Very true, treasure. The strangest thing is, I was very clear in my email what I was doing, and why, etc. Never heard from her for over a week, and then she finally wrote to me and said where are my items? So I forwarded my original emails and did a "reminder" on the invoice, and then she wrote back stating that she misunderstood, so I wrote another email explaining in greater detail what I had done, and she wrote back informing me that she is a lawyer, and she still couldn't understand what I was trying to say. To date, she's still not paid, after several emails from me, and several reminders. She is just ignoring me. I can tell you this much, I will NEVER do it again.
My auctions state that you must pay me in one Paypal payment, and if you don't, I'll refund and reinvoice but I think from this point forward, I'll rethink that whole thing because as they say, "a bird in the hand...."
Thing is though, when you are already working on a small margin, every $.30 counts. What I should have done was just refunded her her overpayment, less my extra $.30 per transaction, and let her "eat" the extra costs, but it bugged me that Paypal was going to come out ahead on the deal, so I did it the way I did. She didn't appreciate my honesty, and was/is actually rather put off by it. Go figure.