10-23-2014 12:31 PM - edited 10-23-2014 12:33 PM
Please don't move this to the GSP board because it's meant for sellers here on this board.
Has anyone noticed that their overseas shipments have all but stopped?
I have, and although I'm not sure why I'm starting to wonder if the GSP is to blame.
In fact, when they first implemented that program I thought to myself that it was the beginning of the end of overseas sales, and now some time later I'm realizing that prediction.
Masses of buyers would simply stop using eBay because the GSP is too hard to manoeuvre around.
These buyers don't want to put the time into picking around items searching for those that don't use the GSP and so they just leave eBay.
Also, there will be those who believe that the only way to buy on eBay is via the GSP if they've been burned once.
English is, after all, their second language.
What I do know for sure is that my overseas sales have dwindled down to almost nothing while prior to the GSP those sales were a major source of income for me.
Not just that, selling prices have dropped dramatically and I believe this is a result of the loss of overseas buyers.
I have no way of knowing for sure of proving that the GSP is to blame, but since it's turning out exactly as I predicted I have to think it is.
10-25-2014 12:27 PM
10-25-2014 12:34 PM
10-25-2014 05:37 PM
"No, I think the GSP is too easy and convenient a scapegoat to blame for sluggish international sales. There are far more critical elements at play. "
I'm a Canadian buyer.
Most of my purchases are under $100 Cdn, so any seller using the GSP is no good for me.
Unfortunately, there seem to be more sellers using GSP - maybe not by choice, but opted in without their knowledge.
It is becoming harder and harder to find US sellers that do not use the GSP.
If the pattern keeps up, I may end up not buying from ebay in the future.
10-25-2014 05:55 PM
Unfortunately, there seem to be more sellers using GSP - maybe not by choice, but opted in without their knowledge.
Sellers who were opted in "without their knowledge" (sellers who don't read the announcements) are sellers that previously did not offer International shipping. Like it or not (GSP) it has made items available to International buyers that were not available to them previously.
I know it's hard for Canadian sellers to understand but the level of anti-international amongst US sellers has been massive. Many of them seem to consider Kentucky (where GSP shipments are sent) as International.
10-25-2014 06:59 PM
Please post all questions about the GSP here: Questions about the Global Shipping Program
Please post all comments about the GSP here: Comments about the Global Shipping Program
10-25-2014 07:17 PM
Rose does not argue. Rose is the epitome of civility and understanding. Hold, you posted a topic that invited comments. In the course of that, Rose responded with her unwavering level headed logic.
I have been slapped silly, more than a couple of times by Rose and her "Now-now, we will have none of that diatribe, here is a better understanding of the topic".
I am convinced that had Rose been in Crimea when the Russians entered, she would have said "Hang on a second, let us chat about this, in a friendly, even tempered manner". By the end of the conversation, the Cossacks would have been headed back to the steppes going "Ya know, she was right".
Rose does not argue. She evaluates errant thought.
10-25-2014 08:53 PM
Perhaps that is true for you elmwood and you may like to get slapped around. I do not.
All that kind of thing really does is incline one in turn to point out the error in the other person's way of thinking and correct misconceptions.......
Then it all adds up to one long drawn out argument that seems to be endless.
Neither do I have the time or inclination to write tomes the way some do.
Where do they find the time?
10-25-2014 09:08 PM