Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.

Message 1 of 1,448
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1,447 REPLIES 1,447

Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@m.rbell wrote:

So I can "migrate" my items to and continue to list in USD?  And thanks for turning me into an economic migrant.


How can I ship from Canada if I do this?

Listing on is similar to listing on There are a number of generic "from outside the USA" shipping services available. Pick the one that suits you best.


If you use the eBay migration tool when it is available in May, it will map your shipping services for you.


I'm not sure what you mean by economic migrant. eBay in North America is one big inventory pool, and you can list into and buy from it on either or

Message 681 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

"Part of the rationale for this change is to simplify eBay's global selling code base. Adding Canadian calculated shipping to the site would create almost as much complexity as what we are removing with this change in the first place. "


I understand that.


Why is offering shipping method from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan on their listing form?


Would it really be that hard to also include Canada? (with or without a calculator)

Message 682 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@hlmacdon wrote:

@canadiangemstamps wrote:



2. I'm pretty sure that selling on constitutes doing business in the US for purposes of the IRS. Given that my business is incorporated, I do not want the complication of having to prepare both US and Canadian tax filings. 


This is an important consideration that would merit some clarification by ebay.

There is no truth to this.


Let me be as clear as I can on this point. There are no income tax implications of the choice of listing site you use when you sell on eBay.


So long as your business is registered in Canada, you need to report the income you earn on eBay on your tax return in Canada. That is true even if you list exclusively on our Polish site and sell only to buyers in Italy... whatever. The feds in Canada don't care what the domain name is on the web platform you earned your money. They just want their share of it regardless.


Now, as soon as you start thinking about having actual operations inside the United States and not just export sales to the United States, you should seek professional tax advice.


But there are no income tax implications for listing on eBay that are different between or 



Message 683 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

dcis8676 wrote:
I'll be closing my account as soon as possible. I sell NFL card's which all go to the US, they do not want to buy from me in Canadian dollars. So basically this destroyed my business.



Before you go out of business, try listing on or try listing in CAD on

Message 684 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@nanaimoonline wrote:

Is that true ? I'd never take returns or refunds on anything no money to be made

No, it's not.

Message 685 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@billybee99 wrote:

So if my auctions are changed from USD to CDN, does that mean that an auction listed at $100 USD now becomes an auction listed at $100 CDN, because that would be a $30 difference at the current exchange. Is this "new tool" going to the allow the seller to easily adjust the price to reflect the exchange difference, so that, for example, I can easily change a $100 USD auction to $130 CDN?

Yes. And it does it in bulk. You get to enter the rate of your choice. We pull in the daily foreign exchange rate to help you.

Message 686 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@canadiangemstamps wrote:

One other thing that I believe E-bay management really needs to re-think at the highest levels is: who it's customer is and what the relationship is to sellers. 


The end customer who buys the product we are selling is NOT e-bay's customer. No amount of amending the user agreement with sellers and no amount of insistence by e-bay employees will make it so. Your customers are US - the sellers. We pay monthly fees to sell on here. It is US that you should be concerned about. In turn it is our job to worry about what the buyers want, not yours. There is no way that you could possibly know more about what the buyers want than your sellers do. Whomever came up with the idea the company should treat the end buyer as the customer and sellers as quasi-employees with no benefits or guaranteed income, in my mind is probably someone with an MBA, who has only ever worked for large companies and never actually run a business themselves. 


The end buyer is our customer period. 


We are not your employees. Please stop treating us as such. 

There is one significant way we can know more than our sellers with respect to aggregate buyer behavior - we can see all the transactions. Not just yours. Not just a few. All of them. We can observe trends and changes in behavior that even the largest of sellers doesn't have the data to see. Our sellers have expertise on their own businesses, but not necessarily on the platform as a whole.

Message 687 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@nanaimoonline wrote:

Is this "new tool" going to the allow the seller to easily adjust the price to reflect the exchange difference, so that, for example, I can easily change a $100 USD auction to $130 CDN?


Good point

Yes, that's exactly what it does.

Message 688 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@nanaimoonline wrote:

also charge an extra $10 to the shipping quote to cover ebay/paypal fees

You have to set your own prices. The tool will convert your shipping prices.

Message 689 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@billybee99 wrote:

It's interesting, I've been selling on ebay for years and I could swear that there was always a message at the top of the the "sell your item" page that stated that items listed in US dollars sold, on average, for 17% or 18% (I don't know the exact number) higher than items listed in Canadian dollars. Is this still the case ebay? Why would I want to sell in a currency that is going to produce 17-18% less in sales.

That's from outdated data.

Message 690 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@mjwl2006 wrote:

No, I'm the only one suicidal enough to come here and self-identify as such in front of the we-love-usd-execution squad. 


Much appreciated. 🙂



Message 691 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@roblinsgarage wrote:

Can Canadians charge HST to Canadians if they list on

Yes. First, so long as your sales tax table has been set up on, it will apply tax to your listings when the buyer's address is in a taxable Province or Territory according to your tax table entries.

Message 692 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@sheepgal54 wrote:

No kidding. If we are forced to move to they better fix the shipping from paypal!!  I for one will stay on .ca for a time and change all my listings to CAD allowing for the exchange rate. Unfortunately I will be forced to list at 10 day intervals due to the fluctuating dollar. It will be much harder to stay with Ebay, so I will be moving to other venues I am sure.


One question, will we be able to have listing on both .ca and .com with the same Ebay ID? and will both show up on seller manager?

Yes and yes. You don't need a new ID to list on


I believe you will see all your listings in selling manager but you can only revise .com listings on .com and .ca listings on .ca.

Message 693 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@Anonymous wrote:

@west-island-electronics wrote:

That exchange is my profit margin. With the exchange I was able to offer free shipping on all my items,and monthly sales,  in turn ebay making a larger profit off my fees. 


I don't know why EBAY makes these decisions for us, it should be the sellers right to sell their products in which ever currency they want.


All this causes is a lot of price changing, and ALOT of time to alter all my listings, and less exposure. 


Don't see the benefits at all, all I see is a pile of work, and work I will not be compensated for.


We just got threw this whole defect system, just when Ebay was taking a turn for once in the sellers favour, they spring this on us. 


Very disappointing as a Canadian seller. 



Hi beaconsfield-electronics


I hope I can help a bit by clarifying two things.


1. You get exactly the same exposure to US buyers whether you list on, or on eBay.,com, and whether you list in USD or CAD. search treats items listed on just like items listed on eBay,com, so long as there is shipping on the listing for US buyers.


2. A few sellers have talked about the need to change prices all the time. And I suppose if you're determined to hit a specific price in US dollars that is true. But if you are trying to hit a specific price in US dollars, you should list in US dollars on

Another way to look at it is that when you list in CAD you are in control, whereas when you list in USD you are living with foreign exchange risk to your margin and/or competitiveness.


Suppose you list long tail inventory in CAD for $75, and you have an $18 profit margin on the item. Now, on any day when the US dollar rises against the loonie, my price goes down for US buyers on that day. I didn't have to edit anything. Or if the opposite happens and there is a big climb in the Canadian dollar, instead of having to increase prices to protect my margin, I'm still collecting $18 Canadian on each and every sale. You would still need to revise your listings if, say, you decided you could live with less than $18 profit to compete with sellers competing with the same item at CAD$70, But the difference is that your prices are adjusting in USD automatically to maintain your margin when you list in CAD. You get to make conscious decisions about your margin instead of reacting after the fact.


I disagree with 1.  We do NOT get the same exposure (a quick search of your items can show you what is and isn't getting the same exposure as either US or CHINA listings)


As for 2, many who sell collectables WILL need to constantly change prices if listing in CAD due to most being assessed in USD.  So yes, if you want to get FAIR MARKET VALUE for many things you will need to keep up with changing prices (and possibly ticking off potential buyers who see your prices go like a yo-yo)


you have more control when you (we sellers) list in USD, like when the CAD dollar tanks again (which it hopefully will not).  If you are listing for 10 dollars USD and are going to do CAD then today it might be 12 dollars, tomorrow you may need to change it ti 13 or 14 dollars.  That is not control, that is CRAZINESS.

Message 694 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@sheepgal54 wrote:

But consider the Canadian shopper that sees you are Canadian and then sees how much more they have to pay compared to the US buyers. I expect to lose some Canadian sales for sure. I think I will put a blurb in the description for canadians to find me on .ca and give them a bit of a discount. Now at least I won't be dinged for duplicates


Our data shows you can attract more Canadian sales by listing in CAD.

Message 695 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@trilliumhouse wrote:

I realize that your decision is a done deal so why ask for our comments/discussions at this point in time????  I have been selling from Canada on Ebay since 1999 with over 6000 sales and  Ebay has stated many times in writing to me that selling in US funds was better than selling in Canadian funds and you convinced me that this was true.  Now you are writing that no this was not true (you were lying to me) and that selling in Canadian funds is the better way to increase sales.  Total absolute bull **bleep**.  Its obvious that you wish to increase your profits by padding the exchange rates to your favor.  Right?  I am so disappointed with Ebay right now that I too, like the others sellers, would move to a competitor asap but then you would just buy them out like you did for Kijiji etc.  

We didn't buy Kijiji, we built them from scratch. I watched it happen.


We aren't here to see if impacted sellers think this is a good idea. We are here to try to answer questions about how to manage the change.


Message 696 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@Anonymous wrote:

@dcis8676 wrote:
I'll be closing my account as soon as possible. I sell NFL card's which all go to the US, they do not want to buy from me in Canadian dollars. So basically this destroyed my business.



Before you go out of business, try listing on or try listing in CAD on

Did you read where he said they DON"T want to buy in CAD?  So why would he try listing in it if his customers are not interested?

Message 697 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@sheepgal54 wrote:

For the record, eBay Canada is the only eBay site in the world to ever have offered the possibility to list in more than the local currency.



not true What about all the china listings in multiple currencies on .com?

I'm not sure what listings you are talking about. When you see listings from China on, they are in US dollars because they were listed on .com. They have to do this because if you list on the eBay China site or the Hong Kong site you do list in Chinese currency, and your items will never surface on or

Message 698 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@sheepgal54 wrote:

I am wondering if this is a move to get the Chinese sellers off .ca that sell in multiple currencies with duplicate listings but only change titles?

That was in no way part of our consideration set in making this change.

Message 699 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

@martmaduke wrote:

Canada = 35 Million Buyers
USA = 320 Millions


I am in Canada and shop in USD. It's simply more convenient for everyone and it keeps the prices rounded.

Rounded doesn't seem to matter to buyers on eBay as much as lower. Rounded pricing works well in a retail environment, but in a competitive search on a multi-seller marketplace, being a couple pennies lower than the other guy is more important than whether your price ends in .95 or .00 or whatever. If someone else is cheaper at .37, then buyers will buy. It's not like you need to dig around for pennies when you pay electronically. (They still have pennies in the US).  

Message 700 of 1,448
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