Very specific searches

How do I get auctions (find exactly) that only provide specific matches to €2 coins or £5 coins for example.

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Very specific searches

Type in "£5 coins", for instance.


Then look down the left bar on the page that comes up for "Format".  Choose "Auctions".

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Message 2 of 5
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Very specific searches

Try it!! 


I typed in £5 Coins and got 37321 hits.  When doing "£5 Coins" there were still 1319 hits.  Even putting in UK or English didn't help.


Using the "Auctions" bar as well; £5 Coins gave 6036 hits "£5 Coins" still gave 223.


I didn't look very far in the hits but the ones I could see had very litle connection to what I wanted.


Thanks for trying to help.



Message 3 of 5
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Very specific searches

Switch your list from Bet Match to Highest Price and Shipping First, or just Highest Price first.


Although this won't remove any listings, it is usually easier to work down through a few dozen high priced items than up through a few hundred low priced and often misdescribed items.

Message 4 of 5
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Very specific searches

You may also include "five pounds" in your search as many listing titles do not include the pound sign.

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