03-18-2016 02:59 PM
Hello Canadian sellers,
This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.
03-24-2016 11:02 AM
@al_sgarage001 wrote:
HELLO EBAY! Great job! Thanks for making me loose thousands of dollars by switching to Canadian dollars, and for the great headache this has caused this morning when I read this message. I was about to list items into my store but instead I am trying to figure out how I am going to deal with this and trying to make updates with the turbo lister. Hope it will not screw up like it did in the past.. Great news for all Canadian sellers business! We made choices in the past to sell in USD. 335 million people in the STATES and Only 35 million in Canada. 90% of my sales are in the United States alone. The other part around the world. You must cancel this stupid decision now!
Hi al_sgarage001,
Sorry that our news upset you yesterday. It is, however, a misconception that US buyers would refuse to buy items that are listed in a foreign currency. We have real life data that shows very clearly that US buyers are not only okay with it, they totally embrace it. This goes for buyers in other countries as well. I hope you try it out on a few items and see for yourself.
03-24-2016 11:09 AM
@rufis1966 wrote:
Everything you are saying here is a joke, we are your sellers and buyers, you are wrong..and what is this "MARKET PLACE DATA" are they selling on Ebay.ca??? Because they are WRONG! there is only one reason Ebay is doing this..To make money on Exchange rates ....however...Ebay.ca will die over this.
This is only to benefit Ebay ..not the people who sell here...
Hi there rufis1966,
The data referred to by Rodney is actual data from all Canadian eBay sellers, including yours. I appreciate that you may not believe us, but it's true: we clearly see better sell-through rates from Canadian sellers who list in CAD when we compare them to Canadian sellers who list in USD, and this is true for all of their sales, not just to Canadian buyers.
Also, we can't make any money on exchange rates. eBay isn't in the FX business.
03-24-2016 11:12 AM
@foretra wrote:
Just so I'm clear... my account is on ebay.ca will I be able to convert all my USD listings to ebay.com and continue to list in .com ? I though that .ca users couldn't list in .com
Can you please clarify?
Hello spin.golfer,
You can use your eBay.ca account to list on any eBay site. No need to create a new account to list on eBay.com, no need to create a new store there either - what you have now is adequate for listing and selling on any eBay site in the world.
The migration tool coming on May 2 will be very helpful for you to move your listings to eBay.com in bulk, as there are no "native" ways to do that easily. Keep checking this page as we will update it with a lot more details on how to use the tool when we get closer to the launch date:
03-24-2016 11:13 AM
03-24-2016 11:15 AM
@nanaimoonline wrote:
Where is a guide for Canadians to sell on eBay.com ?
How is the shipping calculation supposed to be different from eBay.ca ?
We need guides for this!
Hi nanaimoonline,
If your inventory (the place you ship your items from) is located outside of the United States, then you can't use calculated shipping when you list on eBay.com. In this case you're probably better to list on eBay.ca, in CAD.
03-24-2016 11:18 AM
You make it sound great that Ebay is building a tool to convert all our Us currency listings to Cad$
Are they also creating a gadget that will adjust the prices daily to compensate for the exchange rates?
As the majority of items are valued in Us$ this will become a huge burden on sellers to constantly change asking prices on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, etc... Stores will become useless with this amount of extra work.
I can see Ebay.ca becoming a quick sale auction site again, and stores going to other venues.
03-24-2016 11:22 AM
@gr88stuff wrote:
This will be disastrous for Canadian sellers and for eBay Canada.
You are forcing us to post on eBay.com from now on, until you change that rule too and force us to list only on eBay Canada in CAD currency by which point I will stop using ebay entirely after selling here since 1997.
Fire the person (or committee) who came up with this insane, ill thought, stupid, reckless, blind, dumb, crazy, unbelievable, disastrous, and suicidal new rule.
I am also with other posters who think that all posts from China should be in Yuans, Mexico posts in Pesos, South Africa posts in Rand and Israel posts in Sheckels; fair is fair.
Hello gr88stuff,
No one is forcing you to list on eBay.com. We are merely aligning eBay.ca with every other eBay site in the world by removing the option to list in a foreign currency on a Canadian site. Sellers who list on eBay.cn can only list in Yuan, and can only list in GBP on eBay.co.uk, only in AUD on eBay.com.au, in Euros on eBay.de, eBay.fr, eBay.it, etc.
03-24-2016 11:27 AM
When you sent out the first notice and suggested that we sell in CAD, I got angry then, so don't lie to me and say that this marketplace data is based on MY INFORMATION...I don't know who writes your answers to people but Im not buying this. The only Reason Ebay is making this change is because Ebay is going to profit from it. however, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX THE SHOPPING CART FOR EBAY.CA?????????
I can't sell Multiple Items when anyone uses it they get knocked out of everything and then after spending all that time looking for things they walk away.
its been YEARS!!! Fix it or get rid of it..
But Instead of fixing that which has cause me to lose sales, now you are going to force us to sell in CAD so we can lose money again...Being able to sell in USD keeps my shipping Low because of the exchange rate. SO now I would have to jack up all my shipping, Jack up all my prices simply because I buy my supplies in USD and you are forcing me to sell my handmade items in CAD???? My Business is finished on Ebay when this happens.
03-24-2016 11:39 AM
I'm sorry that the eBay.ca Staff have made a decision without giving us, the Canadian eBay sellers, a chance to offer our opinions or supports to this proposal. Oh,wait a minute, there is no proposal since the decision already has been made.
The reason that I'm against this dropping of the USD price listings is that most of my buyers are from the United States. Of course, I have sold my products to Canadian and European buyers in the past.
But here isn't enough Canadian buyers for my products. And the European buyers have complained about the high costs of postal delivery from Canada to Europe. So there are a lot of American buyers who are quite happy with the postal deliveries from Canada to USA.
You have to remember that the Americans have a very strong sense of pride in their American dollars. If they see a price listed in USD dollars, they can compare the prices of our Canadian products against anything they have in United States. If they don't see the USD prices, they will think those foreign currencies will work against them. After all, their American banks do charge a fee for handling foreign currencies. So why not PayPal? That's why we can't afford the lose the American buyers!
I will list my products in Canadian prices if I have to. But, if the Americans are smart, then they will wait until the Canadian dollar will drop so low that they will buy our products for less than it is worth in Canadian dollars. So I will keep increasing my Canadian prices to keep my losses to a minimum.
Thank you very much for your less than appreciated help in improving our eBay Canadian businesses. Cheers!
03-24-2016 11:53 AM
Please do not change the currency framework of the .CA website. We have other software that integrates with our Ebay store and this change will make for a huge amount of unnecessary work.
Remember, somebody before you created the ebay.ca website with 2 currencies for a reason. Try to understand what the reason is before you trash the existing site. Making this change will sabotage our business and also the business of other Canadian Sellers.
Honestly, I would rather pay an extra fee to list in USD, rather then switch to CAD or list on .com.
03-24-2016 12:04 PM
03-24-2016 12:12 PM
I post very little on the community boards as I am just way to busy fulfilling orders and trying to run my online shop.
However, I've been fuming over this toppic for the past few days and feel it's time to throw in my 2 cents worth. So,if eBay determined that this is "better" why not let sellers decide on their own if they want to go down the Cdn $ path on their own volition. Over the past 15 plus years my EBay fees have amounted to well over a quarter million US$ and I certainly was not part of any focus group. This is a mess.
I seen a post where Rodney recommended not putting shipping details in product description. I sell cheap music CD's, LP's & DVD's which more than often result in multiple purchases. I am also a buyer for my own enjoyment (I have bought thousands and thousands of items so I know of which I speak) and I will tell you that I want to know in advance if there is a "deal" for buying multiple items. That will often dictate who I buy from. All that said, I have religiously had shipping details as part of my descriptions from day one.
So my dilemma is, do I pull all of my listings down to fix this and convert to CDN? Or do I implement on the fly (kind of like trying to fix a car while it is moving).
The easy solution is to flip over to ebay.com. But, that is not an option. The categories that I sell in allow for "fixed" shipping and handling fees which are about half of what it really costs to ship (don't get me going about "free shipping" - there really is no such thing).
At 5,000 plus listings and at least 10 minutes each to pull down for repair, this is a 50,000 minute job (that is 833 hours of just fixing what I have listed - with none of the other 40,000 unlisted units in my office getting added!). A bulk "fix" tool won't work, because every description needs to be changed to get rid of existing shipping info. Like I said before this is a mess!!!
Search algorithms, can't leave abusive buyers feedback, Canada Post raising rates like drunken politicians and now this one... Really EBay - you need to stick this genie back in the bottle, let the buyers decide with their wallets and let us run our shops as if we know what we are doing.
03-24-2016 12:12 PM
Why does eBay recommend that Canadian sellers offering combined shipping discounts list on eBay.com?
When you offer combined shipping discounts across multiple listings, the discount is applied in the eBay shopping cart after buyers add two or more of your listings to their carts. While the shopping cart on eBay.ca supports listings in any currency, from any eBay site, the shopping cart on eBay.com only supports listings created on eBay.com.
When you list on eBay.ca, buyers on eBay.com can purchase your listings individually using Buy It Now, but they can’t add them to their eBay.com shopping cart. As a result, the shipping discount for purchasing multiple items is not applied.
When you list on eBay.com, buyers can add your listings to their shopping carts on either eBay.com or eBay.ca, and shipping
discounts are applied correctly.
Once the shopping cart on eBay.com has been upgraded to the more advanced version in use on eBay.ca, combined shipping discounts will no longer need to be a factor in selection of your listing site.
When is the .com cart going to be upgraded??? I want a solid answer, enough of this BS. All this time, effort, and resources to change currencies. TAKE , TAKE, TAKE, ebay never gives anymore. Almost 30% off my profits line ebays greedy pockets and we still don't have universal shopping cart.
I list parts and accessories so your data suggests I list on .com. How the hell do you expect me to go through almost 5000 listings that have huge weight and dimensions differences. Guess that`s my problem right? But no one is forcing me to do anything right?
It`s been hard enough to keep our heads above water the past couple of years, now this.
A universal shopping cart MIGHT gives us a fighting chance. So get on it and get it over with all ready. Stop screwing around.
03-24-2016 12:15 PM
When I check your listing on both eBay.ca and eBay.com and using a USA mailing address (I typically use ZIP 90210), i see the correct information on both sites
03-24-2016 12:18 PM
First of all, your listings builder should allow us to input a USD sale price value in the listing editor only, convert it at daily rate to CAD. Displaying it in CAD on the listing for buyers, paid in CAD by the buyer. The listing should have a variable price every day depending on daily exchange rate. I mean it's already there. The daily conversion is showing up as of right now, just hide the USD price and use the CAD for the transaction end of the discussion.
This way it would not affect sellers and price would be always at the correct CAD value helping sellers to protect the margins they want on their sales if they buy their stock in USD.
03-24-2016 12:29 PM
"input a USD sale price value in the listing..., paid in CAD by the buyer.
That is a major hurdle.
Payment made through PayPal is automatically debited to the buyer in the currency of the listing. That system works for ALL eBay sites around the world.
Since eBay no longer owns and control PayPal, I frankly see no way to force PayPal to convert the currency for Canadian buyers using a conversion factor not negatively affecting the buyer (meaning the conversion fee will be paid by the seller).
It may appear to be a great concept but it is not workable on eBay with its 20 international sites using different local currencies.
03-24-2016 12:43 PM
I guess my question is how will my Top rated seller (TRS) status and discounts work on eBay.com?
I read that to be TRS status and discount on eBay.com is much harder then it is to receive the global TRS ( i.e 14 day return and 1 day processing, tracking, etc.)
So does that mean when my item listed on eBay.com sells, I won't be eligible for the 20% discount final value fee because I'm not a TRS status in USA?
03-24-2016 12:48 PM
@funfunlego1 wrote:I guess my question is how will my Top rated seller (TRS) status and discounts work on eBay.com?
I read that to be TRS status and discount on eBay.com is much harder then it is to receive the global TRS ( i.e 14 day return and 1 day processing, tracking, etc.)
So does that mean when my item listed on eBay.com sells, I won't be eligible for the 20% discount final value fee because I'm not a TRS status in USA?
You can qualify for FVF discounts under the global TRS requirements, you just wont get the boost in best match search results that you would if you followed the US TRS requirements.
03-24-2016 12:59 PM
I have called into the ebay.ca support desk about the shopping cart problems repeatedly. "We have turned it over to our technical team" is what I have been told most times (along with a variety of other stupid responses). This has been on going for years. You need to hire some new people for your technical team. The current team has NOT mastered DOS 1.0 yet.
03-24-2016 01:05 PM