Problem when pay by Instant transfer

Community Member

In recent months, whenever I bought any item from, I tried to pay by Paypal's "Instant Transfer",  it always stated that they experience difficulties and cannot do that; and told me to do a lot of clearing up in my computer. I have done according to their instruction but still never success. I tried to do it in several different computers in different locations, but still the same. But if I take Paypal's  "Pay After Deliver", it went through immediately and smoothly.


But for some items, for personal reason, I need to use "Instant transfer" rather than "pay after delivery", and Paypal won't let me do that. So some items I have to buy from other online stores instead of


Any other buyer have the same problem? Please advise if you can solve this problem.


Thank you.


Message 1 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

Do you have a current and valid credit card linked to your PayPal account?

Message 2 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

Yes, I have, but I do not want to pay by credit card, as this incur more expenses.

Message 3 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

Following is the message I received every time I tried to pay by "Instant Transfer":



We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.

For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or deleting cookies.

Message 3005

Des difficultés temporaires nous empêchent d'effectuer cette opération. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement. Si cette erreur est survenue lors d'un paiement, évitez tout paiement en double en vérifiant l'Aperçu du compte avant de renouveler l'opération.

Dans certains navigateurs, ce problème peut être résolu en vidant ses cookies.

Message 3005

Siamo spiacenti: il servizio è temporaneamente sospeso a causa di problemi tecnici. Ti preghiamo di riprovare più tardi. Se questo errore si è verificato durante l'esecuzione di un pagamento, ti suggeriamo di accedere al tuo conto e controllarne le Attività recenti nella pagina di Informazioni generali prima di ripetere l'operazione, onde evitare l'invio di un doppio pagamento.

Per alcuni browser, questo problema può essere risolto rimuovendo / cancellando i cookies.

Messaggio 3005

Leider haben wir zurzeit ein technisches Problem. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Sollte diese Meldung während einer Zahlung erscheinen, überprüfen Sie bitte zunächst Ihre Kontoübersicht, um doppelte Zahlungen zu vermeiden.

Für bestimmte Web-Browser kann dieses Problem durch das Löschen von Cookies behoben werden.

Meldung 3005

Lo sentimos, en este momento tenemos problemas. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde. Si este error ha ocurrido mientras realizaba un pago, evite pagos duplicados comprobando la descripción general de su cuenta antes de volver a realizar dicho pago.

Para ciertos navegadores, este problema puede resolverse removiendo las cookies.

Mensaje 3005


对于一些浏览器,您可以清除或删除 cookie就可以解决此问题。

消息 3005

Helaas ondervinden wij op dit moment problemen. Probeer het later opnieuw. Als deze fout is opgetreden tijdens het uitvoeren van een betaling, dient u te voorkomen dat u tweemaal betaalt door uw Rekeningoverzicht te controleren voordat u de betaling opnieuw verzendt.

Bij bepaalde browsers kan dit probleem worden verholpen door cookies te wissen/verwijderen.

Bericht 3005

Przepraszamy, wystąpiły przejściowe problemy. Spróbuj ponownie później. Jeśli błąd wystąpił podczas dokonywania płatności, sprawdź najpierw swój opis konta, aby uniknąć duplikowania operacji.

Dla niektórych przeglądarek ten problem może być rozwiązany przez wyczyszczenie/usuwanie plików cookie.

Komunikat 3005



メッセージ 3005

Message 4 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

Instant transfer isn't.


Especially since Paypal is an American firm working with an American bank within the American banking system.

When you pay from your bank account, you are effectively paying with an e-cheque.

That e-cheque has to clear your bank go to Paypal's American bank and then to your seller's bank.

This can take up to 10 days.

The only thing that is 'instant' is that PP takes the payment out of your bank account immediately.


When you pay with a credit card, the payment really does go through immediately, because there is rarely any need for concern that the money does not exist. Your credit rating takes care of that.


There is a third possibility. You can keep money in your PP account and pay for purchases immediately from that balance. PP does not pay interest on these balances.


I am confused by your statement.I do not want to pay by credit card, as this incur more expenses.

If you pay off your credit card every month before the due date, you will not pay interest. What other expenses would there be?

Message 5 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

My situation:  

I am in Canada. In the past years, I only used PP's INSTANT TRANSFER, PP will withdraw C$ from my bank account immediately, and then they convert it to US$. Extra costs will only be PP's exchange rate and fee. There is no extra fee or charge from my bank. If I paid by credit card, my credit card will also charge me 2.9% fee on top of PP's charge.


In the past years, I always paid eBay items by using PP's INSTANT TRANSFER. All the time, this works very well. From mid last year, PP starts giving me the above message and won't allow me to use INSTANT TRANSFER. I must use their PAY AFTER DELIVERY, or I cannot buy things.


Now many items I have to buy from some Chinese online sites which I am not comfortable with, but have no choice, unless PP resumes to accept my INSTANT TRANSFER.

Message 6 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

Have you contacted PayPal directly to ask them about this?  Their toll-free number is easily found on their website. The few times I have called, their Customer service representatives were very helpful.

Message 7 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

As maggie suggested,it would be a good idea to phone Paypal and ask them about it.


But just so you know....if you use a credit card to pay, you will be charged the exchange fee by them but not by Paypal. You can't be charged twice as the money is only exchanged once.

Message 8 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

I think Paypal will charge me in C$, not US$, not matter from my bank account, or from my credit card. So Paypal can full control on what exchange rate they prefer, and also charge me a fee.

Message 9 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer

I think you are misunderstanding how the system works.


To get "instant" payment, you must have one of two things:


1) money in your account to cover the payment


2) a link to a valid credit card


You cannot get "instant" payment to your seller without one or the other.  It is that simple.


As far as conversion from US$ to Cdn$ is concerned, as a buyer, it is pretty simple.  The US$ amount is converted to Cdn$ and charged to your credit card.  The conversion rate used by PayPal includes a conversion fee of about 2.5% which is more or less equivalent to what most bank credit cards charge.  PayPal does not charge an additional fee to convert currency.  Their fee (2.5%) is included in the converted amount.


Now, some Canadian buyers may elect to use a US$ denominated credit card to pay for their purchases.  That can be arranged with PayPal.  There is not much to gain unless you have incoming funds in US$ to pay your monthly credit card statements.

Message 10 of 11
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Re: Problem when pay by Instant transfer



FYI, today, I tried to pay the item with my linked/registered credit card. Ended up the same. Paypal still refused my payment with credit card.


Paypal seems tried to forced buyers to use their "Pay after Delivery". For what reason? Who know. I have cancelled this order, and bought the same item from Amazon.

Message 11 of 11
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