PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread
Community Member
Hi All,

Please leave any suggestions and feedback you have regarding PayPal here.

Please note:

  • Customer Service inquiries will not be answered on this thread because the thread is for feedback and suggestions only.

  • Each post will not be responded to because there is not sufficient time to respond to do so. However, comments and suggestions placed on the thread will be read. All suggestions will be given consideration.

  • Off topic posts will be deleted.

  • Customer service inquiries that can be addressed in this forum will be moved to create a new thread.

The main purpose here is to get an idea of what buyers and sellers would like to see PayPal develop and how PayPal can improve to make things easier.

Best Regards,
Message 1 of 177
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176 REPLIES 176

PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
Well Amanda, you asked for it:

---------------Start of Contact US Rant------------------

PayPal's Contact Us features (or should I say PayPal's "Try to Contact Us If U Can" features) are a time-wasting eCrock. I am perfectly capable of clicking on a link to find out information. When I click Contact Us it is because either:
1. The information you posted is INSUFFICIENT
2. You either DIDN'T POST the information I needed, or
3. You posted the information in a place where NOBODY BUT THE WEB SITE DESIGNER WOULD EVER FIND IT

Clicking on Contact US, then being sent to a web page which forces you to select a topic, then a sub-topic, and then sends you right back to the INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION page you were just on does not cut it for me - SORRY!!

When I finally worm down through to an actual telephone number, I incur long distance charges to make you do what you should have done in the first place. I think you get sufficient funds, from both buyers and sellers, as evidenced by some of the feedback you have received here, to PROVIDE CLIENTS WITH A TOLLFREE NUMBER!

Thank you for reading
-----------------end of Contact US Rant------------------
Message 101 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Here is the 1800 number for paypal.... i suggest everyone who has a little concern call and express their feelings to this pathetic excuse for customer service. All I did was a google search in the past and thats the number I called.

Paypal doesn't give you this number to discourage you from calling therefore; everyone should share it and lets hear from ALL the people that paypal has exploited. 888-215-5506
888-221-1161 Cust. service
6a-12midnight (Central) 7 days/wk

Be careful because they will know your number even if you have call blocking and if they say they'll call you back.... GOOD LUCK, because they never did for me and were able to screen my calls and to this day have never been able to resolve the situation I had 6 months ago.

Paypal, you make me sick, and soon all these complaints will make you no more. enjoy it while you can.
Message 102 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
Well Amanda, you asked for it:

---------------Start of Dispute/Claim Rant---------------

First - I am not a disputer by nature. I ask the questions: how much for S&H, are there any hairline cracks? etc. However, do not even think about ripping me off!!

eBay and PayPal need a dispute resolution and claim system which works for both parties!

I have entered into 2 disputes. Both times the seller offered a partial refund, which I accepted. Then nothing! I contacted PayPal - bump them up to a claim. I then had to explain that I had clicked to escalate to claim and nothing happened. So the person bumped them up to a claim for me. DO NOT GIVE ME A LINK TO ESCALATE TO CLAIM if I then have to incur long distance charges to request that someone who works for PayPal escalate them to a claim for me. This is not the way a web site is supposed to work.

One claim was finalized when the seller actually refunded the money.

The other claim sits there like a bump on a log, indicating that it is under review, and that no further action is required from me. Well GOODY!! But I am willing to bet that it will continue to sit there like a bump on a log, until I incur long distance charges and request that someone who works for PayPAl actually review it and get nack to me. This was a simple dispute which the seller and I basically handled. I asked for a partial refund, and explained my reasoning, she offered the partial refund, and I accepted. WHAT IS THERE TO REVIEW WHICH WOULD TAKE OVER 2 WEEKS?

Get WITH IT!!! Electronic business works because it is FAST (except for the shipping). Someone advertises an item, I click, put in an amount, click again, and I've entered into a contract to buy at that price. Takes seconds! I get an electronic invoice, I click PayNow, make a couple of selections, click Pay. Poof! - I've bought it! Some time delay while it is shipped. I open it up - it's what I bid for, it's not broken. I click a link, click a choice, type a few woords, and Poof! there's some feedback for other potential buyers to see that this seller and I did a great transaction. Seller clicks a link, types a few words, and Poof! sellers can see that I am a "good" buyer.

But when something goes wrong, you need to provide MUCH BETTER service, to both buyer and seller. When a seller has already accepted that maybe they did wrong, and has offered a partial refund, what gives with having to wait, and wait, and waaaaiiiiit?

And from what I have read on this forum, BOTH PARTIES should be given ample opportunity to make their case clear, not receive some form in which they have to select a few responses. Maybe the choices on the response form don't suit the particular circumstances. Also, GET RID OF YOUR TOTALLY STUPID CHARACTER LIMIT!! I needed to copy and paste some text from the sellers description and from their emails. All I can say is good luck trying to make a case within a 1000 character limit if things get complicated.

---------------End of Dispute/Claim Rant---------------
Message 103 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
Well Amanda, you asked for it:

--------------Start of Spending Limit Rant--------------
Totally agree with other posts - give people a warning that they are approaching their spending limit - but no!!! this would give them choices. The choice not to bid, for example, if the only payment mehod was PayPal. This is sneaky, underhanded, manipulative, bad consumer relations, and just plain bad policy, and should be reported to the Better Business Bureau, or whatever consumer protection agency you have in your country. And no! - I don't want you having my banking information. There is absolutely no need for you to have it. I have a credit card, and used it quite well!
Practices like this will eventually lead to either PayPal changing it's policies, or PayPal disappearing as a way to do ebusiness! Why?? Because it's a competitive world out there, and someone else, with better customer relations and better policies, and better service will replace you.
The only thing PayPal has going for it is the PayPal Buyer Protection note on some auctions, and as more and more people realize it is little to no protection at all for small purchases, fewer and fewer people will rely on it. And from what I can tell on this thread, as more and more sellers realize that there are other business practices thay can use to protect themselves, the fewer will be the sellers who rely on it.

---------------End of Spending Limit Rant----------------
Message 104 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
To do_not_send_anything_by_ups_too_many_fees

Thanks for the numbers - will use, and help spread the word.

Luv your name, UPS to Canada is deadly!!
Message 105 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
Follow to cetl

Totally agree - I purchase discontinued china. By definition it is used. When I ask questions, I need to know more than is it still in one piece. And the information does not prevent me from bidding. I just want to know the condition so I will have an idea how much I am willing to bid. A teacup which had the handle broken off and glued back on is simply not worth as uch as you would be willing to pay for the same item which had not undergone repair. Crazing on china does not show in photgraphs - you have to ask, and an item with severe crazing is simply not worth as much.

Also, a description which offers savings on shipping and handling for mutltiple purchases, and the saving either don't materialize at all, or substantially don't materialize - what category??

Forcing potential buyers to send a 50 question email to sellers will slow eBay PayPal business to a halt. Buyers don't want to have to do that, and sellers are notorious for not answering all questions. You basically have to send 3 separate emails to ask 3 separate questions.

Then, if you have a problem, they want you to send the entire email, with the header information, and you have a 1000 character limit - get real!!
Message 106 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
Reply to pdq708

Don't be too put off!

Most of my transactions have been very smooth. Items properly described, properly packed, arrived safely, good communication with seller, etc. Payment was easy this way. One item I wanted, the seller only accepted money orders. It was a nuisance to have to go get it, and it added $5.00 to the total cost of the item to get the money order, plus postage. I would much rather use an electronic means for the convenience.

But both eBay and PayPal have to work on the mechanisms for when something goes wrong.
Message 107 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
What interesting information!! I have been thinking of selling some things on ebay and decided to do a little research before I begin. I'm glad I did. It has been very disheartening to read all of the horrible complaints. If I do choose to sell things on ebay, what would be the best method of payment to accept. I do NOT like what I am reading about paypal at all. If there is no good answer to this question, I'm thinking of making my own website to advertise my products. OR..... is there another site like ebay that has better payment options? I only wish I had the brains to start a company that is safe and secure for all. If I did, it sounds like I might be able to quit my day job. Thanks to all that reply.
Message 108 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

I think all methods are good providing you use as many available payment methods available to you.
This is not because they all have good rates but, if everyone was to provide the same options as I am suggesting, PayPal and everyone else would quickly fall in line and everyone would have more fierce competition to be the best. So far Paypal is the most popular and the most hated. You can get an actual merchant account and be able to process Credit Cards and such directly without paypal at all. At there is a method u can use. DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!!!!!!!!
Good luck!
Message 109 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
I think PayPal sucks and the seller protection plan is a sad joke.
They don't protect sellers and interested only in buyers continuing to pay through PayPal.
They reckon that sellers will have no other choice on eBay especially but use PayPal.

I referring to a case I had with a buyer that claimed that his package was lost. Initially it was my mistake not sending with a tracking #.
Usually I replace the missing items after 15 days if the shipment haven't arrived but this buyer started bugging me only after 5 days from the shipping date, further more in less than 2 weeks opened a dispute and only 1 day after escalated it to a claim. This was very strange behavior on his part. At that time I thought he's just being impatient and angry and he'll get he's refund at the end.
To my surprise I got 2 weeks after the claim was posted a blackmail e-mail demanding the products otherwise a negative feedback will be posted.
Needless to say that this demand was rejected immediately and as a result I got a negative feedback (the only one I got this far). I just didn't want this buyer to get the original package, the refund and the replacement.
I've presented this information to PayPal which was disregarded completely and they ruled in favor of the buyer although they had his e-mail that I've forwarded to them.

They didn't care about me as a seller being blackmailed and threatened and losing twice once the original package and second the refund that PayPal gave from my account.
Luckily I didn't gave up for the demand to ship the replacement thus didn't lose also the replacement.
Message 110 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member

It is very simple.....

ebay is a place where people come to sell items, because people come here to sell, people come here to buy.
Both ebay and paypal are one.
Instead of complaining of paypal's well known crappy business politics and their I don't give a crap - just give me all your money services, Don't use them!.
Post on your auctions the reason why you refuse to use them.
Of course it is convenient to have paypal on your listings, but that's ebays goal, to make you have to use them.
I remember one day when a company worked hard to earn your business.
Now with all the people that just bellyache instead of doing something about it, they don't have to.
Don't be a bellyacher, either cancel your paypal and except another pay method or leave e-bay and sell somewhere else.
Eventually and I can't believe ebay is so blind, Someone (maybe me) will open an aution service that will allow more than one company to manage payment methods.
They would also learn from ebays huge mistakes for security and poor business standards and then watch how many people switch.
ebay and paypal, Stop and listen!.
you are so worried about making money that you are loosing it.
Slow down, make some changes, the money will come.
Your percentage of happy versus unhappy is outstanding.
we are the people - your customers, your money.

Message 111 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Hopefully this will do some good?

I think that PayPal should STOP allowing Sellers to escalate a Disputes to a Claims when the Seller has no intension of Refunding.

I have encountered more then enough frustrated eBayer's messages to know that there is a FLAW in the process that lets the Seller get away with NOT refunding. In fact one eBayer indicated when the Seller escalated there is NO way for them (Buyer) to respond to the Claim.

Maybe your IT department NEEDS to look into this ASAP?

I am also certain they can search the records to see which Sellers are abusing the escalate button!

Of course, since fees are refunded too, maybe this isn't a top priority?

Message 112 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
Paypal should change their 20 day limit to claims.
I opened a dispute and beleived I had it resolved with the seller without escalating it to a claim. I waited for the item and the 20 days went by and no items. (Usually delivery time varies 2-3 weeks to my address from the US)
I could not reopen the dispute and escalate to a claim.

Thats a loophole for fraud.
Message 113 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
I can't print UPS shipping label. I raised a ticket 2 weeks ago and Paypal still can't resolve the problem. Now I still can't print UPS shipping label.
Message 114 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
well I see amada the other email bot is here.
Eric@paypal and are both useless . 2 channels for over 1 years and neither show they responded to any one This channel should be removed.
Message 115 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
Well so far it doesn't look like Amanda Eric bothers to read or address anything here.
1) problems I'm having aren't new and show no attempts at all to be fixed.
1) paypal is responsible for offering Canada post online shipping label but its clearly obvious they don't care of Seller protection at all.
2)They should fix it or remove light package as an option from there and regular surface mail
3) Because the buyer knows that light packages has no insurance(tracking,claim for lost or damage) never will show received or refused not guaranteed it will ever make it there.Its classified as letter mail.
3) surface post they know a Seller cannot even put in a claim till 70 days which the buyer receives there money back no problem because paypals useless police that I have no doubt that paypal knew all the types of shipping and take the time to study then before making a contract with Canada post . But yet knowingly they make it so a customer can file a claim after 45 days waiting (I have had both customers file the complaint before 30 days .
Paypal Buyer/Seller protection plan so far for me has been %100/%0
It make me sick and frustrated and irritated at the responses we get from the clueless people at the free phone number . There are only 2 of 5 people that knew what I said was right . Have proof that to Canadians is %100 useless.
I don't trust paypal any more now . If I started to see them agreeing its wrong but its the fact The answers i see on here for all this time being shunned off.
Not any hope at all
I really think we all need to goto the paper and see what a good journalist can do . maybe as more Seller get tired of it and they loose sellers offering paypay they might smarten up.
I do understand that the are probably in a binding contract with canada post and can't remove those 2 shipping service that a theft can use to their advantage . But I'm sure there is a way they can warn a Seller of the out come and the HIGH risk of using those 2 . If paypal care that is and Canada post
But why should either ? They get their fees ,no lose to them . unlessthey loose a Seller.
Message 116 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
imageelf you are wrong about that the buyer allways wins and the Seller allways gets screwed .
I esculated both of mine because the buyers were trying to screw me in refunding ALL there $ when 1 should only have been for the item and after numerous eamils they ignored th request for proof that canada post made a misrake and sent it to the wrong address. Allways trying to get me to pay for shipping again and sending it to another UNCONFIRMED UNVERIFIED address . Paypal gave them all the $ back . I had to fight hard to get back the shipping thats US Seller never have takin away . Ecen we canadain out on out pages that lost,stolen,REFUSED shipping will not be returned Paypal still did it . it wasn't till I pionted that out to the supervisor(after I fanally found the free number to call and was stuck with that automated email dispute crap center) neveragain will I use that other than to esculate it then talk to a real person. when i piont out how the Canadian Sell is screwed and the US seleer isn't then I got an apology that they made a mistake >:| . The seconf one he was right I should give up and just give him his money back because paypal would give it to hime. I faught to get it back too and won. But as you see in the last post it was the light package and how paypal/Canada post stink at protecting sellers . He knew that the light package had NO claims but he knew the flaw in paypal and STOLE the item and got all his money back .
Paypal doesn't care they get there fees and don't care if a biyer get screwed . Thats is really plane clear and abviuos Buyer/Seller protect buyer %100 Seller %0
Message 117 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

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fees and don't care if a biyer get screwed/fees and don't care if a Seller get screwed
Message 118 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
do i have to wait for money to get on my paypal account before i start bidding
Message 119 of 177
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PayPal Feedback and Suggestion Thread

Community Member
original poster:
joybell3 (182 ) View Listings | Report 25-03-06 09:34


This is something that bugs me. I read through a listing from top to bottom (which I always do before bidding), and only when I get to the bottom I see "PayPal Only". Why does the seller not put "paypal account required" under the bid button? Then I wouldn't have to read through the whole listing.

my thoughts


how can ebay have this feature in place and NOT force them to use it. i have 2 strikes which are TOTALLY unwarranted due to NOT knowing a UK seller was paypal only PRIOR to winning

i talked to her via email FOUR times, she NEVER mentioned paypal only, she does not use the blue restriction, she does not mention PAYPAL ONLY in the description and only AFTER i did the buy now did she say PAYPAL ONLY and i finally saw WAY at the bottom in some grey colour you can hardly see!!!!!!

i told her i only pay UK cash or postal order in UK funds which is FREE to cash. she REFUSED to budge and would NOT give me her address so i cannot pay her. absolutely ridiculous (because of course ebay has scared her into thinking all cash is stolen which is a lie)

and BEFORE you all jump all over me it is not illegal for me to send cash, it is just illegal for the seller to advertise they ACCEPT as a payment. cash goes out all the time. lots of stuff goes on all the time. i can usually tell a good seller but this one was a surprise. totally nuts.

and yet again as i like to say THE SELLER IS NEVER ON THE HOOK. i dont sell. and the seller does not ship til they are paid and happy. she actually ACCUSED me of running a scam. lol wtf. crazy. as if i would have time for that. for 2 cds. and a scam how?

i cannot even CLAIM for a REFUND when i use cash/money order and DONT get the goods or they arrive broken/damaged

unlike like the HUNDREDS of true SCAM artists - people who DO use paypal, lie and say they DONT receive the item when they DO as most items DO arrive, and get an instant refund from paypal and the seller is out the money. so in actual fact NON paypal buyers are a BETTER bet! but i get penalized?.... course paypal makes no money off my transactions and do everything in their power to do us in.

and that DOES happen we all know it (especially my seller friends he he). i expect this to be deleted. if you actually read it, consider yourself lucky he he.
Message 120 of 177
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