Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Some Canadian eBay sellers accept cheques (checks), some do not.

Most Canadian sellers accept PayPal; in many instances echecks are sent through PayPal. If drawn by Canadians, they typically take seven to nine business days to clear (almost two weeks), echecks drawn by Americans usually clear in four business days.

My question to you this morning is simple:

For small transactions (under $25) do you generally wait for the cheque, check or echeck to clear before shipping the merchandise ?

We all know and understand there is no right and wrong answer here. It is a question of policy and risk tolerance.

To simplify the survey, could you please, pretty please, keep the answer to

Ship immediately


Wait for cleared payment

We can always use other threads to editorialize on the subject.

Thank you for your participation. .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Ship immediately .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 2 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

I wait to clear on a general basis. (exception on return clients were we ship immediatly).

Message 3 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

paper cheques ship right away

echecks wait for clearance
Message 4 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Community Member
In general I do not accept checks sent through the mail. However, from repeat buyers that have frequented my store over the past almost 8 years...I do with NO HOLDS and with no trouble.

eChecks - I WAIT FOR THEM TO CLEAR before mailing because a few of my buyers have cancelled them at the last minute. Had I sent the items...I would have been out big time.
Message 5 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

echecks wait to clear
other checks do not accept
Message 6 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

For customers over zero FB, we ship as soon as e-cheque is sent or paper cheque received. Never had a problem.

Message 7 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

I've had a couple of echecks fail, although the buyers always paid again either via a different method or another echeck.

MY policy

eCheck - wait until cleared 99% of the time

paper cheques - don't accept

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 8 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Community Member
We wait for cleared payment.

We do not accept paper cheques. (In eight years- only one person has sent one!)

Our ONLY major problems are with e-checks, and now state we no longer accept them. e-checks should have been abandoned long ago.

HOWEVER- if an e-check is sent, we do not return them- just respond with a polite note that we will notify them when the check (cheque) has cleared, and that the item will be sent at that time.
Message 9 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Ship immediately.

I Don't wait for cheques paper or echeque to clear. I prefer paper cheques as that saves me some of the pesky PAYPAL fees.
Message 10 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Community Member
Paper cheques - ship immediately.
eChecks - wait to clear except repeat buyers.
Message 11 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Community Member
E-cheques - I wait for them to clear
Paper Cheques - not normally accepted (I do take money orders and I'll ship those right away).
Message 12 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

E-Cheques....I wait until cleared

I now accept paper cheques from Canada only because of the length of time it takes US cheques to clear.

I use my own discretion regarding shipping immediately for Can. cheques. It depends on their feedback and whether or not they are repeat customers.
Message 13 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

ship right away, as long as the buyer has enough + feedback. if its newbie, I might wait a day or two. I have mailed when Paypal says wait for funds to clear. never had a problem with funds clearing, sometimes I have had to wait a couple weeks for them to clear, (whats up with that?)

I have had 2 people not follow through on payment. they suck. Everyone else pays, Eventually.
I have held more expensive items until payment confirmed. But that only happened twice. first time, guy changed his mind and couldn't afford it. Glad I didn't send.
Reminds ne of a Ken Dryden RC I sold, I sent before payment. Guy lost his job, started giving me a sob story. I just told him that he got such a great deal, that he could get his money back PLUS. he agreed and sent payment. That was a close one.

Blah, Blah, Blah..... I send as soon as item is sold.
Message 14 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Community Member
e-cheque...wait for it to clear

paper cheque...I state that I don't accept them (only MO's) but I've always let them slide and ship immediately.


Message 15 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Community Member
I wait for echecks to clear
I don't accept paper checks, so far no one has asked.
Message 16 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Wait for cleared payment
Message 17 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Wait for cleared payment
Message 18 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

Community Member
I ship right away for Paper (although i get very few) only about 5% bounce if not less always americans

Echeque has to clear
Message 19 of 20
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Survey on YOUR shipping policy

I only accept Canadian Checks because they clear quickly but have accpeted US checks with the buyer's understanding that the clearing could take 3 weeks and that I only ship once the check clears.

I never send anything unless the check clears and would never consider it either.
Message 20 of 20
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