B-) i read the board and thought i be reading about some great IT stories , but there was a few and the rest was about getting ripped off and poeple complaning about this and that, wel,iam new here,iam on my 23 buy and so far, i not got ripped off " knock on wood" the sellers ,i have come in contact with are fab and iwill go back to them to buy again, speedy shipping and handling, both in canada and the states. very knowable about products and cost for shipping.my great IT product was my DeathLands Books, my nephew moved to a diff province and took all my books with him and so i start looking for them here in my city , but few and far,i found out, so i figure i go to E-bay and look .WOW,, there they are from the first up to last one wrote, so i got busy and register on E-Bay and got everthing ready for bidding and iam now a proud owner of deathlands books and other GREAT IT items, so i say HURRY FOR E-BAY and there great items,iam going to keep buying and having fun. 2 thumbs up E-BAY for great place for sellers to come and sell there products.now iam off to find other great IT items .Ice