Well, Canada Post is starting up the ridiculous rules that they briefly implimented last year but cancelled due to consumer pressure. The lady who ships out my packages for me at the local Shoppers Drug Mart has given me a copy of a notice she received yesterday. Effective July 24th 2006 we can no longer ship any goods via lettermail rates. They have a
new service called USA LIGHT PACKET. It is starting at an "Introductory" rate that will increase in January of 2007 most likely to current small packet air prices. Below is a table of the new prices since Canada Post doesn't even have the decency to list it on their site under their "News" column. Oh, they have a heading in the news talking about a ONE CENT increase to domestic mail service
but they won't list their 42% INTRODUCTORY price increase that will be a %100 price increase in January of 2007!!!!
0g-100g Letter Post $1.78 LIGHT PACKET $2.55 Small Packet Air $5.95
100g-250g Letter Post $2.99 LIGHT PACKET $4.25 Small Packet Air $5.95
250g-500g Letter Post $5.98 LIGHT PACKET $5.95 Small Packet Air $7.90
The Letter Post is what we've been using and is somewhat in line, if not a bit higher than the USPS equivalent and the LIGHT PACKET "introductory" rate above is substantially higher than the Letter Post that we all use for our small items and it will raise to Small Packet Air pricing come January.
They're trying to wean us onto the higher price and hoping we won't put up a fuss. This HAS to stop. The USPS does nothing of the sort and people can ship for cheaper than our current Letter Post prices let alone the new pricing. Canada Post is a government subsidized orgainzation and they should not be able to gouge like this.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO logical reason for them to charge more for an item that is not made of paper but weighs EXACTLY the SAME and costs them EXACTLY the SAME amount in fuel and handling as does regular paper lettermail.
I know that a lot of us complained last time but I don't think many of us did anything about it (although I sent a letter to John McCallum).
I need suggestions as to how we could make the biggest fuss possible as I'm not going to take this sitting down. I ship out about 700 packages a month and their "Introductory" rate is going to cost me about $1000 per month come July 24th and about 2000-3000 per month more come January.
Suggestions, comments, and questions please!!
Where is our Canada Post REP?? Help shed some light on this ridiculous, unwarranted and (should be) illegal price gouging.
Aaron McNeil
It's a GYP
Ontario, CANADA
905 830 0062