Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

Metrolinx backs hikes in gas, sales tax, parking levy to fund the Big Move



It’s being positioned as a $477 annual per household investment in the region’s transportation future.

A 1 per cent hike in the GST; a 5-cent a litre hike in the gas tax; a 25-cent daily commercial parking levy and 15 per cent rise in development charges are the cornerstones of a $34 billion investment strategy released by Metrolinx on Monday.

The revenue would fund a bundle of 13 transit projects, ranging from a downtown relief line for Toronto, electrification of some GO lines and the Union Pearson Express train and, light rail in Mississauga and Hamilton.

The first $16 billion worth of projects outlined in the Metrolinx Big Move plan is already underway. The province has already committed funds to that package of projects, which includes four LRTs in Toronto, bus rapid transit in York Region, the Pearson-to-Union train shuttle and the Union Station train shed renovation.


The Metrolinx investment strategy released Monday also includes three “complementary” policy proposals designed to wring more efficiency out of the existing road and transit network. Those include high-occupancy toll lanes, parking fees at transit stations and land-value capture to leverage the development potential along new transit lines.

To ensure the taxes are, in fact, dedicated to transit and not swallowed up in general government revenue streams, Metrolinx is recommending they flow to an untouchable transit trust fund. That fund and its impact would be reviewed after 10 years and again in 20 years to determine if it should continue.

The HST increase would raise about $1.3 billion for the Toronto region. If the government decided to levy that tax province-wide, the $1.7 billion raised in other areas would be spent on priorities in those parts of the province, said Metrolinx CEO Bruce McCuaig.

Message 1 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

One very simple  solution would be to raise the property tax mil rate in Toronto to the same as surrounding communities..    Torontoids pay far less property tax than  people living in London or Kitchener

Message 2 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

How about being factual.  Can you?


The tax increase suggestion comes from Metrolinx - NOT the provincial Liberal government.


Metrolinx, an agency of the Government of Ontario under the Metrolinx Act, 2006, was created to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area


The proposals from Metrolinx will eventually find their ways to the provincial cabinet for decision.


Personally, I think it is stupid to ask citizens of London or Ottawa or Belleville or Kingston or Sudbury to pay for Torontonians getting to work and play faster.

Message 3 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

How about being factual.  Can you?


The tax increase suggestion comes from Metrolinx - NOT the provincial Liberal government.


Metrolinx, an agency of the Government of Ontario under the Metrolinx Act, 2006, was created to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area


The proposals from Metrolinx will eventually find their ways to the provincial cabinet for decision.


Personally, I think it is stupid to ask citizens of London or Ottawa or Belleville or Kingston or Sudbury to pay for Torontonians getting to work and play faster.



Metrolinx is about as Liberal as you can get !


Especially with other peoples money .

Message 4 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

Won't happen. Approx 477.00 per household! Someone at Metrolinx has been using Ford's pipe.

Message 5 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

"Metrolinx is about as Liberal as you can get !"


You really have a hard time getting your facts straight.


Have you looked at their Board?


Who is the chairman? hint: former law partner with John Tory.  Is he Liberal?


How about Janet Ecker?  Did she not served in the cabinet of Mike Harris? A Liberal?


Etc... Check it out.  Or is it against your religion to check the facts before forming an opinion?


Keep posting.  The more you do, the less credibility goes to conservative supporters.


The situation is bad enough with the taxing proposals from Metrolinx, it is a mistake by Conservative supporters to attempt - as always - to make everything politically partisan.  It is getting tiring.

Message 6 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

Most people wouldn't know, or take the time to research Metrolinx. This is sounding a bit like a fear based media plant against the Liberal government.

Message 7 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

For those who do not have the time to do some basic research, here is the board of directors of metrolinx: 


J. Robert S. Prichard is Chairman of Torys, a leading international business law firm. He previously served as President and CEO of Metrolinx.

Mr. Prichard is also past President and Chief Executive Officer of Torstar Corporation and President Emeritus of the University of Toronto where he previously served as dean of law and as a professor specializing in law and economics. Mr. Prichard is Chairman of Bank of Montreal, and Director of Onex Corporation and George Weston Ltd. He also serves as Vice-Chair of Canada’s Science, Technology and Innovation Council, Chairman of the Visiting Committee of Harvard Law School, and a trustee of the Hospital for Sick Children.


Stephen Smith is the Co-Founder, Chairman and President of First National Financial LP, Canada's largest non-bank mortgage lender with over $50 billion of mortgage assets under administration. With over 500 employees across the country, FNFLP lends $12 billion of commercial and single family residential mortgages to Canadians annually.

In addition, Mr. Smith is Chairman of the Board of Canada Guaranty Mortgage Insurance Company as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company and the Empire Life Insurance Company. Mr. Smith is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Royal Conservatory of Music and a member of the Board of the Historica-Dominion Institute.


In his role as the President & CEO of the Toronto Community Foundation, Rahul Bhardwaj has been working to engage philanthropy in Toronto to address challenges facing the city. Formerly a corporate lawyer with a leading Canadian law firm, he was also Vice President of the Toronto 2008 Olympic Bid.


As part of the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Fiscal review panel in 2008 Rahul, was involved in identifying efficiencies for the City of Toronto. A year later the Province of Ontario appointed him to the Board of Metrolinx, an organization developing and implementing an overall transit strategy for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. More recently, Rahul became Chair of the 2012 Ontario Summer Games Organizing Committee and was appointed to the Board of Directors for Upper Canada College. He is the past Chair of the Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival and his board commitments, past and present, include George Brown College,Community Foundations of Canada, Stratford Festival of Canada and United Way Toronto, among many others.


Janet L Ecker is President and CEO of the Toronto Financial Services Alliance (TFSA), a growing public –private partnership dedicated to building Toronto as a global financial services centre. With government and industry support, she has also established the Global Risk Institute in Financial Services to leverage the sector’s global reputation for stability, as well as the Centre of Excellence in Financial Services Education to capitalize on Toronto region’s talent advantages.

A former Ontario Finance Minister, Ms. Ecker also held the portfolios of Minister of Education, Minister of Community and Social Services and Government House Leader. Ms. Ecker currently sits on a number of corporate and non-profit boards and agencies and is also a member of the Ontario Finance Minister’s Economic Advisory Panel


Joseph Halstead is the former Commissioner responsible for Economic Development, Culture and Tourism in the City of Toronto. In this capacity, he was also responsible for the Parks and Recreation system, as well as Major Events.

Previously, he spent 24 years with the Provincial Government of Ontario in five different ministries in a broad range of management positions, rising to the position of Assistant Deputy Minister of the Provincial Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation.

Mr. Halstead has been involved in the business sector as well as sports and recreation sectors most of his professional career. He has served on boards such as: the Premier’s Roundtable on Volunteerism, the Toronto Community Foundation, Canada Games Council, the Inter-Provincial Lottery Corporation and the Toronto Economic Development Corporation.

He was Vice-Chair of the 2015 Pan American Games Bid Committee, the City’s lead person on Toronto’s bid for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games and the Province’s representative on the bid for the 1996 Olympic Games.


Richard Koroscil just retired as President and Chief Executive Officer for the John C Munro Hamilton International Airport (Canada). His distinguished career in Airport Management spans over 35 years in both the public and private sectors throughout Canada and internationally.

His career portfolio includes Vice President of Operations for YVRAS and Vice President for YVRAS parent company, the Vancouver International Airport Authority.

Richard sits on the boards of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, McMaster Institute of Transportation and Logistics, Theatre Aquarius, past SKAL International President in 2009 and is the founding Chairman of Southern Ontario Gateway Council and is the 2010 Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Chair. He also is an active member of the Jobs Prosperity Collective, Mayors Advisory Committee on Economic Development, Co-Chairs the Hamilton Immigration Partnership Council, Airport Employment Growth District and the Hamilton Economic Summit Advisory Committee.



Message 8 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

Except for a couple it appears they were all in a position to freely spend the taxpayers money

Message 9 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

Just seeing Ecker's name raises the hair up on the back of my neck. I never liked that woman even before she was the bobblehead behind Mike Harris in Parliament.

Message 10 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

Personally, I think it is stupid to ask citizens of London or Ottawa or Belleville or Kingston or Sudbury to pay for Torontonians getting to work and play faster.


It's not like did not happen yet. Taxes of those people have already been invested in Toronto infrastructure. In return, people of Toronto pay much more for the privilege to live in the city 🙂

Message 11 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario


It's not like did not happen yet. Taxes of those people have already been invested in Toronto infrastructure. In return, people of Toronto pay much more for the privilege to live in the city 🙂




Actually the property taxes for Toronto are considerably less than  London or Kitchener.






Message 12 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

"Actually the property taxes for Toronto are considerably less than  London or Kitchener."


That is correct.


Take any city in Ontario outside the GTA and you will find Ontarians generally pay much more in municipal taxes than the residents of Toronto for the same value.


In addition, as we all know, prices of real estate have been exploding in Toronto for many years, allowing a lot of folks to have a nice sum available for retirement when the time comes.


If folks in Toronto want the luxury of more subway, fast transit, etc... let them pay for it.  They can afford it.

Message 13 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

You bunch need to quite whinnying and follow my example - I left Toronto and Ontario in 1980 for Alberta - best thing I every did.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 14 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

I find it strange that with Toronto having such a crazy unemployment rate that they are going to tax more on those low income workers just scraping by and the rest of us just for travel..


how about you tax me more to get rid of some debt so we can eventually not have to tax so much on everything just to stay a float and that is being nice..



Message 15 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

How about being factual.  Can you?


The tax increase suggestion comes from Metrolinx - NOT the provincial Liberal government





Now it's up to the governing Liberals to decide whether they want to raise taxes and, if the minority government falls, whether they'll campaign on such a politically toxic proposal in an election.

Premier Kathleen Wynne wouldn't say whether she'll implement Metrolinx's recommendations, saying she'll take it "under advisement" and consult the public first.

"I know that the congestion situation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area cannot be allowed to continue, and so it is absolutely critical that we have a dedicated revenue stream," she said in the legislature.

Legislation to implement the new fees will likely come in spring 2014, the Liberals said.

But they need the support of at least one of the opposition parties to pass it, and both the New Democrats and Progressive Conservatives say they oppose any new levies.

Message 16 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

"Now it's up to the governing Liberals to decide whether they want to raise taxes'


That is correct and, as you stated, they have NOT made that decision, contrary to the title of this thread.  That was the point.  Thank you for confirming it.

Message 17 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

Wynne won't approve it.

This was a sneak attack by CONservative members on the Metrolinx board in the hopes that someone would promote it as 'Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario'.

I do feel for the people of Toronto. Where I live rush hour is two John Deere tractors meeting at the corner and talking for 15 min while those wanting to pass just drive around them, smile and wave......or stop and talk as well. As George Carlin use to say...."if you don't like the weather, MOVE". 

Message 18 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

That is correct and, as you stated, they have NOT made that decision, contrary to the title of this thread.  That was the point.  Thank you for confirming it.


HMMMMMMMM  must have missed this part!!!



Legislation to implement the new fees will likely come in spring 2014, the Liberals said.

But they need the support of at least one of the opposition parties to pass it, and both the New Democrats and Progressive Conservatives say they oppose any new levies

Message 19 of 26
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Re: Toronto Liberals want to tax all of Ontario

Legislation to implement the new fees will likely come in spring 2014, the Liberals said


If it affects the people of the Toronto to Hamilton area then that's something they will have to deal with, they live there, they use it. "New fees" could apply to that area alone.

Message 20 of 26
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