Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.

Message 1 of 1,448
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1,447 REPLIES 1,447

Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I should also mention that your team has perhaps overlooked the basic fact that Canada exists in a somewhat unique global economic situation. We do not have the unified currency zone that allows for fluid trade in Europe. Despite recent rebalancing, we do not have the severely devalued currency that China benefits from. Nevertheless we are extremely export dependent and are still the United State's second largest trading partner. For this reason having a common trading currency between our two great trading nations MATTERS. It's our equivalent of the Euro Zone. Having access to that common USD currency facilitates trade, it facilitates sales for ebay sellers, and finally, whether you choose to recognize it or not, it facilitates profits for Ebay.

Message 241 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

If we move all our listings to using the new tool in May, will we ever be able to move our listings back to in the future if we chose? Or will that be a final choice and force our listings to remain on for good?
Message 242 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

That tiny fraction I think is people like us. Not the large sellers like foreign seller IE. China etc. We or I should say our sales are not as important as those ones. 

Message 243 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Totally agree with this comment.  If eBay is forcing us to list in Canadian currency then the fees must also be in CAD.  Additionally, as someone mentioned earlier are other foreign sites now being forced to list in their own currency.  Somehow I doubt it.  Many years ago the eBay motto was to have a fair and equitable marketplace.  What happened?  This move is truly absurd.  As a former employee I am biting my tongue not to say more!

Message 244 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I can sell my items on but some categories such as "Coins & paper money > Bullion" are not allowed for non-us members! How can you fix it?


eBay is treating Canadians as low class members. What happen to eBucks? Sorry, not for Canadians anymore! I think eBay wants us to use instead of eBay.


Never get good news from eBay, only bad news or fee increase notifications!


If you think it is hard to manage, why don't you merge to It is much easier.


Message 245 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Another Mine Field put in place to make Selling on EBay as difficult as possible !!!!  I can only believe that EBay somehow collects more money in the  process on Currency Exchange Fees !!!!  Just about every little change somehow usually benefits EBAY in Fees. First it makes buying US Products for Canada out of reach by Charging Huge Delivery Costs on Small USA Purchases such as a $ 2.00 Stamp Purchase that costs about $ 12.95 US or more,  under their new postage rules - Go Figure. Does Ebay Canada ever act in the best interest of Canada  ????? This new policy will only limit Canadian Sales to the USA, which is out largest Customer.

Message 246 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@mindbender3 wrote:

...  If eBay is forcing us to list in Canadian currency then the fees must also be in CAD.

 Additionally, as someone mentioned earlier are other foreign sites now being forced to list in their own currency.  Somehow I doubt it.  ...


My listings in CA$ have the fees charged in CA$ -- the listings in US$ are charged in US$ (and converted since for my account billing I choose to use CA$ when invoiced).


As for the other eBay sites, sellers have always had to list in the "local" currency of each site they list on.





Message 247 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Many of US have our primary currency set up as US dollars in Paypal.  Many of us even have US bank accounts.  We have done this to avoid currency exchange commissions because we have lots of US buyers.  So now, when a US buyer Pays in US dollars, those dollars will get converted to Canadian Dollars.  Who is going to Pay the currency commission that Paypal charges?  The buyer or the seller? 

Message 248 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@amazingidea wrote:

If you think it is hard to manage, why don't you merge to It is much easier.


What an amazingly stupid suggestion.

Message 249 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@albionike wrote:

Many of US have our primary currency set up as US dollars in Paypal.  Many of us even have US bank accounts.  We have done this to avoid currency exchange commissions because we have lots of US buyers.  So now, when a US buyer Pays in US dollars, those dollars will get converted to Canadian Dollars.  Who is going to Pay the currency commission that Paypal charges?  The buyer or the seller? 

Then add Canadian currency to your paypal account. I have mine set up to use 4 currencies (of the 20+ available)


As for conversion. Your buyer purchases in whatever currency you have the item listed in. You as seller do not know what currency the buyer used to pay because paypal converts (if needed) to the currency of your listing.  So you as seller never see (or are charged) conversion costs, just the usual PayPal fees on the sale.


And a buyer never sees the conversion cost as a separate fee because it's buried in the PayPal exchange rate.




Message 250 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I , like most of the people commenting here cannot believe that Ebay would do this.

Usa sales probably constitute most of my sales


I like many sellers here am very surprised to hear about the "focus" groups on this, Ebay come on, there arent that many canadian sellers , why wasnt a email sent out advising us asking for input -why? because its easier to do it , say youve done it with a select few that are more easily "managed " in the response you want for your business , than it is to ask properly and not get the response you want ..... cynical yes, and even more so when I saw the very flippant response from from a ebay rep to one seller that basically there were so many canadian sellers and they had missed him...... that illustrates just how bad 

Support for canadian sellers on Ebay is not good anyway.


we are subject to a postal service that charges more than our Usa sellers so Ebay , we have to compete with that , with I am sure most sellers making less money just to do so- Ebay response to help that ------Nothing .

Ebay wont even offer us multi tab listings for variations of the same listing as they do for other countries to save money

I could go on here


I have been selling in this name and others for 12-15 years plus and   I WISH there was a alternative to ebay.

How do I migrate all my listings to ebay .com ie when selling manager only appears in ebay .ca ???

Message 251 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Community Member

With this move should go away. Just use .com and forget it. So much for Canadian content. By the way sales are flagging anyway even in US because eBay policies are also sending buyers away. I have noticed a slowing flow of interest in items that generally would have been snapped up years ago. Very few views, watchers are rare and sales below 1%. I sell vintage out of production items that be bought on the open market. I will be looking at a personal website to show my stuff and save paying eBay anything. Only a matter of time. eBay has lost touch with the market. They should revert all policy back to what it was when I joined in 2000. Bye bye eBay.

those in charge of eBay will not listen and force their decisions. Remember it is a company and what to,suppliers or customers matter?

Message 252 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

This Crazy Everything I Buy Is In Us Now I Sell In Canadian Everybody Will Scratch There Head To Figure Out What There Paying. eBay Sales Will Fall Off Sharply. Think When The Change Comes Maybe Time To Close The Store. What A Disaster! 

Message 253 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I am very disappointed to hear this decision. I believe it will have a disastrous effect on listings moved to Canada and the US are technically separate countries, but the reality is that Canadians consume products and culture from both interchangeably, if not more US products entirely. Americans do not. It pains me to say it but the Canadian market is more of an annex of the US market than an entity of its own. Separating the two does not make sense in this increasingly porous global market.

I am curious about the focus group of Canadian sellers who you say experienced more success selling in cdn currency. What were their products? What was the reason for this? Why is there such a discrepancy between these results and the experience the rest of us sellers have had, that of plunging views and sales when listing in cdn?

A lot of your Canadian sellers depend on the income they generate from selling on ebay. This decision will seriously jeopardize that livelihood. I implore you to reconsider and allow us the choice of currency ourselves.
Message 254 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Unless is shutting down, they should take a look at why Canadians sellers have NOT switched to Canadian Currency. Forcing this Currency on us, will mean more money out of our pockets for conversion rates. Are they anticipating the Canadian dollar to skyrocket above the American dollar? That is the only scenario that might make sense to me.

Message 255 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

And by the way, when are you going to reinstate traffic reports?? We've been waiting on your "new solution" on that for over a year now.

Message 256 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Totally agree. Couldn't have said it better......

Message 257 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I'm sick of ebay implementing these BS rules to Canadian's, first was the "DUTIES AND TAXES AT CHECKOUT",  now this, if I want to list an item in USD then I am going to, it should be my choice, not ebay. If ebay implement this new rule I will have to find another auction provider. To many rules and it's too expensive for Canadian's

Message 258 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Most US customers don`t understand CDN$ and want to see US$ listings. This will cut my sales in half or worse. US Ebay doesn`t recognize the high postage rates needed to send from Canada. It has limits on postage amounts.  So we can`t just start selling there.   Cancel this idea or lose many sellers.

Message 259 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

If you ask me, the shopping cart was the only TRUE problem.... All they had to do was fix that. They want us to do all this work and they STILL will not have the cart fixed in time! Such work for nothing! just fix the cart problem, and the rest would have all fallen into place..
Message 260 of 1,448
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