Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

Hi,  Has anyone else noticed when using Paypal Shipping for Light Packet USA today  that the new Canada Post prices are wrong?


The Canada Post website has the following prices for USA Light Packet  0-100gr $2.53,   101-250gr  $5.26    251-500gr  $8.46. 

Paypal  is charging  the following prices: 

0-100gr  $2.65   101-250gr  $5.53   251-500gr  $8.89


I contacted Paypal today but  I didn't get a clear answer as to when the pricing may be corrected.  Does anyone else know anything about this & if it will be fixed soon? 

Message 1 of 9
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Re: Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

GST is being charged which is correct for the first one but after $5.00 there should be no GST. The Canada Post prices DO NOT include GST. It looks like Paypal is correct on 1 but wrong on the last 2 unless there have been GST changes on postage.

Message 2 of 9
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Re: Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

I believe PayPal is correct and that the official Canada Post pricing document is wrong.

See this topic and look at posts 16

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

Thanks for the info.  It's amazing that Canada Post still has the wrong prices on its own website & now all the pamphlets they printed that they give out to customers have the wrong prices also.  What a mess!

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

Possibly there is another explanation...


Time will tell.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

Called Canada Post customer service and this price ($5.53) is indeed what is shown in the system. Had them do a rate estimate and it shows up with this in the system. They indicated that both the printed brochure and PDF are wrong and that they were working on correcting both of them. Thought the $0.09 increase was too good to be true since it went from $4.92 to $5.17 last year, so a jump to $5.53 is in line with the previous price changes.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

I just took a less than 100 gm to post office and 2.65 plus tax is the correct price for light packet USA.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

Not applicable

PayPal Shipping is usually a little higher than what Canada Post offers or was I being ding by PayPal Shipping for the wrong postage rates the whole time???


As for no GST, are you serious, I always have to pay for GST at the post office outlet, so what is difference if PayPal Shipping is charging GST?


Anyone correct me?


I would be totally shocked if PayPal Shipping is not supposed to charge GST, if it is true, then I would ask for the refund of all GST that I paid to PayPal Shipping all those 5 years!!

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Paypal Shipping over charging for Light Packet USA

They indicated that both the printed brochure and PDF are wrong and that they were working on correcting both of them.

If they have published the wrong price in both of those places, they should stand by that price for at least a few months imo.

Most businesses will honor the published price even if it is wrong...their mistake.

I don't have a hate on for CP like some seem to but really....this makes me mad!

I can only imagine how much time so people spent on changing their listings to reflect what they "thought" were the new prices.

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