Variation and additional shipping item help needed.

This is our post we need help on:


Basically, right now whenever someone buys 1 variation, they will be charged shipping, then if they buy another variation, they will be hit with variation again. I find this might drive sales away as people cannot buy on the spot if they can't purchase more than 1 variation without getting dinged on shipping automatically. 


Is there a way to add each each variation order to cart up until say 6 pairs, and then 7th pair added will have shipping charge again? Because as of now, if customers want to buy more than 1 varaition, they would have to request invoice or wait for us to send invoice which drives that "impulse" drive away. 


Also, we just ended our post because it was 2 hours till ending time and relisted it and we lost all our watchers, views and "Sold" qty, how do we keep those in the future, I find it would be an advantage if people have saw us sold a certain amount and watchers keeping the post on their list.


Any other suggestions or tips would be appreciated as well.


Thank you.



Message 1 of 5
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Variation and additional shipping item help needed.

free shipping does help, you got to adjust your price to cover shipping

Message 2 of 5
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Variation and additional shipping item help needed.

So I should add $2.50 to my original order of $2 to make it $4.50 ? How do I edit it so each additional item costs $2 answer not $4.50? Thanks.

Message 3 of 5
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Variation and additional shipping item help needed.

Also, we just ended our post because it was 2 hours till ending time and relisted it and we lost all our watchers, views and "Sold" qty, how do we keep those in the future, I find it would be an advantage if people have saw us sold a certain amount and watchers keeping the post on their list.


When you list, instead of listing for 30 days, 7 days etc...use 'good till cancelled'

The listing will automatically relist every 30 days and your sales history will stay with the listing. I've never paid attention to see if the views and watchers stay the same.

Message 4 of 5
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Variation and additional shipping item help needed.

Umm-  I don't usually sell indentical multiples, but....

If you have your listing in Sell Your Item indicating that you have more than one item.

When you get down to Shipping Cost, there will be a place for the first item, and beside it a cost for each additional item.

This may only show up when you use Flat Rate Shipping.

It may only work for domestic shipping, not cross-border or overseas.


Perhaps someone who has actually used something that I usually refuse could help with this?



And yeah, there is a lot to be said for Free shipping. Think about how much it costs to ship one and how much for ten. If you were to sell ten and shipping would merely double from say $1 to $2, then add $0.25 to the asking price of every item.

Some people will be underpaying postage, but if you sell a lot of multiples then you will break even or make money.

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