Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

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Maybe if we ALL say how much we need PS mugs, how jealous of the US Powersellers we are, how our work is hindered by not having them...maybe if we ALL band together....

We're serious!!


*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

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Now you CAN get one, but for a price! LOL
Message 21 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

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You need to know the secret handshake and must be able to decipher the password with your secret decoder ring before you will get the treasured eBay PS'er coffee mug.

Lord love a duck... King Arthur had an easier quest for the Holy Grail!


Message 22 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!
Community Member
Hey there,

I wonder if someone can explain to me why it is that Canadians always assume they don't get something because we are deemed insignificant by the world at large? No one considers Canadians lesser in this organization. And that certainly includes the Canadian team. 😄

The Canadian program just got off the ground in September after months and months of technical issues. We were just so excited to offer it we ran out the door while we were still getting ink to paper on some deals we want to offer you.

Honnestly, it is not that we don't want to send you mugs, it is rather that we have not got to that item on the list yet. We are trying really hard to get up to the speed of the US program right out of the gates but they have been around for about 3 years!!!

It is not because we don't love you guys - we are working really hard in many different directions to get you guys a fantastic Power Sellers program.

eBay Community
Message 23 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
The difference between us Canadians and the Americans is we bitsh and do nothing about it and they bitsh and get something for it.

Besides if we couldnt poke and have a little fun we would be as bland as people say we Canadians are.

The coffeee mug issue has provided us PSers with a avenue to have vent some frustrations and have a little fun after dealing with some of the nut cases we get as customers on a daily basis. There is really nothing serious intended.

I hope that once we receive our coffee mugs that eBay will give us some further opportunities to have some fun with.

You gotta admit, that envelope thing with the coffee was pretty darn funny, right?


Message 24 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
I'll try to explain it Moira...

See, most of the PS'ers here see the US PS'ers with shirts, mugs, etc. and wonder aloud "Why not us?"

Plain and simple, if we as of equal value to eBay as a company, and we must be because we certainly don't pay any less in fees than our US counterparts, why did it require the establishment of a CDN PS program to recognize our import to the company?

Is there a concern about shipping a PS mug across international borders? Why doesn't .com ship up 30 cases of mugs fro redistribution? Is it really that big a deal to get mugs out to CDN PS'ers?

It's not that I can't live without a mug... it is the perception that we are not treated on an equal basis. And unfortunately, for most, perception is a reality.

Please reread what you wrote in post #22. To what extent would my customers be prepared to accept the rational that you are using. "Sorry Mr. Customer, I've had lots of technical issues so your shipment was delayed several weeks. I was just so excited about getting your item out the door that I didn't package it the way I would have liked but I will in the near future."

Moira, we have to deal with customer issues with the way we conduct our businesses all day long. It is nice to see someone from eBay come to the board and attempt to deal with eBay's customer issues for a change. :<)




Message 25 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
By the way Moira... how'd you get the PowerSeller logo next to your ID? lol


Message 26 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!
Community Member
I love the taped mug! In fact I think you should send one (COD of course) to Darla! She'd laugh her head off.

Bill, you are not second class. On the contrary, you are top class! I was just trying to point out the "Please pardon our appearance as we renovate" sign on our Canadian PowerSeller window. We are working on improvements and I will ask for your patience while we work on many different priorities.


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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!
Community Member
I have to be 'PowerSeller' to see the board. I should turn it off though... rather like false advertising....

Message 28 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
I was actually thinking of posting an eBay auction for a complete set of four of those mugs! I'm sure they would go for an extrodinarily high price considering the demand for eBay coffee mugs.

Tape?... what tape? :>)


Message 29 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
We could BUY the mugs, but we can't get to the eBay-O-Rama PS section anymore!!!! So, even tho they WILL ship to Canada, we can't see the merchandise to order it!!

I kinda feel like I'm chasing my tail here.

It would be kind if someone would post a direct link to the POWERSELLER section of eBayORama....

....pretty please??

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 30 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
It's not so much the mugs, for me . It's getting the Canadian Powersellers package and truthfully . It was very poorly done , whomever on the Ebay staff printed the certificate . That EBay staff member needs a cuff in the back of the head . Sorry it's just really bothers me , I love the EBay staff. But someone at EBay really thinks that little of use as Powersellers to send us second rate product . 90% of us received Powersellers Certificates that were smuched , this is not a good representation of EBay to Canadian Powersellers.
Message 31 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
I'm still trying to figure out how it is that can give mugs away, when eBay can't!?? DH and I attended a book show here in Victoria over a year ago, and there was a table full of mugs, free for all attendees. We now have two " / the ultimate bookmark" mugs and we don't even list with them, but no eBay mugs! Go figure!!


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Message 32 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member

Point well raised.


We should not be 3 years behind the US. They have the PS program down pat in the US so it should be simple to implement it here. Though I do understand you & the team are working hard, and kudos to you.

Message 33 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
Hey!!! Don't forget me!!! I want one too! 🙂
Message 34 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
Hi everyone!
I think the problem is way beyond mugs (although I strongly agree that we deserve the same things as US Powersellers). I really appreciate that eBay has given us the shipping discounts from CanadaPost but for a seller as myself (bronze tier), a 7% discount is really insignificant for the method of which eBay now wants us to pay for shipping!!
All I am trying to say is that it seems that eBay does not care half as much about Canadian PS as they do US PS.
I would love to receive the mug as it would show me that eBay is not neglecting us has purposely made this new Canadian Powerseller Program so that we do not benefit the same way US PS do.

Warm Wishes,
Message 35 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
Hi Daniel,

I think you'll find that most of us would like the mug and some of the perks that the US PSers seem to get, but I for one, feel that this board with all of it's nice, friendly people (no backbiters!) makes coming here much more pleasant than the .com site. I still list on .com, I still check out the boards on .com (when I have time), and I haven't had to contact support so I don't have personal knowledge about the length of time or level of service. I do know I see a lot of complaints on .com too, so maybe that difference is only perceived?

If you check through some of the previous posts, you'll see that Moira is working on catching us up!

By the way, welcome to the Cdn board!


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Message 36 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
Thanks so much for you kind words muminlaw!
I do agree that the Cdn. board is a MUCH better place to discuss things. As for Moira, she seems to be doing an outstanding job! (Way to GO!!)
Without any disrespect to the work Moira is doing, I feel that two board managers that are looking after things for us is really too little. I would suggest that eBay devotes a few more people to the Canadian PowerSellers. Just last week I sent an e-mail to the Canadian PS team asking if I could purchase more of those Thank-You cards I rec'd in the Kit and my question went to the US PS suppot. They told me that Cdn. PS Support failed to reply to them about my request! (It had been 11 (!) days since my e-mail to them when I rec'd the reply.
All I'm trying to say is there is a definite need for improvement. Not to mention that the lack of thought, by making this switch so close to the holiday season!

Thanks again!
- souranial
Message 37 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

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Treasure-pot, high five ! :))
Message 38 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
A little off topic, a few weeks back there was discussion about Paypal t-shirts.... while I went ahead and contacted the gentleman named, he emailed me back for my size, and today arriving at my house was a beautiful white T-shirt that I will wear proudly to bed.....

Whoever gave me the name thanks.... and thanks to Paypal for sending.....what a great day!

Message 39 of 53
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Petition for PS mugs - sign up HERE!

Community Member
How did you rate such attention?

I also emailed that guy a couple of weeks ago and havent heard or received anything.

Boy you must have some real pull somewhere.

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