Problem with maximum shipping fee in media category

It seems that ebay has started today (tonight?) to implement their new maximum fee for postage (media category) on their US site.
While I do want to comply and I have been following ebay's new regulations, I wanted to list a box set of two LPs tonight and ebay's system refused, saying that it was over the maximum for shipping.
While 1LP maximum postage fee is 4.00$, it does say that 2 to 10 lps is 10.00$, so I setup my database to work that way. Does that mean that any item in the media category has to have a maximum of 4.00$ shipping fee to be accepted on the US site?
I also have a 25 boxset LPs (with a 25 pages booklet) that I was planning to offer soon, does that mean that I cannot charge more than 4.00$ to send it?? There has to be a solution to this kind of problems...

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Problem with maximum shipping fee in media category

There has to be a solution to this kind of problems...

Listing on .ca is the simplest solution.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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Problem with maximum shipping fee in media category

Community Member
The simplest solution was for eBay not to tinker with everybody's business model in the first place!

Nobody is here selling on eBay just out of the goodness of their heart.....we're here to make $, and eBay continues to make it harder for sellers to even make a fair buck, especially for media sellers (myself included).

rosin*felt*music - you're far from alone, eBay created a disaster for itself and everybody's suffering as a result, eBay too.
Message 3 of 7
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Problem with maximum shipping fee in media category

Listing on .ca is the simplest solution.

It is a bit like shoveling the problem in front of you. Ebay Canada plan to implement the same policy somewhere next year.
Still, let say I have an LP lot of 5000 records, does that mean that I cannot charge more than 4.00$ for shipping??
Is there someone fom ebay that can answer that?

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Problem with maximum shipping fee in media category

eBay Canada may or may not introduce shipping caps but if they do they will a) be using Canada Post rates to set the caps and b) like on .com the shipping caps won't apply to cross-border transactions.

You have 5,000 lp's, I have over 50,000 and I'm NOT worried.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 5 of 7
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Problem with maximum shipping fee in media category

Community Member
My question
How the heck do we sell ..and ship a Game to the United States for $4. Do I stick Stamps on it and pray it arrives ??
Small Packet is $7.30
Message 6 of 7
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Problem with maximum shipping fee in media category

PLEASE read the various announcements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shipping caps only apply to DOMESTIC US sales for items LISTED on .com

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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