Recent Feedback Changes

I am writing this post as I and my employees are severely concerned about the new feedback system changes.

Here is a brief summary of our past. We have been on eBay since June 6th, 2004. We have maintained 100% positive feedback with ZERO negatives for almost four years. We try our absolute best in order to uphold high customer satisfaction, whether it is a first time customer or long time repeat customer. We go out of our way in order for people to be happy with us even if that means us taking a loss.

It is ridiculous to think that a neutral should do damage to overall feedback; along with having to maintain 98% positive feedback in order to keep power seller status. The majority of our neutrals are because of impatient customers who do not know how to wait for their packages to be delivered.

I think eBay is being completely unfair with the entire feedback system and should revise the changes in order to benefit the seller not only the buyer.
Does anyone know if eBay will actually keep these ridiculous feedback policies or what will result ultimately? If anyone has suggestions people post your thoughts as I am sure there are many of us!
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Recent Feedback Changes

"people post your thoughts "

If I may (since you asked).

"We have maintained 100% positive feedback"

That is correct. However, many of the neutral feedbacks you received have a rather negative tone: basically, those buyers were NOT totally satisfied with the transaction. And that is the point of eBay changing the percentage calculation.

The good news is the calculation is based on the last twelve months only. As sellers improve their operations to generate more customer satisfaction, the feedback percentage will go up.

"my employees are severely concerned "

They should be, as you should be, because, based on your DSRs, your customers do not indicate a perception of above average service:

Detailed Seller Ratings for hitmen-liquidators
Criteria Rating Rating tier Number of ratings
Item as described 4.7 Middle 50% 382
Communication 4.7 Middle 50% 382
Shipping time 4.6 Middle 50% 380
Shipping and handling charges 4.4 Bottom 10-25% 381

"I think eBay is being completely unfair with the entire feedback system and should revise the changes in order to benefit the seller not only the buyer. "

Benefit the seller?

That can only be done, on the long term, if buyers come back to eBay with confidence they will find satisfaction. That will benefit all hard working, honest, sellers providing a superior service. It will also force those who have not to improve their operations.

PS - I suggest you change your message in feedback you give your buyers. The rules do NOT allow you to advertise your website URL. .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 2 of 6
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Recent Feedback Changes

Community Member

Pierre is right about advertising your store within the feedback that you leave for others.

You may also want to remove the url for your store that appears within your listings as it looks like the url takes a buyer outside of eBay. Just a suggestion.

Message 3 of 6
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Recent Feedback Changes

Maybe ebay should put a rule for the buyer to contact a seller before leaving neg feedback
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Recent Feedback Changes

Community Member
Actually, the only sellers that need to worry are the ones that sell items for over $10.00 and are bulky that need boxes and go through customs.

I guess from the look of it only pierrelebel & momoftwingles2 and their ilk will be the only ones left here. Any seller, selling any items of any value eventually will no longer be a Power Seller.

Afterall, what deadhead will complain about a 1.95 stamp & a sticker sent in a envelop for a buck. ]:) No offence guys, but you can't compair your situation with others. It's like comparing an apple to a star fruit. Yes, they are both fruit, but....

At least with my end of things, I get to keep all the high end womens clothing. So for putting up with some crappy customer, I get a whole bedroom converted to a closet with items that most women buyers on eBay would drool over - which will never be put up on eBay.

Sellers & bidders seem to forget - eBay is still only an online auction house no matter how much they try to dress up that sows ear. I have never been at an auction where a bidder can say oh geez, I no longer want this or I found something cheaper down the road , or hey, it's a bit bigger than I thought, but no, I never measured anything, once that gavel went down.

Sellers should be as truthful as they can when putting up an item - the bidder should abide by bidding rules unless the item was grossly misrepresented. No more, no less.
Message 5 of 6
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Recent Feedback Changes

Well said the stuff I sell and the stamps etc are sun and moon both in the sky but Whoa!
I called E-bay to explain to me if a neutral is not the same as a -ve how I can go from 100% Sunday to 97.8% Monday with still having not yet received a -ve. My Power seller sttus is in Jepordy with 0 -ves and yet I still receieve an invoice for around $1000 per month and yet my practices have yet to change. Make no sense. She coached me a bit with a little pep talk she said "she had confidence I would bring my .2% back up and nothing will change." If I am dropping now at a rate of 2.2% in 3 days with no negatives how are we supposed to make up anything.
Well guess maybe I should play it safe and sell Stamps????
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