06-10-2014 02:54 PM
Hello again everyone. Yesterday I posted a question as to whether a seller can remove a listing because of low bidding. A member on this forum suggested that eBay removed the listing because of the fact that the listing totally disappeared from my eBay account. I checked the message that I received from eBay and it states the seller cancelled the listing. I messaged the seller yesterday and received a message back that he received an good offer through the buy it now option of the listing and by doing so cancelled my bid all together. They say the transaction with the other buyer was within eBay's rules. The problem with this is that there was no buy it now option on the listing, period. This seller disregarded my bid completely to sell to another buyer who was offering more money. I don't believe this is within eBay's rules. At this point I really don't care about the glasses but I do care when sellers are pulling a fast one on buyers out of greed! Just thought I would provide some follow up on my message from yesterday! Have a great day everyone!
06-10-2014 03:45 PM
There is a difference between a listing being removed and cancelled.
You stated yesterday that it was removed
today you say it was cancelled/
Ebay removes listing and they dissapear
the seller can cancell listings but they still show up.
06-10-2014 04:49 PM
06-12-2014 03:42 PM
By cancelling your bid to sell to someone else, the seller violated policies if they did an outside ebay transaction with the other person.
Don't worry about it. Find a better seller.