top the list.

I will ALWAYS search by Time Ending Soonest when I am buying on eBay.
Message 30 of 32
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Offer FREE Domestic Shipping and receive 15% off total Final Value Fees

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Hi Judy,

That's my problem in a nutshell. You've seen what is in my store and I do have a variety of shapes, sizes and weights of everything. One way or the other I will figure the shipping thing out.

We're keeping a least one full bin of grain for the deer! It's the least we can do for all of the entertainment they provide us here.

I'm sure before our girls are grown and moved on that they'll have the deer eating from their hands.

Hope all is well your way!

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Still a waste of time, I tested my products for Best Match...

This is what I get my product comes next, the sellers item who comes first is not better then mine.

My Product
Cost: $2.29
Shipping: $2.50 (i post shipping in search)
Total: $4.79
My Feedback DSR: 4.9, 4.9, 4.7, 4.8
My Feedback %: 99.8%
Total + Feedback: 911
Last 12 Months: 0 Negatives
Best Match Level: 2nd
Location: Ontario, Canada
Listing Type: Buy It Now
Ebay Status: Power Seller

Cost: $1.61
Shipping: $3.50 (does not post shipping cost in search)
Total: $5.11
His Feedback DSR: 4.9, 4.8, 4.6, 4.6
His Feedback %: 99.4%
Total + Feedback: 1549
Last 12 Months: 5 Negatives
Best Match Level: 1st
Location: Ontario, Canada
Listing Type: Buy It Now
Ebay Status: Power Seller

Now you tell me who should have been on top!? Thanks.

(Dream About Comics)

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