Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

I just need to vent this morning as I woke to yet another Cancel Transaction request that came in overnight. It is my second this week and, for the record, the 28th order to go to the Resolution Centre within the 30 days. Most are unpaid items and many came from the same buyer who hit the maximum allowed by my settings before calling it quits. If these items had been paid, the sales total would have hit about $1000 CAD. 


The problem is two-fold.


With both 'cancel order' requests, the reason given was 'my child was shopping on my mobile device/computer and I didn't know they were buying things'. (Allow me to be sanctimonious for a moment but as a parent of four children of various ages, I find this utterly inconceivable. It's not as if I don't get busy or become distracted but at NO point is anyone allowed to go online and do anything without my prior consent. Believe me, I have plenty to do around here but I am aware of what my children are doing at all times of the day and night. Grrrr.) This excuse is as old as the day is long. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have heard it. 


The second part of this problem is that I cannot have Immediate Payment Required because I also offer Cash on Local Pickup which forms a large enough part of my business model that I must have it enabled. The two payment options are mutually exclusive. It's not as if there is or can be a postal code override that requires Immediate Payment for someone more than 100 km away and allows Cash on Pickup for one within 100 km. I already asked and was told 'no'.


Is it time as sellers to band together and ask that buyer-initiated Cancel Order requests count for something akin to an Unpaid Item? Or an upgrade to the shopping cart that allows IPR and COP to be enabled based on postal code? 


Also, there is nothing between a limit of 10 and 25 in the 'halt purchase from the same buyer' block that can be set. My 'free shipping' offer via Combined Shipping kicks in at 10 items so it can't be my limit. And because ebay.ca offers NOTHING by means of Promotions for multi-item purchases the way ebay.com does, this and the Markdown Manager are my only two methods by which to stimulate sales. 


I am very frustrated as a result. 


And now for something completely different, please allow me to holler about the Product Catalogue again. With the Bulk Relist tool surreptitiously altering listings so that incorrect item specifics in EVERY instance where a matching product is actually found are overwriting the correct ones that I personally have painstakingly added through the months of May and June, July and August, I am past the point where, as a seller, I feel as if this is a place where I want to be. I have been an ebay cheerleader since the day I bought my first item in 1999 and if even I am feeling alienated..... I don't know what's left to say. I have said it all elsewhere before. 


What is a seller to do? 





Message 1 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

I can only imagine how frustrating the catalogue situation must be for you and if I were having that issue I would really be peeved and frustrated as well.  Have you had a chance yet to post about the problem in the listing tools forum on .ca and in the technical issues forum on .com?


The cancellation requests would be annoying and even more so when someone feels the need to lie about it.  Did they at least cancel within an hour after purchase so that you were credited the fees as soon as you agreed?

Message 2 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

I'm afraid I have nothing to offer but commiseration on the Product Catalogue problem, and although I don't have to deal with this myself (because of the nature of my items), I can just imagine how frustrating it must be.  


There are, it seems, so many features on eBay that misfire or simply never get fixed.  The best we can really often hope for is not any direct help from eBay, but that perhaps someone may have come up with a workaround.  


I have some thoughts to offer however on the other problem you have, if I may -- that of non-payers.  If your rate of deadbeat buyers is so high (and 28 orders in 30 days seems very high to me), perhaps a cold analysis is in order, not only to save your sanity, but your pocketbook.  


What I mean is this:  Analyze the dollar value (not the number of transactions) that represent your "cash on pickup" sales over the past year as compared to your usual eBay sales.  If the proportion is relatively low for COP, it might be worth considering running an experiment to change your listings to IPR for a month and see if it helps not only lower your blood pressure, but possibly increase sales enough to compensate for the COP losses (remember that if you're listing on .ca, your .com customers -- which will most certainly include a lot of Canadian buyers -- won't get those horrible "Item Not Available" or "Sent to Auction" messages that occur with the .com cart).  And many otherwise non-payers may actually pay when they're confronted with IPR on an item they really want. 


Another option, perhaps even better, might be this: Why not advertise on your listings themselves that you're happy to accommodate local pick-up if buyers will message you through eBay, and forget about entering that option into eBay's formal payment/shipping system?  


What I mean is this:  I presume that when you have a COP buyer, you'll have contact with them in advance of their dropping by?  And I presume the reason the buyer wants COP is because they don't want to have to wait for postal delivery?  Why not simply tell the buyer when they contact you that you're happy to settle up when they arrive?  Or ask them if they are able to process payment by Paypal once they arrive (for people who do have mobile phones, they might even prefer this, to have a record of their payment).  Personally, I'd even offer use of my laptop momentarily for a buyer to access Paypal on pickup, make the payment on the spot, and then I could issue them an official Paypal receipt. 


I'm just hoping some of these ideas might help to ease your situation.  Don't feel stuck in the rut that there is only one way to work on eBay -- I've learned that one has to be an innovative thinker and create ways to go around problems eBay throws in our way in order to stay sane and still survive here.  This is particularly true recently, where it seems eBay has lost the interest or ability to fix things that desperately need fixing. 

Message 3 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

Never accept paypal for a pick up. You have no proof of delivery or seller protection. Cash only!

Message 4 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

@dutchman48 wrote:

Never accept paypal for a pick up. You have no proof of delivery or seller protection. Cash only!

How does cash give a seller better protection?


I would think this problem could be easily overcome, old-school style:  a signed receipt from the buyer, proving delivery.  Just print out the sales record and have the customer sign it.  And if you're a belt-and-suspenders type, also ask the customer to send you an eBay message (while you wait) confirming satisfactory delivery of goods purchased.  If the buyer doesn't have a device to send the message, you can let them borrow your phone (or laptop) for a minute for the purpose.  


I don't see why you wouldn't have Paypal seller protection in such an instance.  You'd have signed delivery confirmation, better than most shipping services.

Message 5 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

Ebay will not accept a receipt, only on line viewable proof of delivery which means pickup has no on line viewable delivery confirmation so has to be paid with cash on pick up only.


People have been ripped off by buyer paying with Paypal and then requesting pick up to save shipping. Once picked up, they file INR and with no on line viewable delivery confirmation, get refunded.


No different than paying with paypal, seller sending regular mail with no delivery confirmation. No viewable delivery confirmation buyer gets refunded no questions asked.

Message 6 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

I can think of one way to solve that problem: scan and upload the customer's signed delivery confirmation to eBay.


I see no reason why it couldn't be uploaded by the seller into an eBay message to the buyer, for example.  If eBay or Paypal want to see online proof of the buyer's receipt of goods, forward the email on -- voilà.  Problem solved I would think.  


What would be the difference between that proof and some little known 3rd party shipper's signed manifest?  Nothing really, unless eBay/Paypal have a list of shippers or delivery services which are the only ones they'll accept proof from, which I can't recall ever seeing. 

Message 7 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

"How does cash give a seller better protection?"


Elementary Watson.  eBay cannot make you give back the cash in your hands or your bank account.

Message 8 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

@dutchman48 wrote:


No different than paying with paypal, seller sending regular mail with no delivery confirmation. No viewable delivery confirmation buyer gets refunded no questions asked.

I don't see what would make cash on pickup any different or any more secure for the seller - assuming the seller wants the sale to be recorded on eBay in order to get credit for it as a transaction.  


Presumably the buyer could file INR through eBay after having paid cash and picked up his items, and the seller be forced to refund without any confirmation of delivery.  


I would never use COP personally, as I really wouldn't like having people showing up at my home, no doubt usually at their convenience.  

Message 9 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

pierre lebel wrote: 


"How does cash give a seller better protection?"


Elementary Watson.  eBay cannot make you give back the cash in your hands or your bank account.



Yes, but can they not force a refund through the eBay system (i.e. direct payment by seller through Paypal)?  


Does this mean a buyer who pays cash can't file an eBay INR or even a SNAD claim?  That doesn't seem fair to buyers who may only discover once they get home that a piece is missing or an item doesn't function as it should.  


I really am asking out of curiosity, as I don't, and never have, dealt on a cash basis for eBay transactions.  The whole concept seems a bit odd to me, in the sense that I'm surprised eBay even allows it.  For example, how does the sale/transaction get recorded on the seller's eBay records?  

Message 10 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

There is no protection for cash (how could there be?),and no need for any.  Item not received isn't an issue when you are handing over the money for the item in person.  If it was not as described you'd presumably call it off then.  No different then buying from a garage sale or kijiji, buyer beware .  Pay cash and the seller would be free to file payment not received to recover the fees as there would be no way for ebay to know

Message 11 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

@toby**bleep**zu wrote:

"There is no protection for cash (how could there be?),and no need for any.  Item not received isn't an issue when you are handing over the money for the item in person.  If it was not as described you'd presumably call it off then.  No different then buying from a garage sale or kijiji, buyer beware ."  


I don't think it's always quite that simple, at least in theory.  You are handing over the item(s), collecting the money for it, but if the buyer discovers later there is a flaw or damage that he didn't notice, the seller is worse off than had the transaction gone through Paypal if the buyer decides to make a SNAD claim through eBay.  


That is of course, if the transaction even gets recorded on eBay, which is what I'm assuming, but may not be the case.  I don't know because I wouldn't run cash deals through eBay (maybe the OP will tell us how she does handle these, and what happens on her sales record).  


If in fact these COP deals don't get recorded as a transaction on eBay, then I hardly see the point in cash deals if they only represent an occasional sale.  And if they represent a large percentage of a seller's transactions but are never recorded on eBay, the seller would be better off with Kijiji and no listing fees. 


From the buyer's side it could be a sour eBay experience too.  How many times have you bought something from a major retailer, got it home, and realized it didn't work?  I have -- quite a few.  With a store retailer, you know you'll get your money back with no questions asked.  What prevents an eBay seller who does COP deals from refusing to reimburse?  Nothing.  I'm certainly not saying that the OP is in any way in this category, but you're right that such COP deals do indeed come with caveat emptor included.  And who will the shafted buyer blame -- eBay.  Not good optics for eBay, which is why I said that I wonder that eBay still allows COP.


"Pay cash and the seller would be free to file payment not received to recover the fees as there would be no way for ebay to know. "


Maybe I'm just getting tired today but this makes no sense to me.  What fees would there be to recover if there is "no way for eBay to know" (i.e. if what you mean is that the transaction doesn't get recorded on eBay in the first place)?  Are you arguing for or against COP deals?  Sorry, but you've lost me here.  


Message 12 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

First of all, thank you to everyone who replied to my post. For some odd reason, I don't receive notification of any of it and only discovered this many hours later. 


To elaborate a little further, the one newish-to-ebay gentleman to whom I sold the 25 items (that ultimately went unpaid) was an excellent communicator at first who asked instead for a custom bundle to reflect a substantial discount on those items which I then created for him... and which went unpurchased. He evaporated. I can see from his feedback that he had bid and won some items from another seller of the same products in the meantime. On reflection, my suspicion is that this person may have been youngish himself. It's hard to say. I might be wrong about that. I let his 3-day custom bundle listing relist itself a second time and then expire. The cache of 25 original items I allowed to go to Unpaid. If I had been in a forgiving mood, I might have submit 25 Cancel Order requests to ebay instead but he didn't ask for them. If a buyer takes the time to ask me for a Cancellation, I will do it instead of opening an Unpaid Item.


I do have my requirements set to block anyone who has two strikes in 12 months but I rarely run auctions now so with Immediate Payment Required, this would probably be irrelevant. I also have my 'reported' buyers blocked to the fullest extent allowed but as far as I can tell, that never blocks anybody. I regularly check my 'buyer requirements activity log' to see what kind of buyer is getting blocked for what items but I don't think the log tells us everything. For example, if someone is blocked while trying to add items to their cart? I don't think it applies. Or if someone who was specifically blocked by buyer ID tries to make a purchase? I also don't think that is reflected in the log. I wish it were because it would lend some insight to potential retaliatory purchasing. You know, the kind that is bound to cause trouble down the road. 


It is highly unusual for me to get 25 unpaid items at once. On a regular month, I might have four to six unpaid cases per month and about the same number of Cancel Transaction requests. The Cancel requests are 19 times out of 20 always about 'my kid was shopping and I wasn't paying attention' with the remainder being 'I didn't check the cost of shipping overseas before I bought it' and with the unpaid items there is no communication so I have no way of knowing what the reason might be for the unpaid purchase. 


In very few cases is contact made to tell me within the hour that a buy-it-now was made in error. My grief would be much less if they were. It is usually some time around day three that I get a harassed one-line message saying they don't want whatever it is they inadvertently bought. Adding insult to injury, many of these instances are made from mobile phones so the buyer has no way of actually accepting the Cancel request they have asked for and then I am waiting another 10 days before I can technically relist it. I don't wait the full 10 days in most cases. My hope is that if the buyer asked for it to be cancelled and then for some bizarre reason changed their mind after it sold to another person (?) that ebay would side with me if problems arose with negative feedback about that from the original buyer. But I don't actually know, it hasn't actually happened.


As far as the mix-ups with the Bulk Editor and totally wrecked Product Catalogue, I have been raising these issues since they first arose and/or were announced as changes to come. It's been months. I haven't found the right place or person to get it fixed. The Product Catalogue on ebay.com is different than on ebay.ca. I need more a substantial amount of dedicated time to explain exactly what is wrong with each listing match before it can be fixed. And I can tell you that I am three months behind in my own paperwork now. The Product Catalogue will have to wait. I am somewhat incredulous that it is as bad as it is. I cannot be the only seller affected, I simply can't be. 


But if ebay.ca wants to hire me to FIX their Product Catalogue, I will entertain that offer. 


In the meantime, how do they expect us to sell anything.....? 


Oh and I am very careful to accept only Cash on Pickup for local pick-ups. I think that if I were a paypal merchant, I could ask them to pay on their mobile device at the door but I don't have that set up and I haven't fully explored it as an option because I simply don't have the time to research its pros and cons. I nicely explain to the eager local buyers that third-party tracking is required by paypal to demonstrate that goods exchanged hands for funds sent, and that it isn't possible with paypal payments and a local pick-up. Besides, I think that if a buyer wants to save on postage and I am required to sit around and wait for them to show up (or not) I am entitled to save on paypal fees for my troubles. 


For posterity, I will note that since the defect system came into effect, one must be very careful around this. I had a local buyer makes purchases and because they followed the 'pay now' prompts, then paid by paypal and then sent a message saying they wanted to pick it up instead. We made arrangements for that to happen. I refunded their payment in full. They collected their stuff, were happy to do it. It was good, I left feedback, they left feedback and everyone was pleased.


A few days later I noticed a big, fat defect on my account. Confused, I called ebay and their explanation was that I had refunded a payment without an associated cancellation. I (paraphrased) said, 'I refunded the payment because the buyer decided afterwards to come to my door and pay Cash on Pickup. You can see this reflected in both the sales record and the positive feedbacks left for one another. As well as the messages.' The CSR said a refunded payment without an associated cancellation is grounds for an automatic defect because sellers had been trying to avoid defects by issuing refunds and taking the loss on final value fees to avoid trouble. Now it was an automatic defect unless the transaction was also cancelled. I (paraphrased) told the CSR, 'That makes no sense at all. The transaction went through as planned. If I cancel it to avoid getting an automatic defect, it should rightly be construed as shenanigans for avoiding ebay fees. The transaction was legitimately an ebay transaction. What would be the point of also cancelling the transaction after a paypal payment was refunded if the buyer was coming to pick it up and pay cash?! It is completely backwards logic. People want to shop online and do pick-ups sometimes, they just do. I offer cash on pickup as is allowed and noted in the listing itself both in payments and the item description. All the major retailers are offering that option now. ebay is begging sellers to steal deserved final value fees from them with this policy and I hope it is changed.'


The defect was removed.


If I was not the true stickler that I am, I would be none the wiser and I would assume the defect was a result of some unknown transgression. There would be a defect on my account today. That policy needs to be thoroughly examined. It is illogical. 


Thank you all again for your substantial time and advice.



Message 13 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

@mjwl2006 wrote:


On a regular month, I might have four to six unpaid cases per month and about the same number of Cancel Transaction requests. 


Hi 'mj' -- The cancellation issues aside, this sounds like quite a lot of unpaid cases monthly to me.  Not only is it a hassle and waste of your time, but you have stock in limbo in each instance waiting to be released for re-listing once the case closes.  


Honestly, unless you have a large number of cash-on-pickup requests per month, if I were in this situation, I'd stipulate IPR on all listings and indicate that you'll accommodate buyers for cash pickup if they contact you prior to purchasing.  Then you won't need to indicate Cash on Pickup in the payment/shipping section of the SYI form, so there would be no conflict between the two on eBay itself.  



In very few cases is contact made to tell me within the hour that a buy-it-now was made in error. My grief would be much less if they were. 


If you shut down the non-payment problems by using IPR, then you'd have fewer issues with these kinds of cancellations as well.  Especially the "kid at the keyboard" type, since the "kid" would need to have the parent's Paypal password in order to process the transaction. Woman LOL


I think perhaps you're causing yourself far too much grief for very little gain in terms of potential customer satisfaction.  People are getting used to expecting to pay immediately for their purchases on eBay or lose them to another buyer, primarily I think because IPR is obligatory on .com.  



Oh and I am very careful to accept only Cash on Pickup for local pick-ups. I think that if I were a paypal merchant, I could ask them to pay on their mobile device at the door but I don't have that set up and I haven't fully explored it as an option because I simply don't have the time to research its pros and cons. [...] Besides, I think that if a buyer wants to save on postage and I am required to sit around and wait for them to show up (or not) I am entitled to save on paypal fees for my troubles. 


You wouldn't need to be set up as a Paypal merchant.  Simply have the buyer log onto Paypal using your computer or phone while you stand there and make his/her payment in the usual way.  Personally, I'd trade off the Paypal fees for a DC on a cash deal if a scanned DC uploaded by you to eBay messages as seller is acceptable to Paypal.  I don't see why this should be any different from a signed DC from some obscure delivery company, but as I said above, I don't know if Paypal has a fixed list of acceptable DC sources.   


Are these COP deals recorded in some way on eBay, either by you manually or otherwise?  If not, you may not be paying final value fees, but you're also not getting credit for them toward your TRS.  


 "For posterity, I will note that since the defect system came into effect, one must be very careful around this." 


The story you've told (about refunding then being paid in cash and getting a defect) is another good case in point for dropping cash on pickup deals.  It simply seems to me that there is potential for trouble of all sorts with cash deals if you're an eBay seller.  Then there is the irritation and time wasted sitting around waiting for people to show up (how much is your time worth?), or worse, the risk of some sketchy character showing up at your door. 


If these cash deals don't happen every week, why get involved with the risk and bother?  As I said above, if you switch to IPR exclusively, the .com buyers you gain by eliminating the cart disconnect messages ("Item Not Available", etc.) may very well make up for the loss of an occasional cash deal.  I'd certainly test it for a couple of months if I were in your situation, and see if you can reduce the grief, reduce your wasted time, and increase the sales. Smiley Happy





Message 14 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

There is no and never has been any protection offerred by ebay for cash,cheque,money order,interac, wire transfer payments.  Therefor the seller is always better off to receive them.  There would be no way for ebay to ever offer protection on those, whether sent by mail or in person.  Thats one reason they outlawed sellers offering them.  In person is a different matter, where there is no need for a third party to protect the buyer.   Short of the buyer managing to use counterfeit bills, there is no possible way a seller could be worse off taking cash then paypal.  Obviously  if you are dealing in person you want cash.  You are looking to complicate things where nothing is complicated.  Every listing on ebay has a money back guarantee link that explains what is covered


"With a store retailer, you know you'll get your money back with no questions asked."


At some stores yes, at some no.  There are national retailers in Canada that do not have an "accept all returns for refunds policies", even on defective items.  Stores are under no obligation to accept returns.  In most countries much less liberal retrun policies then are common in Canada are the norm

Message 15 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

It really feels like a 'danged if you do, danged if you don't' situation by having to choose between IPR and COP. I can tell you it is possible for the ebay.ca shopping cart to do an override. There is one on ebay.com. I know this because the last time I played around with the ebay.com shopping cart, items from the same seller would alternatively show Cash on Pickup as a payment option when I alternated between my local and my alternative shipping preferences. If I used a local shipping address to the seller, it showed COP as a payment option. If I used an international one, it did not. 


I value your thoughts and insights on this as well, rose-dee. I don't, however, experience the same onslaught of error messages beleaguering buyers when they try to add my item to their ebay.com shopping cart because they can't add my item to their shopping cart at all on ebay.com and ebay.co.uk. Because I list in CAD. The errors you describe where the ebay.com buyer is told 'not available' are only for ebay.ca-created USD listings. A CAD listing won't display the Add to Cart option. ebay.com shopping cart cannot deal with an alternative currency. When an ebay.ca listing has USD as its currency of choice, the ebay.com shopping cart is confused. It thinks it can go into the cart but when the buyer checks out, the checkout process fails because the ebay.com shopping cart can't handle any listing created outside ebay.com. The first barricade to cross with the ebay.com cart is currency. If you look like a USD listing, you get in. But if they find a Canadian flag on your person somewhere, you get booted all the same. 

Message 16 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

I have to weigh on this post, if for other reason than to share my recent experience with Cancel Transactions. On another account that I manage, I received a BIN transaction from China. Paid instantly. Problem is he somehow overrode ebay's end-of-transaction email and paid shipping to US. First thing I promptly refunded the entire payment and sent first invoice. He responded by only asking why I refunded with no note. (There was, through ebay) explaining the refund. Next day, I thought about his message from the perspective of someone not understanding the TOS in English, so I sent a request to cancel based on address incorrect. He promptly left a negative feedback, stating "weird seller, makes his own rules not ebay's; go play in another room."


I slept on this as the response on the tip of my fingers was not polite.


This morning I called ebay. The first CSR checked out the transaction and communication and said, "no problem, we can cancel that immediately. Go ahead and relist. We will refund your fees within 48 hours. BUT I can't do anything about feedback. He said I can transfer your call to someone who can after I type up the scenario.


Within 2 minutes I was transferred. The young lady read me the riot act on only 1% of all feedback are actually removed. I said no problem, but please investigate. She did and 30 seconds later came back and told me it would be removed within 10 minutes.


It was. I am suitably impressed with their process. I can't believe that my laying it on thick about superior international customer service had anything to do with it. I am a happy camper.Smiley Very Happy

Message 17 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

@purpleferret999 wrote:

I have to weigh on this post, if for other reason than to share my recent experience with Cancel Transactions. On another account that I manage, I received a BIN transaction from China. Paid instantly. Problem is he somehow overrode ebay's end-of-transaction email and paid shipping to US. First thing I promptly refunded the entire payment and sent first invoice. He responded by only asking why I refunded with no note. (There was, through ebay) explaining the refund. Next day, I thought about his message from the perspective of someone not understanding the TOS in English, so I sent a request to cancel based on address incorrect.....

I had something like that scenario but without the issue with feedback. Recently, I sold an item to a buyer that was registered via ebay to the USA but added via note to seller that needed it shipped 'with tracking' to Spain. The payment address with paypal was suddenly Spain between purchase and payment. I would have done as directed but the postage s/he paid was for an untraced service. I had to issue an immediate refund and put in a cancel request on the grounds it was something I absolutely could not do as a result of a problem with the buyer address. (As a Canadian, we all know how wide is the gap between Canada Post Small Packets Airmail and Tracked Packets and it was a purchase of too far little value for me to eat the additional cost.) Anyway, the Cancel Transaction request was ignored by the buyer. No feedback either way left.


In hindsight, I think the buyer was another seller using me as a dropshipper but from another account. The item is commonplace in North America but dear in Europe. It was odd all around. And, to be frank, reminded me too closely of another odd instance early in my days of selling where I had a buyer registered to China who paid for untraced airmail to a P.O. Box in the USA but said (paraphrased) 'it is important for me to have tracking' to which I naively replied 'this service you paid is very reliable but has no tracking so is that okay?' and she said yes, it was. Sure enough, the item 'never arrived' and I had to send her another at my own cost of lost product plus tracking this time. Lesson learned.  



Message 18 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

@rose-dee wrote:

pierre lebel wrote: 


"How does cash give a seller better protection?"


eBay cannot make you give back the cash in your hands or your bank account.



Yes, but can they not force a refund through the eBay system (i.e. direct payment by seller through Paypal)?  


Does this mean a buyer who pays cash can't file an eBay INR or even a SNAD claim?  That doesn't seem fair to buyers who may only discover once they get home that a piece is missing or an item doesn't function as it should.  


I really am asking out of curiosity, as I don't, and never have, dealt on a cash basis for eBay transactions.  The whole concept seems a bit odd to me, in the sense that I'm surprised eBay even allows it.  For example, how does the sale/transaction get recorded on the seller's eBay records?  


For a seller, cash is the only way to go for a pickup transaction.


There is no INR because the buyer picked it up (and should have inspected it before paying).

For SNAD the buyer deals directly with the seller (and knows where to find them).


Recording the transaction payment is done manually on eBay beside the sold item. The seller does it after the item has been picked up (the seller can also mark it shipped at the same time).


PayPal does not refund money for transactions not handled by them.



eBay started out in the days of cheques, money orders and cash. No surprise that cash is still allowed.


Message 19 of 33
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Unpaid items and Cancel Transaction Request Frustration Galore

How does cash give a seller better protection?

The seller has the money.

The buyer has the product.


The buyer cannot claim that the item has not been delivered, because he cannot show that he paid.


When the buyer is picking up the item, he can inspect it before handing over his cash. That is his protection.

Message 20 of 33
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