Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

It seems there are a few of us on eBay who love quilts - make quilts - collect quilts - live and breath and talk quilts.....so here is a thread for any who do.

This will be a place to discuss, show off, ask questions and/or answer them.

Please remember though - eBay's policies do not allow for self promotion/advertising our auctions.

Sooooo - :-x who's first to confess they have more fabric than their friends or husband think they really need? Besides me, that is.
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Community Member
I am so glad that there is another quilting thread! Here is my bear paw that I am working on while the winds are blowing and the snow swirling about.

I have finished 24 of the 48 and there is sashing to go between. Have to wait til all blocks are done to decide on the setting.
Message 61 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Community Member
those are all beautiful..my problem,after making one for my daughter i kept starting new quilts..lol.i had 5 going at once and just got frustrated and gave up....
Message 62 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Suzann I love the old fashioned look of the fabrics and the secondary pattern it makes without sashings. It's already a beauty, can't wait to see it finished. Will you be sending it to the machine quilter you found last year? I'd be tempted to make another bed quilt if I could find a machine quilter with reasonable prices close by.

Fae - if you have unfinished objects (U.F.O.'s)- try pulling one out and finishing it - we would love to see pictures of your work in progress.
Message 63 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

And fae - if you don't feel like making full size quilts from your unfinished projects, try turning them into smaller lap quilts, wall quilts or even quilted tote bags or placemats....some days smaller projects get finished before bigger ones, at least for me.
Message 64 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

When I get my new scanner, I'm going to take you guys up on that offer to look for that blue fabric for me.
Message 65 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Glory - if you have a little scrap piece you could mail to me, I'll keep it in my wallet and check every fabric store I'm in --- now and then I do that - stop by a fabric/quilt store. 🐵
Message 66 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Community Member
Aha! Life! I thought you guys had all up and died on me..thread shock or something! LOL Anybody finding time to sew? I'm in withdrawllllllllll!

Home of World's Largest Dinosaur and Sunflowers
Message 67 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

RE: Fuzzy Hearts

Can you guys tell me how to make those? They are BEAUTIFUL!

I love quilting too! I have made many quilts for family. I have never followed a traditional pattern though. I have either made 2" sqrs, 3" sqrs, or one ctype called crazy log cabin (my fav.) I also don't use batting. I use fleece on the back of my quilt. I sew my squares together on muslin....

Message 68 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Hi Amanda - I was wondering that myself - they are so pretty and unusual. Fleece on the back...now that also sounds unusual and very, very cozy.

Welcome to eBay and this quilting thread Amanda - feel free to ask any questions, offer any suggestions or tips and post as many pictures of your quilty stuff as you want. We are all addicted to fabric here 🐵
Message 69 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

I am just lerning how to post pics, havent quite got the hang of it yet! but i would love to show ya!
Message 70 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Community Member
Jazznut and Amanda...fuzzy hearts are very easy. Do you want the recipe for just the hearts or for the whole wall hanging?

Home of World's Largest Dinosaur and Sunflowers
Message 71 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Won some fabulous fabric from a CDN seller last week and it arrived yesterday. A Northcott Seascape full of small fishes and seahorses etc. - couldn't wait to stack n whack 'em and have 6 blocks finished already..they'll need corner triangles of course and sashings/borders etc. but does it ever kaleidoscope nicely. 🐵

This is a pic of the original fabric.
Message 72 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Just beautiful, Lydia
Are you going to sell any of these?
Message 73 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

The instructions/recipe for the hearts would be nice.

I wanted to show you what our quilt group did last yaer.
We put a fat quarter in a can or pizza box and it got passed around to 10 people. Each of them did a block and put it in the can.
The owner didn'r get to see it until all the blocks were done.
Everyone else could see the new block every month but the owner had to cover her eyes and not peek.

Message 74 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

As you can see, it will be quite a challenge to make a quilt with all the different size blocks.
Message 75 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Is that what's left of the fat quarter Gloria? What an interesting and fun idea. With the right placement - sashings - borders etc. it will look lovely.

I still use that large fleece tacked to my sewing room wall as a design wall (the back of a vinyl tablecloth with fleece backing is great too)- nice to arrange, re-arrange, walk away, come back and do it all over again. Eventually what you have on the wall starts to come together in a way that pleases your sense the most.

I love making them Gloria - the blocks and fans - but may just list them someday. I have 16 of that design above in the cranes fabric - 4 dozen of the jungle animals fans, 2 dozen of the surfing frogs fans and right now I have 8 of those fish blocks...I can't see using them for myself because I prefer putting my minis on the wall and I already have so many on them now.

I sinks I is hooked. 🐵
Message 76 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

That's all that's left of the fat quarter. It was fun to see what everyone did every month. One lady made all the tiny blocks for every, so it would be a real challenge.
When I got her fat quarter I made a log cabin block that was only 3 inces.
Message 77 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Community Member
Jazz - I love the fishes best of all. I'm a sucker for that type of print anyway but never seem to know what do do with it - I do now!!

That looks like a fabulous quilt guilt project gloria - I'm gonna suggest it to the ladies here!

Fuzzy hearts patterns - no problem - soon as I figure out technical difficulties!!

Home of World's Largest Dinosaur and Sunflowers
Message 78 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

Well this is the new arrangement after I made 4 more blocks - and four of them were almost duplicates because of the position on the fabric and the cuts so I arranged them in a way that looks pretty to me with the other 4 different ones down the middle.

I have a wee bit over 2 yards left of this and may make more but I'm torn between keeping them (though they don't go with my decor at all) or listing them somewhere down the road.

This stack n whack is fast becoming very addictive...and I like it. The fabulous CDN seller I bought the fabric from is now hooked and wants to buy another bolt of it (I won her last 3 yards) and make a quilt for herself. 🐵
Message 79 of 105
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Re: Quilts You Make - or Collect - or Wish You Made or Collected :o)

If stacknwhack is addictive, I'd better not start. I have enough addictions. LOL
Just going through my patterns looking for a portable hand piecing project to take with me.
Message 80 of 105
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