Seller trying to cancel sale after I've already paid

I purchased an item, and checked out with PayPal - now the seller is telling me they are out of stock on that item (listing specifically said 1 unit left when I purchased), and I need to either take a refund or pick something else. I don't want a refund or something else, I want the item I spent several days choosing. I am unable to find the same item anywhere else. 


Buyers are not allowed to cancel bids (without sellers permission) because "the bid is a binding contract" - shouldn't that work both ways? Is there anything I can do here to either get my item or ensure that this seller is unable to pull this type of nonsense with anyone else? It seems unfair and illogical and if I can't have my item i don't think they should be on eBay in any capacity since they are breaking this contract. 



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Seller trying to cancel sale after I've already paid

Well, if he doesn't have it, you're not going to get it, are you?


You can pout all you want, but the end result is the same.


Accept the refund and move on.


Just don't buy from someone who is dropshipping. When the factory is out of product, the retailer may not know and happily go on offering an unavailable product.

This is another reason not to become a dropshipping seller.


And of course, if the dropshipper's supplier is out of product, all that supplier's dropshippers will be out of product. So you won't be finding it until it comes back into stock.



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