UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

and ebay is absolutely no help - as usual. I got the lovely "we are just telling you that you are an unwelcome bidder" letter from ebay 2 days ago. I replied to it, asking which item or seller this pertained to. I was using a new buying id that only has 6 feedback and I have no outstanding bids at the moment.

Ebay replied that of course, they can't tell me anything for privacy reasons and they are sure that I understand completely that they are right, as usual. I wrote back today and informed them that they are less than useless - I have no idea who considers me unwelcome so how can I avoid bidding on his/her items! If this pertains to an auction I was bidding on several days ago, I could have gotten in big trouble by rebidding because I don't know who doesn't want my money!

How stupid is this policy!!!!! As a seller, I want anyone that gets an unwelcome bidder notice to know that it was from me so that they don't bid on my items. Isn't that the whole point of the exercise????

What am I missing here?
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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
:^O You're right! That information IS less than useful. Contacting all the sellers' whose items you bid on to figure it out would just annoy all of the other sellers in addition to the one who wanted to give you that notice. 😛 Thanks for giving me a chuckle at the end of a long work day. (Still have a few more hours of other activities to go.) 😉

I await an answer from some more seasoned pros to enlighten us with an answer to your question.

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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
I guess if you are going to use secondary ID's, instead of your main one, that sort of problem goes with the territory. I'm the kind of seller that would cancel your bid, just because you have only 6 feedback. Some sellers don't want to help Newbies learn the ropes on Ebay. I myself might have interpreted your lack of feedback as a lack of experience. How would I know you have other ID's with thousands of transactions? My policy is to automatically investigate any bid from a buyer with less than 5 feedback or less than 3 months experience or both. I do agree though, that Ebay should tell you which seller doesn't want your bid. I think you could find out by looking up your ID in Advanced search, and then click on the items that ID bid on. Ebay would put a note in the BIDS section, recording the cancellation, and reason for it. You could probably figure it out for yourself, if it was important to you. And I apologize in advance, if you ever get bounced from one of my auctions, using your secondary ID, you will know it's me though, cause I always sign my cancellations - ADMINISTRATIVE CANCELLATION. 🙂
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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
tea the devil ]:) 😉
Message 4 of 13
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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Tea.......you've got to remember, we were all once 0 FB. While I do have my my preferences set to block neg FB bidders and those with 2 unpaid item strikes, I would never automatically assume that a low FB is an unwelcome customer. I have had just as many NPB from users with more than 10FB as from those with less. I don't believe in guilty until proven innocent. I would take action to cancel a bid if I saw someone on a buying frenzy or bidding on several other items the same in order to pick the cheapest win, but other than that, an auction is an auction - that's the whole point of ebay. I've been around long enough to know.

I did not have a bid cancelled - if that had been the case, I would know where I stand. This anonymous notice came with no helpful information. I don't really care if there are short-sighted sellers who are stupid enough to turn away good business, I just want to know who they are so I can accomodate them 🙂
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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
i agree! if i put a block or canceled bids on everyone that had a 0 FB i would lose a lot of customers. a lot of my customers make a ebay ID just to buy 1 set of tickets i have and never want to use ebay again, also when i sell to them, they then tell their friends and so on..... word of mouth is the best type of advertising compared to anything ebay can offer
Message 6 of 13
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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
Some of the worst messes I've ever had to deal with during an Ebay transaction have been with "0" ID's If it works for your business that's fine. I won't sell to Newbies. That policy works much better for my business. We have so many fewer problems now. In the last six months I've sold near 400 items and only 3 have had to be relisted due to a non paying bidder. Thats a 0.75% rate of non payment. Before, when I used to allow any and all bidders we had a non payment rate of 10%. So on those 400 transactions, I would have had 40, non paying bidders, instead of just the three. If even half of those non paying bidders retaliated with a negative feedback, I would have 20 more negs than I have now. So the numbers are simple for me:

When I screen bidders I get paid 397 times out of 400.
When I don't screen bidders I get paid 360 times out of 400.

I don't understand where the concept of losing business comes from?? I successfully complete 37 more transactions when I screen than when I don't.

It's kind of like why new drivers pay higher insurance rates. It's because they are more likely to have an accident. People with 0 ID's are more likely to cause me a problem than the rest of the general Ebay population. Once they have proven themselves(or not) at the expense of your wallet & or profile(and not mine) then I will consider them as customers based on how they performed with you.

I'm glad you accept 0 bidders, it helps me judge whether I want them to do business with me later. As long as the world is full of Guinea pigs, it will be a safer place for me. If you don't mind being a Guinea Pig, that's fine with me.

Thanks for your time and this discussion. Very nice to make your acquaintance.

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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member

I can't believe anyone would want to block zero FB bidders. Just dumb, dumb, dumb. I've had more problems with the so-called "experienced" ebayers who like to work the weaknesses they have found in the system than with the newbies.

Weren't we all 0 FB buyers or sellers at some point?

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Message 8 of 13
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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
Ditto on that one Monique! I do have problems with some 0 feedback bidders but many more problems with higher feedback ones. Like today with this one. She buys tons of Winnie the Pooh stuff and does credit card chargebacks months later. fffttt

No online tracking number? Too bad, so sad, tough boots for you. And she knew that. I'm sure there are tons of other folks waking up to the same crap in their PP account today and the coming days.


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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

We will only cancel a bid if we cannot reach the bidder either their register telephone number and or if we do not get an email response back from them. We do find that most (95%) of our UPI's are from less than 5 feedback users and the most common excuse used to back out of a transaction is "They changed their mind" the rest try to be real creative and say things like "My 4yr old child bid on the item or my teenager got a hold of my password and bid on the item without my permission.


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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
Thank you Tim!!
Message 11 of 13
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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
And thank you Jake and Monique for letting the Ebay Newbies cut their teeth on your wallet and your Ebay Feedback page. I love you for that.:-x
Message 12 of 13
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UNWELCOME BIDDER notice - don't know why.....

Community Member
I've had more problems with the so-called "experienced" ebayers who like to work the weaknesses they have found in the system than with the newbies.

Now that i look back, i don't think any of my unpaid disputes have been with 0-5 feedback bidders, but the larger ones...and its a good point, that it takes the more experienced ones to pull the real good scams on ya. i do have to admit though, that i think the newbies are waaaaaaay too picky as far as transit times etc...and are more likely to neg you or open a dispute, compared to the older bidders who are much more relaxed...
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