The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Night of 'drugs and s-x' allegedly kills Canadian official in Ghana


OTTAWA — A Canadian government bureaucrat is dead after a night of "hot s-x and drugs" in a four-star hotel in the capital of the West African country of Ghana, a newspaper there reports.

Back in Ottawa, officials were being tight-lipped about the circumstances under which Darrell Prokopetz, 54, died. Prokopetz was a project director with the Canada School of Public Service, the federal organization that trains civil servants.

Government officials in Ottawa could not say Monday what Prokopetz was doing in the Ghanian capital of Accra, but The Daily Guide Ghana newspaper reported that Prokopetz was rushed to hospital on Jan. 30 "in an unconscious state after an alleged overdose of cocaine, liquor and s-x."

The newspaper did not say how it came to learn of the booze and the drugs but it did refer to an anonymous source who had seen security camera tapes at the high-end Golden Tulip Hotel where Prokopetz was staying that showed Prokopetz "chaperoning two beautiful girls separately into his hotel room."

Message 1 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

It's not so much politics.....that's just a job. He's a human being first and foremost and it seems he had his .....oh lets call them 'weaknesses'.

Message 2 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

the federal organization that trains civil servants


I would say that from the example he has set, and the actions of many politicians who think the public should pay for their entertainment, he is doing his job extremely well.

Message 3 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

the actions of many politicians who think the public should pay for their entertainment, he is doing his job extremely well.


This article says it was a heart attack….


This one says a heart attack again….


Doing a Google search the only newspaper I can find that speaks of drugs etc is the Sun or papers owned by the Sun. Also it only talks about anonymous information that he was seen with two good looking women on camera. Were the women carrying signs that said “We’re off to enjoy Booze and Drugs with him”?


My point being……..I think the cess pool of a newspaper like the Sun needs a bit more reliable information before slandering the man who has a wife and child in Canada.  

Message 4 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

My point being……..I think the cess pool of a newspaper like the Sun needs a bit more reliable information before slandering the man who has a wife and child in Canada.


However, you seem to have no serious concerns with the "revenge" killing of a San Bernadino cop who leaves behind a wife, a seven year old daughter and a 4 month old son.  I am certain they would rather have had their husband and father slandered rather than murdered, IMO.

Message 5 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

We all know how the cop died. No one really knows how this government worker died except for an unsubstantiated 'rumour’ from a newspaper that is the equivalent of the National Enquirer sans the two headed alien who came to dinner.

And even if there were a picture of him with two women………that tells people NOTHING about what happened afterwards.

I guess some people don’t mind rumours and the Sun knows that. Some of their readers probably live for them. Makes their life worth living.


Speaking of rumours, where do I not have any ‘concerns’ about the family of the police officer? Please show me where I said that. Frankly I didn’t even know that there was a family or a child all I heard was two police were killed earlier in the investigation and then one shot and killed during the cabin incident.


You want to talk about ‘no concern’?………..try focusing on the Sun who seems to have no concern spreading an unsubstantiated rumour about a man who suddenly died and leaves a wife and daughter to hear these unsubstantiated rumours.

Message 6 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Too much semen in his stomach.

Message 7 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger



From he whose stock in trade is unsubstantiated information from a guy he met or someone he once talked to. 

Message 8 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

From he whose stock in trade............


I can substantiate anything.


Message 9 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Anyone who chooses to challenge establishment, traditional views, not to mention the system that we live in, sets themselves up for vehement attacks. Those attacks take all forms. If you look back at the history of anyone who has chosen to challenge the establishment they have a very dark history. Comes with the territory.

“I’m not the first person nor will I be the last to stand by my beliefs and be proven right later......”

Message 10 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger


Anyone who chooses to challenge establishment, traditional views, not to mention the system that we live in, sets themselves up for vehement attacks. Those attacks take all forms. If you look back at the history of anyone who has chosen to challenge the establishment they have a very dark history.




Are you inferring that you are being attacked?

Message 11 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Are you inferring that you are being attacked?


What one gives, one receives back.

Do unto others, and they will do unto you.

Message 12 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Are you inferring that you are being attacked?


When ones opinions are challenged by another, one perceives that as an "attack".

When that same individual repeatedly challenges others' opinions and basically says they are wrong, well, that is not an attack.  It is all in how you look at it. 


Being perfect and always right is a heavy cross for any person to bear.


The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the w...


This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections.”


Perfectionism is slow death”


Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor.”


No one is perfect... that's why pencils have erasers.


Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.
~Leonard Cohen


Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. ~Confucius


Once you accept the fact that you're not perfect, then you develop some confidence. ~Rosalynn Carter


The human story does not always unfold like a mathematical calculation on the principle that two and two make four. Sometimes in life they make five or minus three; and sometimes the blackboard topples down in the middle of the sum and leaves the class in disorder and the pedagogue with a black eye. ~Winston ChurchillThe Wisdom of Winston Churchill, p59, speech, London, 7 May 1946-->


Congratulations! You're not perfect! It's ridiculous to want to be perfect anyway. But then, everybody's ridiculous sometimes, except perfect people. You know what perfect is? Perfect is not eating or drinking or talking or moving a muscle or making even the teensiest mistake. Perfect is never doing anything wrong - which means never doing anything at all. Perfect is boring! So you're not perfect! Wonderful! Have fun! Eat things that give you bad breath! Trip over your own shoelaces! Laugh! Let somebody else laugh at you! Perfect people never do any of those things. All they do is sit around and sip weak tea and think about how perfect they are. But they're really not one-hundred-percent perfect anyway. You should see them when they get the hiccups! Phooey! Who needs 'em? You can drink pickle juice and imitate gorillas and do silly dances and sing stupid songs and wear funny hats and be as imperfect as you please and still be a good person. Good people are hard to find nowadays. And they're a lot more fun than perfect people any day of the week. ~Stephen Manes


"I accept that everything that I believe in may not be right.  I accept that sometimes, I will be criticized and rightly so.  Better to have an opinion, and be wrong, than to have no opinion at all.  I am not perfect; I don't believe I am perfect; I don't strive to be perfect.  It is enough to learn and improve each day."  puck

Message 13 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger



Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 14 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Do unto others, and they will do unto you.


And that is exactly the reason why I do what I do.


Message 15 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Do unto others, and they will do unto you.


And that is exactly the reason why I do what I do.



Really? I always have had the impression that you do what you do because you believe that you are right and most opposite opinions are wrong.. Also, that you believe that you know the "truth" and many here only know they are told by media..politicians etc.


You should try something...Treat people  on this board the same way you would like to be treated. By that, I mean respect their views, don't infer that they are too stupid to realize what the truth is, don't infer that they have specific views because they are prejudiced...feel inferior  and so on...... I bet that if you do that, your views will be respected more as well. It certainly wouldn't be an instant change but I'm sure that it would happen over time.


Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you

Message 16 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Nothing would give me more enjoyment, more intense pleasure, and gratification, than to comment further, but I cannot.

Message 17 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

Enjoy yourself. Have fun with your friends.

Message 18 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

By that, I mean respect their views


I have always respected Prior's views. 

I understand, however that they are just that - views.

They are how he sees the world.

They are not the gospel.

Message 19 of 41
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Re: The wonderful world of politics just keeps getting stranger and stranger

They are not the gospel.


I never said they were. Others say that for their own purposes.

Message 20 of 41
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