Top 10 list: How not to respond to Indigenous experiences of racism in Canada
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09-05-2013 06:28 AM
Re: Top 10 list: How not to respond to Indigenous experiences of racism in Canada
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09-05-2013 06:19 PM
Certainly, their is racism in Canada. It is part of our nature as human beings. We often "dislike" that which we don't understand.
Racism is never justified whether it is by non-natives against natives - or the reverse.
I worked for a native employer for four years. As a white person working for a native, I was treated about the same way that the natives treated their dogs. Well, not quite - I was never used for target practice - although it was suggested several times. I suppose we will blame the non-natives for teaching the natives to be racist. We are blamed for every other problem experienced by natives.
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09-05-2013 06:55 PM
@puckstopshere wrote:Certainly, their is racism in Canada. It is part of our nature as human beings. We often "dislike" that which we don't understand.
Racism is never justified whether it is by non-natives against natives - or the reverse.
I worked for a native employer for four years. As a white person working for a native, I was treated about the same way that the natives treated their dogs. Well, not quite - I was never used for target practice - although it was suggested several times. I suppose we will blame the non-natives for teaching the natives to be racist. We are blamed for every other problem experienced by natives.
And which one are you?
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09-05-2013 07:27 PM
Lets get a few points straight:
a) To say that Native people shoot their dogs is a pure lie. I go to Rez's on a regular basis and I have never heard of a Native person shooting their dogs. Rez dogs run free and they are some of the best guard dogs around and they don't get shot. On the other side of the coin I can give you a list of white people who infact DO shoot dogs. I live in the country and we have seen dogs shot by farmers and shot for pure entertainment. The local dog catcher who was around here at one time actually boasted about his ability to shoot dogs rather than spend the time trying to capture them. A cousin of mine who never trained his dog took the animal out in the woods and shot it because he was too lazy to do the right thing by the dog for his own mistakes. And all of these people .......were non-Native. Do you know who dumps their animals, cats and dogs out here in the country to fend for themselves and often starve and die?........well it's not Native people.
b) I have found in life that people who complain about their employers years later really have a problem of their own because they couldn't handle the job or were too slow, or felt they were too 'good' and rather than look at themselves and their own weaknesses they blame the employer and often just to add to their own obvious prejudices they start profiling the employer by his or her heritage. The truth however is the disgruntled employee who in their later years still holds a grudge because they were in fact the problem.
c) Native people were not taught to be racists.........they were taught to be angry and that was accomplished by the countless broken promises made to them.....the taking of their children to be forced to be who they were not and at the same time being beaten and abused in other ways......the using of Native children for experiments and the refusal of Canadian governments and Canadian people to treat Native people fairly and justly........and the list goes on and on and on. Now the Native people are standing up and saying "we're done.....we're not taking it anymore" and a lot of the white population don't like it, the same as they didn't like it when the Black people said they have had enough of being treated like animals for generations. Deal with it.
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09-05-2013 08:38 PM
Is this a Hate Crime ?
REGINA—RCMP say they believe a child under 12 is responsible for the death of a 6-year-old boy on a Saskatchewan reserve.
Staff Sgt. Larry Brost says the child from the Kahkewistahaw First Nation cannot be charged because of his age.
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09-05-2013 11:10 PM - edited 09-05-2013 11:11 PM
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09-06-2013 08:35 AM - last edited on 09-06-2013 01:11 PM by lizzier-ca
@nuvistors wrote:
Is this a Hate Crime ?
REGINA—RCMP say they believe a child under 12 is responsible for the death of a 6-year-old boy on a Saskatchewan reserve.
Staff Sgt. Larry Brost says the child from the Kahkewistahaw First Nation cannot be charged because of his age.
Obviously this is your feel good story.
Hoping you are kept away from young vulnerable minds.
Hate crime??
You know hate, making such comments like,
"It would not be halal since no witch-doctor chanted over it while it was deing cruelly killed"
How would you define kosher????
You blend in well with your flock of american friends at .com
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09-06-2013 11:10 AM
I must get the government to build me a new wigwam
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09-06-2013 11:35 AM
Morning Deac,
Lol, really, the gall of some people. I am sure he did not read that whole article.
Definately a few pucks shy of a full net.
Then you have the fella further down the page gloating about and replying to this thread with another native child tragedy in kanada.
Whats sad the young non native kids in this country are not being educated about our plight and the true history of our peoples and lands and the attrocities brought among our peoples by their ancestors and not so far off distant relatives.
All they are being taught is racist smut by todays rampant racist kanadian society from coast to coast. Many of their teachers their father,mothers etc.
Troubled times ahead as our young natives will not stand for this like their native fathers and grandfathers have.
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09-06-2013 12:41 PM
There is simply no understanding some people and I gave up trying to get through to them longggggg ago. Hatred is all around us. I see it aimed by people towards all races that aren't white. Some times it is blatent racism but most often it's very subtle. Since the dawn of the internet these Long ago it was aimed at Black people, and Native people because they were the most visible. After WW2 it was aimed at Japanese people and German people and Jewish people. Native people however and most recently Muslim people are now the main focus of the hate filled small minded people. It's as if they have to find someone to hate or their lives mean nothing.
The ironic part is if one looks at the history of the world and looks at who has caused more wars and has invaded more lands and has controlled, killed, terrorized and harmed so many people is not ............the visible minorities.
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09-06-2013 12:45 PM
"Hatred is all around us. I see it aimed by people towards all races that aren't white."
Are you suggesting that racism and hatred directed towards "white" do not exist?

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09-06-2013 12:50 PM
There is simply no understanding some people and I gave up trying to get through to them longggggg ago. Hatred is all around us. I see it aimed by people towards all races that aren't white. Some times it is blatent racism but most often it's very subtle. Now since the dawn of the internet they have found a new way to voice that hate. Long ago it was aimed at Black people, and Native people because they were the most visible. After WW2 it was aimed at Japanese people and German people and Jewish people. Native people however and most recently Muslim people are now the main focus of the hate filled small minded people. It's as if they have to find someone to hate or their lives mean nothing.
The ironic part is if one looks at the history of the world and looks at who has caused more wars and has invaded more lands and has controlled, killed, terrorized and harmed so many people is not ............the visible minorities.
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09-06-2013 01:44 PM - edited 09-06-2013 01:45 PM
Are you suggesting that racism and hatred directed towards "white" do not exist?
Certainly one aspect is, but have you ever asked yourself.........why? Look at it this way............ You and your family live in a beautiful area with clean streams and bountiful wildlife and fresh air. Along come some people and they want to take it all away from you. They have guns and artillery and professional soldiers and they have more power than you. So they take your land and then take your children, make you promises they do not keep and then make you less a human being than they are. Now tell would you feel about them and their offspring who want to keep the status quo? Now the water is dirty and the wildlife dwindling and the air polluted. You're told to live on a Reservation and it is only there that you are considered a Native person, not anywhere else. Might you have a bit of anger, resentment, hatred built up inside? It's like the old saying .....'who drew first blood'?
A long time ago I knew a lawyer, he was actually what they called a Queens Council and he said to me that there can never be peace between people until 'justice is done'. The problem with the situation between the Native people and the government of Canada is justice is never done and it's been that way for centuries. But just to compound matters, many people in Canada conveniently ignore the injustices done to the Native people both in the past and the present.
So to answer your there racism and hatred towards white people? Personally I would say it's not 'racism', but anger, even to the point of hatred in some situations. And if what happened to them, happened to you, you would feel the same.
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09-06-2013 02:49 PM
So to answer your there racism and hatred towards white people? Personally I would say it's not 'racism', but anger, even to the point of hatred in some situations. And if what happened to them, happened to you, you would feel the same.
So it's 'ok' to feel racism/hatred towards someone as long as one feels that there is a good reason for it?
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09-06-2013 03:29 PM - edited 09-06-2013 03:30 PM
Hatred comes first and racism is just a convenient excuse for the hatred. Racism is like flag waving and it's saying 'we are of one group and you are of another'. It's a way to separate people while bringing others together. Even amongst people of one race you find they marginalize one another. They can't use racism of course so they attack using a person's size or weight or what they wear or what they drive or who their parents were, etc etc etc. It all boils down to trying to find a way to hurt another human being. Race or religion are the most common methods because they are often the most visual, but people will turn and use anything they need for their agenda.
But do I believe that there can be good reasons for hatred? Absolutely. If next week a group of people decided to invade Canada, would you hate them? If people with power over you took your children from you, made them change their names, disallow them practicing their traditions and punished them if they did........would you hate them? If some people said they were taking your home and land and you were forced to move.........would you hate them?
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09-06-2013 04:22 PM
Most of my ancestors are from the northern British Isles. Long ago they learned not to live in the past.
They were attacked by the Vikings yet their descendants do not hate Danish people.
They were attacked by the Romans yet their descendants do not hate Italian people
They were attacked by France yet their descendants do not hate French people people
They were attacked by Germany yet their descendants do not hate German people
They were attacked again by Germany yet their descendants do not hate German people.
That is because they have found it is better to live in the present and look to make a better future.
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09-06-2013 04:39 PM - edited 09-06-2013 04:40 PM
Yes they were attacked by all those any of those people still control them? NO.
It's easy to 'not live in the past' when you are no longer under the heel of invaders.
(And just for the record, there are still a lot of Brits who do not like the Germans, or French)
My family history is all from Ireland. We dealt with the persecution of the Brits for 400 years, from the original invasion and murders to the famine where 100's of thousands of Irish died as Britain watched and threw the people off their own land. Do I hate Brits? No............... Because Ireland now belongs to the Irish again. Justice was finally done.
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09-07-2013 11:42 AM
And which one are you?
I am the big one in the middle.
You are the little one next to me - the one that hasn't grown up yet.
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09-07-2013 11:45 AM
It's as if they have to find someone to hate or their lives mean nothing.
Or they go to a dock and spew their hatred.
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09-07-2013 04:33 PM