Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.

Message 1 of 1,448
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1,447 REPLIES 1,447

Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

95$ of my sales over the past 20 years have been to the U.S.  4% to international buyers and 1% to Canadian buyers.   Listing on ebay Canada will require constant price changes due to our fluctuating exchange rate with the U.S. dollar.  

Will be converting all items back to EBAY.COM.     HOPE THE TOOL IS EASY TO USE and is a one time usage to complete. wrote:

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.


Message 421 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Rodney/EBay employees:
I have a GREAT idea. You keep insisting that we will make more sales/money if we list in Can currency. Most of us here don't accept/believe that. The solution to this dilemma is very simple: if you stand by your Stats, put your money where your mouth is and give us unlimited zero-insertion fee listings until July, for items listed in Can currency on (in both auction & fixed priced formats). If you are SURE that your "research" is correct, then you have nothing to worry about because we will all make tons of sales and you will have proven your point and confirmed the validity of your findings. I, for one would be willing to give Can currency one last shot if it didn't cost me to list. You shouldn't ask us to gamble with our listings on our dime; prove to us that you want us to succeed with your ACTIONS instead of your words.
Message 422 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Well said!!!!
Message 423 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I think Raphael and his colleagues will be looking for another job soon.....
Message 424 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows


I may not speak for everyone, but I'm sure I speak for some in saying this. Although we dislike the new policy, we do appreciate you and Raphael taking the time to assist us in the process and answering our questions.


I was looking forward to the new promotion of 100k free Fixed Price listings, but just as quickly felt disappointed to find out the promotion was only for items listed in CAD dollar. This means the sellers that choose to migrate to will not be able to benefit from the promotion. So if we want to take advantage of the promotion, we must list in CAD on


Based on the feedback received so far, is there any possibility that the new policy will be brought back into the eBay head office drawing board? The focus group may be selected at random, but I think releasing the new policy to the public and the overall reception of the new change so far, it it being negative, is a better understanding of what we, the sellers, really want.


I understand the new policy is supposed to be beneficial to Canadian sellers in the future, but is it too much to ask to give us the option of choosing to sell in Canadian dollar or US dollar? Perhaps you can offer additional benefits and perks for selling in CAD, but taking out the option of selling in USD seems a bit cruel. Largely in part due to the fact that we have our own system setup already to the way we think works best for our store. Not to mention I will have to fix the item description for each listing to match the new currency, since there is no option to edit and replace item descriptions in bulk.


All of this is really frustrating as a seller. I took on eBay because it was the best selling tool out at the time. All the changes made over the year has made it harder to sell. I have never felt the need to speak up, but I really think this has gone too far. I hope our opinions in this discussion board really does make a difference and the eBay team will hear us out on the issue.

From Rodney's post earlier today I'm left with the impression (and this could just be from the brevity of his reply) that the focus group was not asked if they wanted this change, but rather what tools they might need to facilitate a change and any additional considerations. His additional postings indicate the change has an awful to do with internal politics and a lack of support from Ebay corporate in getting features implemented for due to the unique situation of a duel currency, which I imagine must be incredibly frustrating for the Canadian team given that technically speaking it is not difficult to address that in code.


Eliminating the duel currency allows them to move the Canadian platform forward so it isn't so out of sync. I'm sure the decision is also driven by more data than they have revealed publicly, data which is hard to draw any real conclusions from other than categories that are more likely to have price parity with the US are more likely to sell when priced in CAD, at least while the loonie is in the outhouse.


I'm also glad they've stuck around to answer questions, especially when you have a lot of unhappy folks. It must be difficult being stuck between an angry customer base and the people at corporate, who don't seem to have been tremendously helpful with their Canadian division. Again just my impression, knowing what politics are like when you are trying to make a business case for Canadian specific features, workarounds, etc.

Message 425 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@pacificwinds6875 wrote:

Called a CSR today to go through "how to list an ad". Needless to say there was a huge laundry list of glitches "we" encountered on the .com site but the most baffling was the application of tax to a Canadian buyer. This is, by law, mandatory - is it not?

As it currently is - we Canadian seller that want to list in USD and are forced to list on .com -  cannot apply provincial tax. Oh and we cannot do calculated shipping (has to be a flat rate) - great. Inches and pounds - oh my!

I am sure all this will get ironed out but personally I'd like to see it scrapped.

Oh yes and another (this applies to Stores only) - if you signed up and pay for Selling Manager Pro - just see what happens to this paid for service when you jump into .com isn't there.

On a bright side - the photo loader and new themes are pretty nifty.

CSR suggested that all the problems encountered get phoned in and service tickets will be created - she also said the more people that do - the better.

There is my rant.Happy Easter to ya all!

Honestly, the last people to talk to about listing as a Canadian is the ebay phone customer service reps. They have no idea how things work.  Many of us have listed on .com for a long time so you would be best to ask your questions on the sellers board.


As far as taxes, if you are registered it is necessary to charge them but it is up to you if you charge them separately or include them. However, according to the reps on the update board, if you tax table is set up on .ca it will work for your listings on .com. I can't tell you from experience if it really does work.


I know that with selling manager, I had to download it on both sites but the information is the same. I don't know how Pro works and if it just one price for both sites.



Message 426 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

Honestly, the last people to talk to about listing as a Canadian is the ebay phone customer service reps. They have no idea how things work.  Many of us have listed on .com for a long time so you would be best to ask your questions on the sellers board.


As far as taxes, if you are registered it is necessary to charge them but it is up to you if you charge them separately or include them. However, according to the reps on the update board, if you tax table is set up on .ca it will work for your listings on .com. I can't tell you from experience if it really does work.


I know that with selling manager, I had to download it on both sites but the information is the same. I don't know how Pro works and if it just one price for both sites.



Selling Manager Pro subscriptions appear tied to country of registration and don't carry over like store features. There may be a work around but I'm currently unaware of one.

Message 427 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

If I decide to send all my items to in USD, what would now be the requirements to be a Top Rated Seller? Do I remain under the Global requirements or would I now fall under the USA requirements (1-day handling time and 14-day-or-better return).


I don't offer returns; I am therefore afraid that if I start selling on in USD I will loose my Top Rated Seller standing and thereby the 20% discount on the final value fees. 

Message 428 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@10abaco wrote:

If I decide to send all my items to in USD, what would now be the requirements to be a Top Rated Seller? Do I remain under the Global requirements or would I now fall under the USA requirements (1-day handling time and 14-day-or-better return).


I don't offer returns; I am therefore afraid that if I start selling on in USD I will loose my Top Rated Seller standing and thereby the 20% discount on the final value fees. 

The rules are not changing (this time around) ...


"Canadian sellers can qualify to be Top-rated in two separate programs. They can qualify for the Global program, which measures performance according to sales made to any buyer, and they can qualify for the US program, which measures performance only on sales made to buyers located in the United States."


All you need for Top Rated is to qualify for at least one of the two to get your 20% discount


1-day handling time and 14-day-or-better return is for Top Rated Plus



Message 429 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@10abaco wrote:

If I decide to send all my items to in USD, what would now be the requirements to be a Top Rated Seller? Do I remain under the Global requirements or would I now fall under the USA requirements (1-day handling time and 14-day-or-better return).


I don't offer returns; I am therefore afraid that if I start selling on in USD I will loose my Top Rated Seller standing and thereby the 20% discount on the final value fees. 

My understanding is global requirements apply, but you don't get the top rated plus without the additional US requirements, which in turn effects your placement in best match search ranking.
Message 430 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

give us unlimited zero-insertion fee listings until July, for items listed in Can currency on


There is a current promotion for CDN currency Fixed Price listings that runs until May 9.

So perhaps some attention has already been paid to that.


100,000 listings / fixed price/ 30 day or GTC

Message 431 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Thank you eBay for giving me another reason to shut my store on your site as soon as possible
Message 432 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I know a total idiot if you look to hire in your upper management.
Message 433 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@Anonymous wrote:

@pocomocomputing wrote:

Regarding the migration tool.


I understand the tool is for converting Canada listing in U$ to C$ or to move Canada Listings in US$ to in US$.


What about sellers like me who have listings on USA in US$ and want to move them back to in Can$? If selling on in Can$ is so much better, why is there not a tool to move my listing back to


I have only a few listings running so I can convert back manually but what about sellers who have many listings on USA in US$? Should they not have a tool to go and try the site in Can$? At least to move some est listings over to see if sales improve?

That's a really great question. This is functionality we've been talking about adding. It's nice to hear at least one of our sellers would be interested in it.


Our first priority was to build something to help with migration around this retirement of USD, but the idea of using as a .com to .ca converter did occur to us as well. It is something we will explore.

I have two stores and might try listing one store on .ca if the tool for changing from my .com to .ca is available.


Message 434 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@ypdc_dennis wrote:

@tobysh-itzu wrote:

The real losers here are the sellers who have been listing in CAN$ all along.  With the others going to see an increase in sell through surely that will mean we will see a decrease as we lose share to them!!  Very angy over this


Haven't you been reading this thread?

With all these sellers leaving there is going to be lots of extra share to go around...



While I'm 95 per cent certain that what tobytobysh-itzu wrote was meant as tongue-in-cheek, this thought also occurred to me. 


I realized eight months into selling here that CAD was a better fit for my business and buyers. It began with my Canadian buyers asking why they were being forced to pay USD on a Canadian item listed on a Canadian site and I had no good answer to give them. 


Now the following is a legitimate question for Rodney or someone else at ebay Canada to please answer: are you sure it's the CAD that has led to greater success with those listings being cited as the successes in their survey of the lay of the land? Is CAD the causation? Or merely the correlation? Maybe all smart and successful sellers who provide excellent service and satisfy buyers were early adopters of CAD, and it's not that CAD specifically led them to success. Is there a way to analyze the two factors separately? Has ebay done this?


While I don't doubt that CAD is the way for ebay Canada to go, I wonder if there is more to the sell-through rates of those successful sellers than just CAD at play. When I analyze my own strengths and weaknesses as a seller here, there is a compilation of factors to consider. CAD is one factor, feedback another, handling time a third, free shipping the fourth, buyer location et cetera.

Message 435 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

did you check your selling manager, eurobeads? I didn't get any emails about the promos but when I checked the promotions section of selling manager they were there.
Message 436 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Oh and thank you eBay to take care of our "savings" and giving us good advice to "save" on currency conversion after you took 10% final sale value out of my pockets and 3% to PayPal. I am so grateful.

Message 437 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Who's going to pay me for the week I will loose to convert everything on your stupid tool that won't work? where is this tool anyway?

Message 438 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows



Your looking at a single tree and missing the forest it sits in.  Your entire premise is faulty.  When selling into the US a seller sets his price in US dollars based on competing with US vendors. The CDN dollar and any relative value it has at any point in time is not even part of picture and of no consequence.  I understand your patriotism,  but your allegiance to CDN dollar has no place in one's effort to sell into the gigantic US market place.  I cannot have my pricing bouncing around with CDN dollar exchange rate when competing with US vendors. 

Rodney, when I am focused on sales I am not interested in CDN dollars.  Like the rest of the planet, I view it as play money, especially when it is viewed from the perspective of international commerce.  


This is conversion to CDN dollars is just so very, very sad.......... 

Message 439 of 1,448
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Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

If I choose to list only on do I keep my current feedback rating or start over. Looks like it's may be time to cut ties with eBay completely. Ebay is cutting their own throat by forcing this policy change. I wonder what the share holders will do when the eBay stock free falls to worthless penny stock. And it will so buckle up you're all go into be looking for new jobs very soon.
Message 440 of 1,448
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