As I have asked from Darla what eBay is getting from this, it is obvious they will not say. I am positive that it would not be looking so glamorous anymore. 18.9% is not a good rate by any means. My cc has a 9.9% rate and my line of credit is prime +1/4%. eBay points are not much when compared to the big picture. I understand eBay is trying to do things for us but I also think they should approach us for an opinion first as we seem to be doing better than they are at negotiating. As an example, you with Canada Post. Just because we are not as big as eBay does not mean we are not smart business people. eBay with all its cash flow should be able to negotiate much better deals than us. Darla, the low INTRODUCTORY rate is great but this is only to get you reeled in. Six months later your cc is maxed out and whamo in kicks 18.9%. I receive these offers at least severals times a month in my mail and it is all bad news for the person who falls for it. My offers go directly to the G file. Thanks for trying anyways but I will continue to do my own negotiating.