PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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As a total PS discussion board addict, I am thrilled that I can now be a click away from another Power Seller discussion outlet. I have been a regular contributor to PS and I have tried give a Canadian perspective on lots of issues.

It usually ends up with a joke about me selling beaver on eBay. LOL.

So I've bookmarked this one as well as Town Square and I look forward to having a lot of fun on this board too. Way to go!

Lisa (thebidwatcher)
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Message 21 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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I might not have reacted quite so negatively to the way this was handled if it wasn't the second time in a month that eBay did it to me! Last month all of a sudden after 4 years of dealing exclusively in US$ (having originally registered on .com), my listing fees were being converted to CA$ and charged to a new CA$ seller account - like I'm not losing enough on the exchange already!

Even PS support were apparently unable to explain why it happened or how to fix it! Fortunately there was someone at Canada Town Square (still sounds like somewhere at Disney to me!) knoew where to go to switch back to US$ again, but it just seems that eBay decide what's best for you and "whoosh" you're not in Kansas anymore!

Message 22 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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I have both bookmarked as well. Came here as soon as I got my invite from eBay. First day it started. I can easily navigate between both boards. I am registered with so I end up at the .com board when coming through the portal. But I am curious if the Americans can join us here?

Message 23 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Lisa, like I said, I don't mind this board, and actually have developed quite a fondness for it, BUT, that being said, I do not like how it was handled. I've never been registered with I registered back in 1998 and as far as I recall, there was no I feel that I should be allowed to choose to come to the CA board (which I do now choose to do), but to be "dumped" or "forced", or whatever one wants to call it, is wrong in my book. I was happily logging on for months now, going to a particular board, and then boom, the other day I was brought somewhere else. I didn't appreciate it one bit. And regardless of whether I have been provided with links from the helpful folks on this board, or not, the point is, I should have been given the choice. It's a simple as that.

You have to know a bit of my recent history here with these boards. I've been extremely frustrated in the past, close to a month now, with a certain situation, and I've been having a lot of trouble with some of the links. I keep getting the same response, click this, click that, and they just don't work. I've had others try the links......and for many they don't work, and for some they do. I've spoken to a PS rep on the phone, and have been given some "tips" and "fixes", but still, they don't work. Since there are many others that are having the same problem, I have to figure it's an ebay problem and nothing is being done. In addition, this certain situation that I've been trying to report is not being addressed and it's costing me money, as a seller. This situation has caused me a LOT of frustration, and the other day when I was trying to do a certain thing, and I was being "dumped" into an area that I had not interest in being "dumped" into because I had one thing on my mind, well, it didn't do much for my mood.

My "p*ssed" off state, truly has nothing to do with anyone on this board, or the introduction of this board, but seeing how I feel I've been treated poorly by ebay of late, it didn't sit well with me, how this whole thing was handled. Perhaps if I'd had anything to do with prior to this, I may have felt differently but to me, the way it was handled was that I was/am basically being told by ebay that I no longer "belong" where I was once going because I'm automatically being directed here, and I don't appreciate that one bit.

It's kind of like if you belong to a club, and then a fringe club is formed, and you innocently walk into your club one day, only to be sent away to the new club because "someone" felt you might prefer it there better, or like it better there. I pay ebay enough in fees, and I'm quite old enough to make that decision myself.

I think this is a great board, and I'm glad it's here, and like I said, I will be coming in here regularly. Doesn't mean I have to agree with how my being here was foisted on me.
Message 24 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Oh, and my "invitation" if that's what ebay wants to call it, came days after my forced exile here.

Heck, this is a GREAT board, and I'm learning a lot, but still, I think it was heavy handed.
Message 25 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

Community Member
So Moira...

What can ebay do to keep a devoted eBay customer such as deltone happy? Seems to me it's up to to make sure she's here to stay.

And if you tell her to click on a link she's gonna blow...
Message 26 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Bidwatcher, I am definitely here to say. I'll be happy if they'll do something about that other Powerseller who is breaking a pile of rules. I'll be happy if they listen to the "reports" of violations of the RULES that THEY make and apply them to all ebayers. There have been a lot of complaints by ebayers on some of the boards that Powersellers are given special treatment and in some ways I can't dispute the fact that SOME Powersellers are. I'm a mere thousand plus Powerseller, as opposed to this particular Powerseller who has WELL over 7,000 and ebay doesn't care that he consistently breaks the rules. I keep getting the canned response of "Thanks for your report, we'll look into it, and we don't usually give our results, blah blah blah" and a month later, he's still doing it. Not once in this time period has he stopped doing it. In some cases he had over 70 of the same item listed. I had found that in MANY instances, my items were selling for less than half of their normal ending price. That was what brought the whole thing to my attention. That an another ebayer bringing it to my attention. He apparently is also reporting the guy, and nothing has changed. That will make me happy!!
Message 27 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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I have said that I am having the same problems with the same links. I also said that I have a friend that is one of the top Dell technicians in the country and has clearly told me it is an eBay issue with the links not my computer. Instead of being frustrated, do as I have done and email support directly with the issue you want to report, then have them send it to the proper department. Yes I understand this will take longer to get an answer but at least you will get further than continuing to try the links and getting frustrated. As for the seller you would like to report from the sounds of things eBay is just going to ignore you. So Moira why is it the eBay can not acknowledge that they have a problem with the links and look into it. deltone and I can not be the only ones having this problem. It is frustrating and I hate to bother the wrong people when I need an answer. It would relly be appreciated Moira. Thanks!

Message 28 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Email PS support. Quicker.
Message 29 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Thanks firedept. I totally agree, and that's basically what I've been doing. I've send so many I've lost count. They still do NOTHING. Why would they? They're making a lot of money off this guy. Who cares if he's costing all the other sellers money by flooding the market with these items.

I also agree with you about the links because my son is a programmer and VERY knowledgeable and he said it's definitely an ebay problem. They refuse to listen though.

That's where my anger and frustration stemmed from when I was "whisked" to this site ( without any choice or warning. I know some might think I'm not appreciative of this forum and that's far from the truth. In reality I find the people here MUCH friendlier and more helpful than on the other PS board, but to me, that's not the point. I'm not thrilled with ebay's tactics and the way they do business. Where I come from, rules are rules.

If a seller lists a few extra over the 10, so what, big deal, who cares? But when they blatantly list 20, 30, and even 70, well, I'm sorry, but I have a major problem with that.

I would like ebay to apply all rules to all ebayers. They keep saying that they're just a place for people to have their auctions (I forget the exact term they use) and compare themselves to a flea market, in that sense.

Well, if I were a vendor in a flea market, and one of the other vendors was consistently breaking the rules, and I and others were reporting him, and the owner of the flea market did nothing, well, I'd be real p*ssed off about that too. It's ridiculous.

Ebay, if you're not going to enforce the rules, then get rid of the rules, and people like me will stop b*tching.
Message 30 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Right on! Your complaints are similar to ones on the .com board about some sellers. With the same results at times. eBay calls it a level playing field. You have to wonder at times. I am not easily frustrated so tend to let it go and move on. Now if it were costing me money that would be a different story. My biggest peeve is the scam sellers that have come to eBay in droves. The last several monthss have been bad. eBay does a good job of catching most but the ones that get away cost all of us sellers. I have seen it in my profit margins. But I guess we just have to learn better ways to beat them at their own games. Then this will frustrate them and not us.
Message 31 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Very true firedept. A few months ago I found a seller selling bootleg copies of some of the VHS tapes I was selling. He was openly admitting it in his auction. I reported him and he was shutdown, but he restarted under a different id. He wasn't so open about what he was doing, but it was obvious so I reported that one and he was shut down. All in all, he restarted with around 4 or 5 id's, all shut down, and lots of shilling going on between these id's. I'm sure he's restarted under different id's but I moved on. You can usually see that something is up, if all of a sudden your items that you've been selling for MONTHS all of a sudden take a nose dive in price, or don't even sell. When that happens I tend to take a look at all of the auctions for the same item and often it tells a very interesting story.

I've never been a tattle tale but when it's costing me money on here, well, seems I've become one. LOL
Message 32 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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I didn't find out about this board until I got the email as I have a link to the US board in my favorites. I like both this one has one big advantage No FTD! 🙂 That one thing alone makes the board great.
Message 33 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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Ya, what is with that FTD??? There was a thread over on that board earlier tonight but it seems to have been pulled. There is no trace of it but he was on there. He hates Canadians for some reason. What a jerk that guy is!!!

So you weren't "forced" here like some of us? LOL It's a great board (a wee bit slow, but great people). I had the other set as mine, but for some reason, I was forwarded here. I wonder why some were and some weren't. Anyhow, WELCOME!!
Message 34 of 36
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Yes, but at least before the thread was pulled I had the satisfaction of calling him an idiot!

Yeah for the team RED & WHITE!

Oh Canada! Our home and native land...
Message 35 of 36
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PS Canada eh? Congratulations!

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pssst... wanna know a secret? Look under
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