~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
I thought about this yesterday when I was looking for Lisa. I was getting impatient wondering if anyone had seen her. I didn't want to post in another thread because it may have been mised, so I had to email her instead. (Which was no problem by the way)

Then I thought...maybe we could have a thread where we could come and ask about someone or just to say something that just doesn't pertain to anything in particular. It's always a bit weird going 'off subject' in someone else's thread.

So, this thread will be for EVERYone and it could be about ANYthing. You don't ever have to use it, but if you need to, great. Doesn't mean you can't make your own thread, it just mimics the ski chalet after a day of skiing. Say what you want - ask what you want - show your pictures - comment on the dot com threads (yuk yuk) A veritable freebie. I hope it will be useful but if it's not - then...$screw you guys - I'm going home! 🙂

Message 1 of 951
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950 REPLIES 950

Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Jackie you are correct about what is etiquette.

Sex is not allowed, but Nuking millions is permitted.

Message 841 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Jackie, I too have a lot of family members who are American and I have to agree, it is extremely worrisome to hear some of the attitudes on that thread. I'm trying to stay focused on the voices of reason and I hope, vainly I'm afraid, that they will be listened to. At any rate, no matter how horrifying I find it, I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole! I'm sure I'd just inflame the racist idjuts even more and that would give them an excuse to add Canadians to their list of "animals" to be "nuked"!



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Message 842 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
I get what you're trying to say here, Glenda and I love ya for it. But I am a wayward child. I can't read stupidity and not react. It's not in my nature.

But on the positive side, I doubt anyone would have the nerve to insult a Canadian right now because they know well and good that at the present time, it sux to be an American. For the first time in MY life anyway, I am seeing some Americans being and feeling humbled by this. They have realized that being the largest SuperPower in the world comes with huge responsibilities and will face dire consequences for the bad choices that they make.

They may think that were are useless or losers, but right now....I think we rock in comparison. You can tell they're desperate when their government is suddenly trying to make love to the Canadian Prime Minister. A little transparant to me. I know what you mean Glenda. That thread is no place for a Canadian but I look at it this way. Their mistakes have far reaching ramifications and involve us all. We will all pay for this and we will all suffer for this. Without a doubt 😞


Message 843 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
"I can't read stupidity and not react. It's not in my nature."
Jackie, I'm with you all the way here! If this was a conversation, my tongue would be in gear long before my brain was able to put on the brakes BUT, when I have to type my response, I'm able to read it before I hit the "post" button and I can usually stop myself before I say anything I can't take back!

"I doubt anyone would have the nerve to insult a Canadian right now because they know well and good that at the present time, it sux to be an American. For the first time in MY life anyway, I am seeing some Americans being and feeling humbled by this. They have realized that being the largest SuperPower in the world comes with huge responsibilities..."

Don't bet the farm on the "not insult a Canadian" part -- the hotheads will insult anyone who disagrees with them, including Canadians and/or other Americans, and the others are already agreeing with us. I'm just afraid I'll push the wrong buttons and get the moderates mad at us as well! I'm stayin' out of it!!



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Message 844 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

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~~~Things I Like About Americans~~~

Message 845 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Their tolerance. Their broadmindedness. Their class. Their intelligence. Their maturity. Their couth. Their willingness to stand up to others for a friend, even at the risk of being ridiculed. Their amazing capacity for making others feel welcome, important and loved. Their continuous and unstinting desire to share the world with others, less important than themselves. And last but not least, their continuity. You can always, always, always count on them to be.......the same!

Message 846 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
You left out their generosity. My American friends (and family as well) are some of the most generous people I know - willing to share possessions, time, knowledge, whatever anyone wants or needs of them.

And yeah, you CAN always count on them to be the same -- even the nasty ones!! ]:)



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Message 847 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
I am not so sure about the nasty ones.

Uncle Jimmy is posting favouarble things about Canadians on the US PS Board on a thread about Canadians and how much Americans like them.

Never thought I would see a nice comment come out of those lips about Canadians. Must have had something to do with my post when I told him to hang a sign in his Florida Ice Cream shop to tell Canadians to buy their ice cream somewhere else since he was promotting boycotting Cdns on eBay.

He came back on that thread and admitted that he does alot of business with Cdns in his ice cream business and wouldnt want to loose them.

When its someone else's wallet its one story, but when its your own, its an entirely different matter isnt it?

Message 848 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Spoke too soon
That Cdn Nice Thoughts Thread has done its usual about face and is heading down the toilet as I type.

Message 849 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Glenda - I was being facetious in my post 845. Sorry. Hope you aren't annoyed. I have 18 American family members and they, of course, are excluded.

Malcolm - are you kidding me? You actually think that FTD was genuine when if/when he said anything positive about Canadians? I guess you weren't around when I made my debut on the US board. He was at the top of the heap of persons crucifying me for being a Canadian. I guess they were hoping to see me get frightened off....but unfortunately for them, I am as tenacious as he11!

Message 850 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Never said FTD was being genuine but it is refreshing not see him stoop to the level of the previous anti-Canadian posts of his.

Jackie, he isnt really anti-Canadian. He just thought that he would climb on that bandwagon with the guys that are anti-Canadian.

He is a fence-sitter. If he thinks the majority of people on one side are one way, then that is the way he will be and will not only adopt their opinion, but he will publicly speak the values and virtues of their cause.

He is pro American and thats ok and he can believe they are the biggest and best etc etc etc if he wants. I dont have a problem with that.

That also dosent mean that I care for the guy, having never met him and remember, I took several ocassions to dump on him about his anti Cdn posts and will again if need be.

I later learned that tiffanywarehouse was only joking however I immediately took a whack at him for his comments although I conceded that if it was meant only in humour, I was sorry for jumping on him.

I would sooner have an Uncle Jimmy not post to anything to do about Cdns however if he was going to post, I at least am greatful that it is not the vicious, thoughtless ramblings and propoganda that he was spreading before, such as the fake story about Canada protecting 2 AOL US soldiers.

Just my opinion, not an excuse. You flame where you think the flaming needs to be done. I sure wouldnt stand in your way and you know that I support your opinion.

Your history with the likes of some of those people stretches further than mine does.

I've got your back covered.


Message 851 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Few Americans ever visit Canada (in relation to the population), in person or on this board.

Those that do, are treated well and welcomed with open arms and the greatest of hospitality.

Ansd there are some that will never have anything to do with any other country out of ignorance and the fact that we are "next door" is nothing more than being a nuisance of a neighbour.

Fortunately the majority of Americans are good-hearted people like we are, but many will just never get to know it.


Message 852 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Hi malcolm,

"Fortunately the majority of Americans are good-hearted people like we are, but many will just never get to know it."

Of course, I was referring to the flame-throwers though(sorry, I see my post wasnt so clear on that).

It has been my experience that people who like to flame, get off on it so much, they will take any opportunity to do so. So, I just wondered why they wouldnt have trekked over here to do it....particularly as you guys often say how much they hate Canadians.(again, I am referring to the flame-throwers...most of my clients are from the US, and are very friendly indeed).


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 853 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Because they are cowards!

Lets face it, Jackie, Deb or I or anyone of a number of others of us venture onto the long-established US PS board where a number of real SOBs keep telling us we have no place there as we have our own board etc etc etc and we stand up for who we are and our rights.

We do it alone, whether we think we are going to get support or not and the support we get, but never ask for, comes from our fellow Canadian Power Sellers.

We go there to contribute.The few anti-Canadians think that they have strength amongst all the Americans posting on the boards but when those 5 or 6 ignorant ones start their anti-Canadian ramblings, it only takes one of us to shut them up yet it usually means that 2 or 3 other Cdn PSers will join in to support.

And those 5 or 6 suddenly realize that they are a minority with no support from their fellow Americans and they suddenly disappear.

And then if we are lucky, the thread gets back onto topic.


Message 854 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
The truth of the matter is, most people who slam Canadians have probably never set foot in Canada. Heck, most of them probably aren't really all that sure where it is. LOL

My experience with Americans has always been very pleasant. I go to the US at least 10 times a year and when they find out I'm from Canada, they tend to be very curious, and friendly, and interested.

Yes, there are many *sshole Americans, and there are many *sshole Canadians. There are no borders when it comes to being an *sshole. LOL

For the record, I know FAR MORE idiot Canadians, but then again, that's because I know more Canadians. LOL:x
Message 855 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Jackie, of course I didn't take offence! As I think I might have mentioned, if I'm ever offended by anything you say, you'll hear about it - I know your email addy ya know!! Anyhow, I thought you were being serious 'cause the majority of Americans I know fit your description perfectly. It's only on some threads that the ignoramuses (ignorami?) seem to vent, and I don't want to waste my time trying to have a battle of wits with un-armed people.



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Message 856 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
I lived in the US and I can tell you that when you live in the south, they (true born and bred southerners) just plain cant stand anyone from north of the Mason Dixie Line, whether you are from Canada or New York state, you are a foreignor.

Well thats not true for the majority of the southerners either but I must tell you living in Atlanta, you would be hard-pressed to find a true Atlantan. The majority are all recent residents.

Most people in the world are decent. The ones who arent become politicians and start wars.

(and you can quote me on that one.)

Message 857 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Well guys, I just made a nice purchase from thefrenchybee's store. She won 'best store' on the dot com site and the praise was NOT exaggerated. I went to the site and clearly went nuts.

If you're a frilly kinda chick and like pretty things, this is the place for you. And for the guys, there are special mustards and other things, not to mention what I heard was the tastiest chocolate ever. I can't wait to get my package.

Anyone heard from Bill or Don lately?????

Jackie... (Good morning Glenda, darlin )
Message 858 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
G'Mornin Jackie luv! (yep, it's still morning here ... but just barely)

I've been wondering too about Bill and Don -- I see they're both still selling, both still ps'ers, but haven't heard boo from either of them for ages! Is it something we said? Did someone forget their deodorant??



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Message 859 of 951
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Re: ~~ The Drawing Room ~~

Community Member
Naaaaaaa Glenda, it musta been me. I go fishing a lot. Maybe I am just overall stinky!!!

We had our annual tournament yesterday and today I can't move. My back is all seized up. What a pain in the back 😛

Message 860 of 951
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