Options for parcel being sent to buyer before payment was made..

I sent out a parcel to buyer before weekend without checking to make sure item was paid for...thought it was pretty safe to do so judging by the buyers 100% rating. Smiley Frustrated

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Re: Options for parcel being sent to buyer before payment...

Well, there is always prayer.


However, most people are honest. Your buyer will probably pay before the parcel arrives, especially since there is something of a backlong as usual in holiday traffic.


Whatever else you do, do NOT let your customer know that the parcel has been shipped without payment. A polite professional reminder about payment on Day Four would not go amiss.


But if the buyer was just messing around or if he is not honest, you gave him an early Christmas present.




This is where Cookie Jar Insurance comes in.


This just means adding a few pennies to every listing (or shipping fee) to cover the occasional loss.

Losses can be claims for loss or damage in transit, paying for return shipping, or mistakes like this one.

Those virtual pennies you toss in a virtual Cookie Jar can add up-- even becoming a small profit centre over the years.

Some sellers (me for one) use the Cookie Jar instead of expensive tracking on inexpensive items and save the difference. This also benefits our customers who get their item for less.



BTW-- did you also look in your Paypal account?

I have a customer whose item showed Unpaid on eBay for three days just last week, although PP showed his payment was immediate. (I ship from Paypal confirmation, not eBay, so it went out promptly.)

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Re: Options for parcel being sent to buyer before payment...

Priority one is always check to make sure the Buyer has paid.... no pay, no ship.....


Remember every Buyer has 100% feedback, that's all a Seller can leave..... unless the Buyer is also selling. 

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Re: Options for parcel being sent to buyer before payment...

Everything that femmefan1946 said ,plus I would add that on a buyer 100%FB means very little.  I won't say "nothing" because if it is a high number it means they buy a lot but even that does not mean the buyer is honest.  I was looking at the FB For Others  for a buyer recently and on nearly 500 items this year, 17% of them were refunded.  So never assume a high FB# on a buyer is a good thing.  It really just indicates the number of sellers who are hoping for a positive in return.   


I hope you did not tell your buyer the item has been mailed.  I hope you have not left FB yet.  If you have done all that, all you can do now is hope the person is honest.  Most people are. 


You can also send a VERY nice reminder note about payment.  When it is ignored, file an UNPAID ITEM case.  If no payment comes, the buyer might get a gift but be sure to give them a UI strike too.  You made an innocent, well-intentioned mistake.  It would be unacceptable for anyone to take advantage of that. 


Get in the habit of looking on eBay to check about the sale, then straight to your PayPal to verify the funds.  Always take the extra minute to do this.  Just make it a multi-step routine that you always to the same way. 



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Re: Options for parcel being sent to buyer before payment...

I sent a reminder for payment, Ebay then stepped in on my behalf and filed unpaid action, I then was concerned that there was no way of intercepting a parcel (unless you are FBI) and having it returned or not delivered. I am sure i am not the only one to have made this mistake.
I did send an email to the buyer explaining i had prematurely sent the package without her paying.and would like her to not accept it when delivered (her signature is needed).
Today i received a email from her saying she accidently bid and could not retract. She has said she will redirect it back to me. We will see.
Thank you for the comments and suggestions.. Like a said, a lesson learned.
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