Requesting Invoice For Different Address

Recently I've been getting an error message when I request an invoice for a different shipping address.


I want sellers who sell to Canada to send an invoice for my home Canadian address. I've tried changing the primary shipping address from U.S. to Canada and  that didn't work.


I only get as far as requesting an invoice and I get this message...


Sorry, we could not complete your request at this time.


I've called ebay about the problem and they said that it's not just Canadian ebayers having this problem but other countries other than U.S.


Has anyone else had this problem? The way it is right now is if I buy something from a Canadian, I have to ask them to try to manually send a new invoice because they can't change the address on their end. A couple of people have asked me to pay with the U.S. shipping invoice address but they would then ship it to my home address.


Same thing happens for sellers outside of Canada.


Very Frustrating.



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Re: Requesting Invoice For Different Address

If your Paypal account is US based you can only have US addresses on it.

If your Paypal account is Canada based you can only have Canadian addresses on it.


So you need a separate PP account for purchases you want shipped to Canada, backed by a Canadian bank account and a Canadian credit card.

Message 2 of 7
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Re: Requesting Invoice For Different Address

Thanks. But just wondering why I was able to take care of multiple transactions for more than 2.5 years with this never being a problem?

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Requesting Invoice For Different Address

Community Member
Yes! This is driving me nuts. I convince a seller to ship to me in Canada and then I can't complete payment and checkout. The advice on the customer support pages and from the eBay telephone support people is to go directly through Paypal. When I try to communicate this to the seller eBay stops the message because it appears we are trying to transact outside of eBay. They say they are working on it, but I don't believe it.
Message 4 of 7
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Re: Requesting Invoice For Different Address

Femmefan is mostly right; it is about which eBay site you are checking out in though, not the PayPal account. I just had a long talk with eBay helpline and here's what I discovered:
A little background: I live in Canada, but if your primary shipping address in your account is Canadian, eBay won't show any search results where the seller has not included Canada on their shipping area, or even allow you to contact those sellers to ask them to reconsider. For that reason I use a relative's U.S. Address as my primary shipping address. I can see all search results from and most of the sellers I contact have no problem with shipping to Canada. Most of them don't consider Canada to be "international".
When I get an invoice for purchases, therefore, it states shipping and handling for the U.S. I select my Canadian address from the drop down menu (which I had previously added as an alternative in my account). If the seller has included international shipping options they will now pop up, and I select one of them and pay. If they haven't (and they rarely do), there is a prompt to change the address back or to request a new total from the seller. I select the latter option, a new window appears with a field to make the request, I click Send and the seller sends a new invoice with shipping for Canada. I pay. Ta da!
Nowadays the request doesn't work from, as this thread shows. It DOES work, however, when I check out on Try that.
Message 5 of 7
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Re: Requesting Invoice For Different Address

Hi, old thread, but still very relevant today!

For the search result to appear one place or another or depending on your primary address.  I have discovered this since long, I had to figure it all out, and being a collector, missing some unique or almost unique items can be a "collector disaster" !  Back then I reached someone in development over there and someone called me to understand more.  Yes, they have a "worldwide" option, but it does not work "perfectly" let's say.  There are still items you won't see.

(I have noted lot of eBay "weird behavior" or things I would consider bad design or not user-friendly... I don't want to only complain, but as an heavy eBay user lot of things has wasted me lot of time and energy and with some people, even created problems; part of eBay but part of them too...).

The best solution I had so far is to have multiple accounts, among those having at least one with my Canadian address as default, and at least one with my U.S. address as default.  But for doing search, I would have to run each search twice if I really wanted to make sure I miss nothing, but as someone else said there, usually Canadian ship to US no problem, but it is mostly US sellers that refuse to sell to Canada.  But you will be surprised with the amount of Canadian who have no clue that half of their auction does not appear for their US customers... good for me as a bidder to fight with less person, but still they potentially lose some important business...

Also, lot of Canadian sellers does not even know that their default setting only list their items for people identified as "Canadian" let's say.  They lose business (and eBay too).  The same with U.S. seller you can't even contact through "normal mean" to ask them if they can do an exception (back then, I do not remember someone who refused to me to do that, maybe there was, but they were probably very few, and yes, I did buy a lot 10+ years ago too).  Those sellers are losing business and eBay too (I did not invest in the stock, but if I was and if I was more "impulsive", I guess that would shock me; why would they want to block such thing... and do not tell me some people do not want to be disturbed for non-potential client... I repeat, it is rare I found a US person not wanting to do an exception, especially if you have a good record).  Anyway there are other mean to contact the seller, just not "via an item".  Normal user will just give up.  Less business (being open-minded, I really wonder if it is more beneficial overall, but I seriously doubt, I actually think the amount of $ sellers and eBay lose for these kind of decisions is very high).  And do not get me going on them hiding everything, including in feedback...

Next, I am not agreeing with what femmefan said about US or Canada account can only have alternative address in the same country.

First, they let you enter address in other country.  It is just their software by design that does not take it under consideration (I would blame big project, or lazy designer/developer, etc. -- eh)  and it might actually be a challenge now to modify every part to consider all addresses you have, but that is how it should be (that is the *right* answer, and we do exists!  Lot of us are heavy traders too).

Second, I have done that since long long time ago.  eBay or not, in real life it just makes sense to be able to have multiple addresses (why would you limit that?  Maybe laws, but such laws would be questionable, like a lot of laws, ah!).

Third... well even actually as I talk, for some seller it works and for some it does not and the actual error message we get when it does not work when requesting an invoice for an address in another country is this if we hit an error:

The seller does not offer combined shipping discounts
The seller has disallowed combined payments and shipping discounts. Please proceed to checkout to complete your purchase.

I have assumed that it had to do with settings of the seller. I did not check what it was yet (if someone know already, just share, it will be useful for others). However, it is ridiculous as the amount of time I have encounter a seller who really does not combine is like very rare on thousands of transactions (I remember one actually). And even if you request an invoice, they can still calculate the shipping without combining in their price... And again, lot of sellers never done anything intentionally to block combining or whatever, it seems to be there by default and it is a surprise for them (I won't put such settings as "default", if it is the case, for the reason I just gave). I assume this because it works for some and not for others (what I says is by using an account with a primary US address, but alternative Canadian addresses from

Also, my comments are valid for both PayPal and eBay (as femmefan seem to talk about PayPal by re-reading).  I have actually confirmed address in both countries in the same PayPal account.  So that is a wrong assumptions.  And that is how it should be as those case are possible and not really more complicated than having multiple address in same country.  Actually, from a software developer point of view, adding an additional rule that would verify that the address is in the same country as the main address let's say; it would complicate the software more (and make it less flexible, so I would call this a lose-lose decision).

Having wrote all this and inspiring myself of some of your comments, I tried to log with my "US Account" (I do not like to say this as for me, an address is just one attribute that can change overtime and you can have multiple, change the default one, etc. so for me an eBay account is an eBay account; it should be that way ideally for everywhere, simple, predictable, flexible, etc.) I THINK I HAVE FOUND A SIMPLE WORK AROUND (until someone has thre great idea to "fix it"... maybe I should not say it, but voilà):

1. Go to and signin with your account w/ default address as US.
2. Go to the item you want to change address, and go pay to get to the full invoice (you can go to the invoice directly by other means).
3. Change your address to one of your Canadian ones (we all have 300 address here as we are all criminals, be on your guard US sellers! :D)
4. Request the invoice
5. Bingo, it works (at least, it just worked for me on two cases that were the reason I finally got mad enough and came here... I wanted to call eBay, but they are closed at this time).

I got a bit lucky, and it always impress me how eBay has so much different version and run different version of their site on different country (with very different interface, and rules like we see here). They probably have their reason, always easier from outside (or maybe it should just be easier? More flexible? Etc. ;-)...)

Well, hope I saved some hairs to someone who'll dare to read my long comment! 😉 [auto-derision does not hurt, but does not go on and over-believe someone who joke about it, and blah blah blah... eh]  Maybe someone will read this at eBay and get something to change when he will be mad enough to do it. 😉 [we use to do things we postpone when we are mad enough about them].


Message 6 of 7
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Re: Requesting Invoice For Different Address

A comment on the first part of your post. It isn't necessary to have different primary addresses in order to see different items in search, you just need to change your shipping location at the top right of the page while you are searching. Obviously if someone won't ship to Canada then you would need a U.S. address but to just do the search part, it isn't necessary.


The seller does not offer combined shipping discounts
The seller has disallowed combined payments and shipping discounts. Please proceed to checkout to complete your purchase.


I believe that has something to do with a glitch in the U.S. cart as some buyers are telling some U.S. sellers that they are seeing that message even though the seller does have combined shipping set up. I'm not sure why or when it specifically happens though.

Message 7 of 7
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