Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay
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We wanted to give you a quick heads-up about our new eBay “it” marketing campaign which launched recently. The campaign is designed to celebrate the extremely wide range of great things you can buy on eBay, just in time for the holiday shopping season. To view the campaign, visit

We want to hear all about your best “it” moment on eBay. What was the most memorable item you bought on eBay? Why? You can post your favourite “it” purchase here and we will gather up all the "it" stories and there will be an eBay prize awarded for the best "it" story.

eBay Community Development
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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I found an old fairy tale book, one I lost over 20 years ago. It was a very hard to find item but I got it here!

E-BAY is like a giant lost and found for old memories!

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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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I used a couple of borrowed oil lamps during the ice storm in 1998. I loved them so much that I found it hard to give them back to the owners. So, I joined ebay in September of that year and low-and-behold ebay had oil lamps listed. Today I have about 60, almost all purchased on ebay (and only 1 arrived broken).
Message 42 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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I got raw leather saddle bags.

They are handsome and rugged, and roomy. I just throw them over my shoulder on my way out the door and I have my tunes, CD player, daybook, reading material, lunch and stuff and stuff and stuff...

I used to carry a lot in a shoulder bag with a strap that would really hurt my shoulder at times (too thin and too heavy). But with the saddle bags, the connecting leather between the front and back bags is 4 inches, and that distributes the weight so much better.

I have had a ton of complements on their appearance. And I like being an original. I have never seen any other guy in Toronto wearing these.

I paid $18.00 U.S. for them. I love them.
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

My first memorable item was the first item I bid on and won which turned out to be a nightmare and lost a few Hundred $'s on.

A replacement screen for my lap top computer. It never arrived supposedly by courier services, I had to provide a street address other than my normal P.O. box. The seller not having a record of it sent, It was supposedly lost so another was sent, This time to a U.S. address for convenience and consideration to cost to the seller and arrived grossly inadequately packaged and the item destroyed.

It returned as I received it at further extra cost and I was never refunded or received another item despite the seller having a few more for sale since. I reminding him he still owed me also.

Time factors in this not being able to initiate any paypal dispute etc or get CC refund. This taking near 6 months to never be completed.
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Russian Made "Vostok" watches from the mid eighties.

I owned one of these years ago and after taking it in for service, the watch "repairer" lost it, so he claimed.

Found not just one, but TWO in the same style right here in Canada!
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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B-) i read the board and thought i be reading about some great IT stories , but there was a few and the rest was about getting ripped off and poeple complaning about this and that, wel,iam new here,iam on my 23 buy and so far, i not got ripped off " knock on wood" the sellers ,i have come in contact with are fab and iwill go back to them to buy again, speedy shipping and handling, both in canada and the states. very knowable about products and cost for great IT product was my DeathLands Books, my nephew moved to a diff province and took all my books with him and so i start looking for them here in my city , but few and far,i found out, so i figure i go to E-bay and look .WOW,, there they are from the first up to last one wrote, so i got busy and register on E-Bay and got everthing ready for bidding and iam now a proud owner of deathlands books and other GREAT IT items, so i say HURRY FOR E-BAY and there great items,iam going to keep buying and having fun. 2 thumbs up E-BAY for great place for sellers to come and sell there iam off to find other great IT items .Ice
Message 46 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Hey, I'm new to ebay rite and ive alredy had sum one on mi account bidding on this cell phone and sendin msgs out to ppl wow this is gunna kill my rep. But anyway ya i havent bought anything yet because i havent found a good price. BUT if ANYONE IS SELLGIN A GOOD VERY GOOD MP3?CAMERA CELL PHONE PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT IT. Thanks.

Husam Balika
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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newish anyway has anyone in Canada purchased jewlery on Ebay from the US? My question is what are the fees on an item such as this. Also is it per item or the package. I want to bid on a ring for my sons upcoming grad,but not if in the end it's going to cost an arm and a leg so to speak.
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Bingo cards for martys bingo .............:^OBINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO I HAVE BINGO BINGO
Message 49 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

I adore E-bay! I can't believe the wonderful items I have purchased. I have dealt with only wonderful sellers who's usernames I pass on to my MANY ebay buying friends all across Canada.(A little care about who you enter into transactions with = nothing but positive experiences.)
Message 50 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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My most pleasent dealings with a seller is from a man in Sydney Australia and I live in Sydney Nova Scotia Canada.
I won a ballroom dress and contact with this seller was top notch and with an honest flare.

He accepted a payment threw Western Union to my pleasure as a money order would have taken to long and I do not have paypal.

The ballroom dress is stunning to say the least and it fit perfect. The prompt delivery to Canada was top notch and he was always in contact with me.

It is so nice to have dealings with a seller on the opposite side of the world and it going so smoothly.

Thanks Ebay and Frank.

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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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I purchased a mini reel to reel tape recorder that I had received in 1964 as Xmas gift. It was my favorite gift at ten years of age. I thought that" now way" will I ever see another one of these in mint condition! But thanks to doll201 I bid and won the exact same machine,in perfect working order and condition! I was thrilled to say the least!
Message 52 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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My best "it" moment happened just recently.

I've been getting somewhat involved in photography lately, with older SLR cameras. My family is on a digital revolution, however they all stop and stare at my pictures (great feeling!!).

Instead of spending 900 bucks on a DSLR, 3 years ago I bought a Pentakon Praktika LTL Camera from a pawnshop, with a few lenses. I found one more lens for this at Value Village. Since this camera is circa 1951, they don;'t make lenses for this anymore, or even gaskets so I can get it repaired. So on the hunt, I found a 1978 Minolta srt-202 in a pawnshop for 28 dollars. On ebay, I found my most wanted 100-200 mm zoom lens. I paid less than 12 dollars CAD AFTER shipping and it works perfectly! I've now found a 28 mm wide angle, and a trigger cable for this camera on ebay.

With my love of older style cameras, that you CANNOT buy parts or repairs for anymore, EBAY is an invaluable source for finding parts and accessories from all over the globe.

Thank you Ebay!! Btw.. anybody want to buy an antique german camera? 😛
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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My best IT was a like-new set of Nike Forged irons. The retail price in stores for this is 1200$ + taxes and I got it for 500$!! I also bought 4 other golf clubs on eBay. Every golf player should pay a visit here before spending hundreds $$$ in specialized stores!!
Message 54 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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I sold a Dell laptop the high bidder was "????????"
I was sent an email (FAKE)Telling me
that paypal had received a deposit in the amount that he
owed and that he was a verified buyer. Only after
shipping and emailing them a tracking shipping
confirmation the money would then be released... I WASN'T
SEE YOUR MONEY CLEARED....Anything that you have to ship to
Nigeria be suspicious and do a few phone calls, don't be
affraid to call paypal they will tell you if it is
fraud... I don't mean to put down ligit buyer or sellers
from Nigeria but it doesn't hurt to double check...
Safe buying and selling...MY 2 CENTS WORTH!
PS Unfortunately I cant write the scumbags names as it is in violation of "EBAY POLICY"! Guess what they are no longer ebay registered..It amazes me how someone can sign up 1 min prior to end of auction and bid even though they had to be registered with ebay & paypal they did and bid..This is the second time it's happened, and twice ebay got paid by me but not me... DO YOU THINK EBAY REALLY CARES ABOUT THESE CROOKS??? THEY GET PAID!!!!I'M TOLD BY THEM THAT I CAN'T WRITE THEIR NAME OR EMAIL BUT THE FAKE BUYER HAS MY MAILING ADDRESS.. HOW IRONIC IS THAT.....
FORZA ITALIA !!!!!!!!!!!!
1934 1938 1982 2006
Message 55 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Here are some of the greatest buys I've gotten on Ebay:
Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell Bio together - $30!
Harry Potter 4 : $13.00 NOT A BOOTLEG!
Walkfit Orthodics: $20.00!
Remington Electric Shaver, Brand new in BOX, $15.00 (it's a $125 shaver!!) <- That truly was the BEST deal!

Cheers to everyone,
Sarah xx
Message 56 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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:-Dwow ive had so many "it" moments, where i found awesome deals, and like im sure alot of people have had some not so nice sellers,that either didnt send your item :-(or took ten years to send to you, and was not as described.those people shouldnt be allowed on ebay. they ruin it for the rest of the honest people, who do ever thing they can to make you happy. my "it" moment happened the other day after looking through 20 pages of dog beds i was happy to find a fairlly priced SUPER NICE bed , for my 2 1/2 year old chihuahua, that means the world to me, of coarse i was extremlly happy for the searching to be over, and i loved the buy now option.:-x
Message 57 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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I bought a brand new copy of 'Succulent Wild Woman' by Sark for .01! It retails for around $30 in my local book store!

For those of you who have never heard of really should read her books! They're inpirational books, written in her own hand. There are little doodles everywhere and each page is so colorful! They truly are the best books ever! Check em out!
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Ebay's got too much scammers on it so IT could be harder to find... 😞
Message 59 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Using UPS was really bad for my first experience to by from US to Canada at Ebay.
I won the item number: 330016652263 at 365$ US and and it cost me 148$ duty and tax to enter Canada whit UPS.
I am thinking to continue or not this way of bying.

André Bellemare
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