Paypal Exchange Rate

Where on the Paypal site can I find their current exchange rate? I've looked and looked ....
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
Hi Ann,

When you go to the "transfer funds to your bank account section" there is a link for "currency conversion" just click that and enter the amount and currency, it will tell you what the conversion is for the day.

Hope that helps 🙂


My mommy says i'm cool

Message 2 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Thanks, Momo - but I don't have a bank account tied to my Paypal account (I withdraw using my debit card).
The site will not let me get any further without setting up a bank account. Anywhere else I can find this?
Message 3 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
Try this url:

I just checked - it told me 1.312 factoring out their .50 fee

A bit low compared to the current rate @
Message 4 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
PayPal exchange rates are always the lowest one... You can check any bank or funds transfer company, they will always have better exchange rates thans paypal...

We must work with it...

Thats what we call monopoly!
Message 5 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
I personally am totally discusted with the exchange rate we get. We are being ripped off, literally. If they think we don't realize this.... I actually emailed Paypal to voice my concern about their poor exchange rate and was told it was a competitive rate. Yeah! ;>)
Message 6 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
Yes - The current rate is killing us! I long for a couple years back when we were getting 1.50+!
Message 7 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
It wasn't even that long ago. Last Xmas we were all getting 1.53 - 1.56

Hopefully George B. will turn his attention to the US economy soon and the USD will start to climb again.

But I not betting on it.


Message 8 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
I JUST saw on the news that they're predicting our dollar to come up to $.80. :o(
Message 9 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
1 year ago today - 1.5957!

I managed to get better than 1.4 on some money I moved today 😉
Message 10 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Great rate, acurael - I'm averaging about 1.31
Message 11 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
That problem is not that global exchange rate is getting lower and lowers... thats life and only economy can change that...

The problem is that paypal always give us the whorst echange rate... Just compare paypal exchange rate with any other rates (Banque National, TD, CIBC,, etc...) They all give better exchange rates than Paypal..

Here is an example: (accurate exchange rates at 9am EST on october 8th)

PayPal : 1.2984
RBC Royal Bank : 1.3131 : 1.3307
National Bank of Canada : 1.3313
TD Canada Trust : 1.3419


So why do we get those low echange rates from paypal when everybody else gives better rates???
Message 12 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member shows actual market rate

There's always a "pad" on selling and buying; selling should be lower than market and buying should be higher.

It's how banks make their money.

Speaking of which - a large Canadian bank would move way more currency than PayPal - so they no doubt would have a better rate to offer. PayPal could be gouging or they could just be offering the best deal that's available to them.

As you can see by the difference in rates, it would quickly pay to open up a USD account (TD waterhouse or the Royal's equivalent) and then withdraw from PayPal in USD. Then make the currency exchange with the bank @ the better rate.

Depending on your sales, it could be a difference of hundreds or even thousands of dollars!
Message 13 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
I know, and thats what I will do soon 🙂
Message 14 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

paypal exchange rates really suck .. we are lucky taht we live 40 minutes away of driving from US border and it was possible to open US bank account to transfer money from paypal to US account rather then to CAD account and lose MORE money.

we are from vancouver, bc, canada

Message 15 of 16
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Paypal Exchange Rate

Community Member
Want the best exchange rate ????go to the bank and take a cash advance on the mastercard at the teller . Then you get the credit card exchange rate not paypal's
Message 16 of 16
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