Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.

Message 1 of 1,448
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1,447 REPLIES 1,447

Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Community Member

Another stupid move by ebay. It seems you guys do everything to make things worse for users. It will only diminish my sales which means it will diminish ebay fees payable. So why do something so stupid and antagonistic to sellers? As usual, no explanation given... If you can reverse your decision, please do so.


M. Levesque

Message 281 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Where is a guide for Canadians to sell on ?

How is the shipping calculation supposed to be different from ?


We need guides for this!

Message 282 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

This will be disastrous for Canadian sellers and for eBay Canada.

You are forcing us to post on from now on, until you change that rule too and force us to list only on eBay Canada in CAD currency by which point I will stop using ebay entirely after selling here since 1997.

Fire the person (or committee) who came up with this insane, ill thought, stupid, reckless, blind, dumb, crazy, unbelievable, disastrous, and suicidal new rule.

I am also with other posters who think that all posts from China should be in Yuans, Mexico posts in Pesos, South Africa posts in Rand and Israel posts in Sheckels; fair is fair.

Message 283 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Community Member

This is not the venue to try to fight this. All we will receive from people like Rodney and Raphael is lip-service. Contact your local CBC branch or other news media outlets if you want to make some noise. Everyone here should sign the petition.


To avoid hegemony we must collectively involve ourselves in a war of position. 


This change will adversely affect my business and livelihood. That is what matters. The responses from Rodney have been downright insulting and patronizing. I know what is best for me; eBay is wrong to dictate that it knows what is best for me. You do not speak for me. I am the person who operates my business, source products, collects and remits taxes. Rodney, you should be ashamed of yourself for being the mouthpiece of a fiat that is disastrous for me.


I am not upset. I am devastated. Sorry is not good enough. It never will be when my back is against the wall. This is like saying "Sorry that I destroyed you." Am I supposed to just bare it and grin? I don't think so.


eBay knows that as individuals we have no legal avenues to fight this. It also suspects that as individuals that we will become apathetic and fall prey to their hegemony. This can only be fought collectively by embarrassing eBay in the court of public opinion. 


This is a punitive measure for a crime that was not committed or even defined. I have been a good soldier for eBay for a number of years. I have adapted to the many ludicrous changes that have adversely affected my business in the past and have had to deal with broken tools that no one seems to care about fixing (like the shopping cart).


I spent $5,244.26 in eBay fees last year and $26,000 on stock to sell through this venue. Why should I even bother? Why should I try to work with a company that has no interest in working with me? Why should I revolve my business around a venue that continues to punish me despite my hard work.


The solution is simple: no solution is needed. I did not ask for this change. It appears that none of the other posters on this discussion thread did either. Canada is in a unique geopolitical situation. My business requires the freedom of choice that is available to me by listing in USD. Other sellers may benefit from selling is CDN. I am not one of them. There are approximately 350 million people in the USA and 35 million in Canada. I have to cater to the larger market, especially in an economic climate where the money coming from Alberta has dried up. is not designed to accommodate Canadian sellers. It's not an option.


Don't make this change. 

Message 284 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows
in reply to timeshell

The rationale on that change was to curb excessive shipping and remove a barrier to free shipping adoption. It was massively successful in that regard.


But this thread is about USD retirement. 🙂



The claimed success of offering free shipping is absolute bu*****it. I consistently get better sales numbers selling items in a $20 dollar range by charging $2.00 vs offering it for free.

Message 285 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@Anonymous wrote:

@murrayw211 wrote:

Adding my voice to those extremely upset by being forced to convert to CAD. Give me the choice to do what I want, eBay. Otherwise, what's the point of giving you my business?

You still have a choice - you can list in USD on or in CAD on


Whichever you choose, we appreciate your business and I hope you stick around.

Some choice. Let us list in USD on .com and lose Canada Post functionality?


Come now... the .ca system wasn't broken before, so why frustrate so many people?

Message 286 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

That exchange is my profit margin. With the exchange I was able to offer free shipping on all my items,and monthly sales,  in turn ebay making a larger profit off my fees. 


I don't know why EBAY makes these decisions for us, it should be the sellers right to sell their products in which ever currency they want.


All this causes is a lot of price changing, and ALOT of time to alter all my listings, and less exposure. 


Don't see the benefits at all, all I see is a pile of work, and work I will not be compensated for.


We just got threw this whole defect system, just when Ebay was taking a turn for once in the sellers favour, they spring this on us. 


Very disappointing as a Canadian seller. 



Message 287 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

Good thing we already moved 80% of our listings to other sites and off eBay, it will make the conversion to eBay. com that much easier.  Keep up the good work against the sellers eBay and before long we may all migrate to unrelated sites.

Message 288 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I am VERY upset. Ebay has cut off Canadians from reaching the top group of customers and blocked us from making the most profit we can. When you sign up to sell on Ebay they recommend you set your dollar to USD. Why? To reach the largest customer base. If Ebay knew this was a target group in USD, I can only conjure up why they made this decision. There is no other reason it would seem than stopping profits for Canadian Ebay sellers, while not changing or discounting Canadian sellers for fees and so on to compensate for cutting us out of more than half the competition. I wonder will all sellers be forced to use the currency of their country? I noticed several sellers who are not from the UK using pounds as currency. I feel my days of selling and paying fees for a service I find myself on the phone correcting errors and glitches regularly simply will not be worth my time. VERY disappointing Ebay!!

Message 289 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Why is the US amount displayed in such a small font and grey? If the buyer is on the US value should be displayed more prominently (ie. larger than Canadian value) and not in such a way as to be looked over. The way it is it almost fades into the background defeating the purpose..

Message 290 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

way to go ebay ... way to go.

just make it less and less attractive to be on this site. why don't you get it this is a BAD idea for sellers, and guess what ... you make money OFF OF SELLERS .....


please discard this completely horrible idea and keep it going the way it is. you literally are making it impossible to stay on your site. Have you looked at the ebay stocks recently? it's been on downward spiral and by your senseless decisions (such as this one) you will kill the company. This will have huge negative impact on sellers, your revenues and potentially your stocks (and I have to mention, I'm not a shareholder and will never be one because of facts like this).


dear eBay, this is a TERRIBLE idea. You folks unfortunately keep coming up with bad ideas and don't listen to sellers who are the ones making you money, and ignore the fact that YOU ARE WRONG.


Please abandon this idea as it will have negative consequences for everyone.



Message 291 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I am just blown away by this latest, authoritarian approach by Ebay for Canadians to have to list in CAD! The change over is to take effect June 1. It is not a request for input, it is put to the Sellers as "This is what you do". For years, Ebay asked us Canadians to list in USD, for the reason that the item will have a 15% better chance to sell. Now the hammer is coming down on June 1, 2016, by Ebay imposing this change.


Yes they have asked us periodically of what we think about Ebay in general. However I truly believe they have never listened. If they had, they would have fixed the Shopping Cart for Canadians years ago (I now seldom ever sell more than one item at a time because when the customer uses the Shopping Cart, the system will throw them out at the very end of their selection and tell the customer that the Seller does not combine items!). In my shop as in others, this is a complete lie and is hurting us daily by losing sales. I have always combined items from day one I opened a shop in Ebay.


Clearly Ebay does not care - the same thing applies to the Global Shipping Program, which not only deceives the buyers, but also the Sellers by not providing upfront the complete information. Ask the American Seller if they know what the total shipping cost including import fees are on the item they are selling to Canada! The whole program is a disgrace and the only way to combat it, is for the Canadians to not purchase anything from a US seller who uses the GSP.  


If Ebay fears Canadian sellers now make a bit of extra money due to the Canadian Dollar tanking - think again: As a crafts person, I purchase 90% of my supplies from the USA in US dollars. I already have a store in Etsy, but I must admit, Etsy and even is beginning to look more attractive every day. The only question I have: Why is Ebay so determined to destroy a good thing? I just don't get it.  And by the way, the Shopping Cart at, works perfectly!


Message 292 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not applicable

The survey was done the same way eBay does all of its user surveys. Some clown at head office comes up with a dumb idea to prove they do something all day and then they survey all of his/her lackeys that never disagree with the boss.

Message 293 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

The link tool is not working and the instructions given do NOT work.


I want to try to move ONE listing to to "test it"



Message 294 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows in reply to maritimemedals ‎03-22-2016 09:43 PM maritimemedals wrote: I have been selling on for the last few years, the items that I sell are valued on the open market in US dollars only hence if I am forced to list in Canadian dollars a considerable percentage of my market has disappeared, it is forcing me to reconsider my business strategy. Why change something that works, it is very inconsiderate and stupid, it will cost me money and in return ebay money through lost sales I understand your perspective. It's why I for one was almost certain our study would show that Canadians listing in USD would be more successful. In fact I was one of the people who pushed back and insisted on recounts and additional analyses before I had to admit that what we were seeing really was an advantage for CAD. So then you look at the buyer experience wondering how this can be. It's from the evolution of ecommerce and our marketplace, eBay's global marketplace platform makes it seamless to buy items listed in foreign currencies. Buyers don't need to figure out how much to pay in their own currency because they see the amount in their own currency, ------------------------------- Rodney, you sound like a broken record. The ONLY people that would possibly be in favor of this are Canadian buyers It's obvious why they would want to force Canadian sellers to list in CDN. I can't see ANY seller being in favor of this. What what be their argument????? You're really not making anything better so stop claiming so. You are REMOVING an option that is easy to manage for many sellers. Here are clear issues with this decision for sellers who currently chose to list in dual currencies (And there are MANY). Here are some issues you will run into having to manage one or both of the sites. All of these are operationally SIGNIFICANT in my opinion. If you chose to only sell in 1. You will only receive CDN currency. If you also buy on Ebay, you will likely have to convert back to USD since many Canadians buy in in US. 2. You will no longer be able to manage timing as to when and if you want to exchange currency. 3. The price of your item will constantly change in the eyes of a US buyer due to fluctuating exchange. 4. If you purchase goods in USD your margin will change with the fluctuating dollar and possibly force you to adjust pricing.. If you chose to only sell on 1. You will not be able to use "Print Shipping Label" tool from the seller manager interface as it does not support CPC. You will likely have to to go directly to PayPal, find your transaction and print that way. 2. You will loose some Canadian buyers as they won't want to convert. 3. Your shipping cost will vary for Canadian buyers with exchange and offering free shipping will eat into your margins. If you use both sites to manage your inventory 1. As far as I can tell, you will have to contend with two separate ebay store interfaces and tools. 2. You'll constantly be burdened with listing links bumping you to the wrong site. Questions, arise. Will the USD listings be only visible on the com site and CDN on the ca site using Selling Manager Pro?. How will Turbo Lister be impacted?
Message 295 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

"You can print labels on your .com-listed items from My eBay on" You can now. But that will obviously change.
Message 296 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I currently use both sites .com & .ca using USD as currency to make it more streamlined for all my customers. Will there be a way for my customers to pay for items on one invoice/shopping cart even though now some of my listings will be in CAD (listings on .ca) and some will be in USD (listings on .com).

I list items on .com for 2 reasons; 1st is that US buyers will see the listing in searches as usd but then when they select to view the listing the CAD which is in much larger font, and is currently is much higher than the converted USD. When a buyer is comparing at a glance between multiple listings/sites before purchasing can cause confusion to the price they will pay. I use USD on listings to prevent any potential losses in sales. The 2nd is that I find the .com site to be much easier and has better selling tools when looking at creating or managing listings. It is mentioned that is doing this change to help improve their sites tools. Will these be happening shortly?

Will the Migration Tool be available permanently or atleast a long period after; many sellers including myself may choose to have their listings on one site, only to realize months later that they may want to switch over to the other. Having the migration tool would give peace of mind when trying to determine the best course of action and the wrong one is initially chosen, or selling circumstances change.

Message 297 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows wrote:

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.

Not really happy with this decision......I just hope I can edit or list items if I choose to migrate to I still use the old version of iPad app 3.3.3 but I switch to cad site to revise listings. I'm mostly on US site anyways and sell in US $. The tools on the old eBay iPad app are most valuable.....hate using desktop version. 

Message 298 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Way to sweep us Canadians under the rug again Ebay!! a few fancy looking promos, and a "sorry you feel this way" response. 


Now I MUST move to .com because there simply is no other option. Regardless of what you say..(well calling it quits all together is the only other option) As MANY unsatisfied sellers have pointed out before me... 


What a joke. a **bleep** joke. 


The people that came up with this idea need to be sitting on this side of the screen. 

See how you feel then. 


Heres to hoping the great canadian ebay community can band together and take this to the media. 



Kevin O'leary would say "Ebay, You Are DEAD to ME, You are going to Crash And Burn" 


I would love to contact him and get an article published on how Ebays Backbone (we the sellers) just became the corporate whipping boy

Message 299 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Can we please get Canada Post as an option for calculated shipping on

Message 300 of 1,448
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