The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

By Josh Visser, National Post February 27, 2013 – 4:29 pm ET
Does famed environmentalist David Suzuki not know that Sun News often reports about Sun News?

A reporter for Sun News says Suzuki refused to appear at a public policy debate Tuesday night, until she and her cameraman were escorted from the premises at the Ottawa stop of the “The Eco Tour.”

“When it was revealed we represented Sun News, we were no longer welcome,” reporter Jessica Hume said in a post Wednesday called “The good doctor will not see you now.

“David Suzuki didn’t just refuse to speak to us. He refused to appear altogether, sending a handful of hostile event organizers to remove us from the premises.

“After much debate and my reiterating I would be staying to ask a question, one of the event-organizers-turned-Suzuki-mandated-attack-dogs turned to the sizable crowd, incensed that I wouldn’t leave quietly, and yelled for someone to call 911.”

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May was moderating the event, and according to her spokesman, she appealed to the Sun News team to stay until after the event, where she would take questions.

“Only Rob Ford calls 911 on the media!” she joked.

May also gave Hume a big hug, which has to be considered a historic moment in environmentalist-Sun News relations. Hume later said on Sun News that she has “tremendous respect” for May.
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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

Sun news is garbage news media. The Sun reporters are corporate clowns attempting with any opportunity to sensationalize their articles. They are Canada's version of the National Enquirer. Everyone knows they have one goal and it's not to learn, it's to cause dissention and hatred. Inviting them into an event like this would be like allowing David Duke into an NAACP event.

Elizabeth May (who I have a lot of respect for) is nonetheless a politician who wants any exposure she can get (being as the national media ignore her too much). Suzuki on the other hand does not have to waste his time with something as low as Sun Media and more people should do the same. Media like the Sun has dumbed down the world of legitimate reporting.

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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

David Suzuki is a scumbag.

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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

David Suzuki is a scumbag.


And so is the man who no longer dons Les pantouffe rouge.



Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 4 of 13
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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

Isn't Suzuki the guy who travels the country in a smoke spewing diesel bus talking about protecting the environment?


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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

Is it diesel? Might be a propane car. Maybe some would like him to walk.

Of course Canada could put investment into making the country the nation of alternative fuel transportation and homes with solar or wind power which would make us prominent in the world and a leader of a new generation. But you would have to talk to Harper about that and see if he can stop kissing up the wealthy oil Corporations in Alberta.

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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

This article shows a similarity between Suzuki and Spence.

Both are poor sports, with a my way or the highway persona.

Too much ego, IMO.

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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

What's wrong with the train?


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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

Population density isn't high enough.

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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

What about telecommuting?

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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now


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Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

Re: The Good Doctor Can't See You Now

Harper is playing the exact same way or highway BS.


Obviously the fella is not to bright.


Thinks thangs will just go away.


Well the second wave is about to be unleashed,and of course like seismic readings the higher the number the more destructive. The poor sports have run out of patience.


Tip,purchase a generator before they are all out of stock.


Remember your police will not help you,ask any caledonian.


Injunctions will not be served.


The poor sports are holding the aces and aren't playing with full decks







Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
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