Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
Aargh! I got a wacko on my hands! Here's the scoop.

She buys 3 outfits. She goes thru my checkout, pays thru paypal. I ship.

a few days later, she buys 3 more outfits. Nothing. 3 day reminder goes out, she responds saying she paid. I say 'NO, you paid for the 1st order!'. She goes thru checkout, aborts and doesn't pay. I wait a day, then send a paypal invoice.

she responds, says she's already paid. I say 'NO, you paid for the 1st order!). I send the invoice again. She pays. I ship.

Today she files a dispute with Paypal, stating 'items significantly not as described'. Neither of her parcels have arrived yet. She types in a nutty message to paypal about paying 3 times and me ripping her off. Paypal denies and defers the claim.

Then, she sends me this email thru ebay, using 'ask seller about this item'.

i checked all my paypal and paid payments and you got paid three times and i want my mony back i paid you 67.74 for the same order and you cliamed that i did not i have the proof of all payments and the dates that i kept paying you i do know you can do this but you will not get away with this i want my money back today or i will file so many complaints with ebay,paypal,police,and all the law that i can send your way want my money today!!!!!

I responded with all tracking #s, MW invoice #s for the two separate orders, and an itemized list of the items she bought. As well as the explanation below. Haven't heard back, but it's only been a couple of hours.

Here's what I *think* happened. First, she was dropped on her head as a baby. Secondly, the dollar amounts are very similar, only being off by about $2. I think that for the 2nd transaction, in her paypal account the manual invoice I sent is marked as 'paid', then paypal enters a SECOND line-item for the payment, so it shows up twice (different wording) and is only subtracted once.

I've reported her for a threatening email, but since she isn't threatening BODILY harm it will probably go nowhere. I've blocked her as a bidder.

Have I missed anything? X-(

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 1 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
Ask PayPal if they will confirm to her that she only paid twice. Email them and explain the situation and tell them that she is threatening you and if they intervene at this stage and confirm she only paid twice it will help avoid what will likely be a c/c charge back through PayPal.

Message 2 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
That's an idea. I'll give it a whirl.

think PP will actually DO anything tho?

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 3 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
OK, I sent off an explanation of Paypal. Should I hold my breath waiting for a response?

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 4 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
PayPal have been great with me answering any email I have ever sent them. You can expect a personal response within 24 hours PLUS they send a survey a day or so later asking how you felt their servoce was.

I have never had any difficulties with PayPal and have been pleased with their outstanding service, especially answering emails and responding to spoof emails.

Message 5 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
"First, she was dropped on her head as a baby."

LOL!! thanks for giving me a good laugh
Message 6 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
I like talking directly to PayPal because I hate waiting for a response, If you need there # let me know, I think you have covered all your bases, You certainly dont need the greif of this nutbar.
Message 7 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
I had something similar happen to me. You should point out to her that there are only 2 transaction ID's. Not auction item numbers, but payment transaction numbers. If she paid twice there will only be 2. If she paid three times there will be three. Tell her to provide you with the three separate transaction ID numbers to back up her claim.

Tell her to call PayPal to check for herself that she bought two lots of items and only paid twice, once for each and that's it! Buzz off, hit the road and take a long walk on a short pier! I hate stupid people. I had to deal with that same nonsense from some moron who couldn't read. It's very frustrating. I sympathize with you.

Mine thought she paid twice and claimed as such with PayPal. PayPal said you paid once - claim DENIED! pppbbbbllllt!
Message 8 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
So today I get SIX emails from her. One from each item she bought using 'email seller'. Each one saying - "give me my item, I paid for it. When are you going to ship"

It's apparent she has read NONE of my emails. She received 'order shipped' emails from me thru MW. Because her parcels were heavy, she received tracking emails from Canada Post. Then yesterday in one of my emails I sent her the tracking #'s again.

I've got that feeling in the pit of my stomach about this one.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 9 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
Six emails in one day repeating the same thing may constitute spamming and as such is something that you might want to report to eBay.

You could also report that to her ISP.

I had a disgruntled customer, a real loonie, do that to me and while eBay did nothing, his ISP suspended his email account and he was eventually NARUD by eBay as he changed his email address and didnt update his records with eBay so his contact information was wrong.

Message 10 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
I reported her yesterday to her ISP for threats, and have heard nothing. She's using yahoo for her mail, so I doubt they'll do anything.

that is an idea tho, I'll give it some thought. I'd LOVE to get her naru'd so she doesn't neg me.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 11 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
so much for a 24 hour response from PP.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 12 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
It's been a hell of a month with the newbies I see..lol
We always have to be a head of the game, and the scams and kiss their a@@ so we won't get NEGed.
Message 13 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
Ask her to provide you with each paypal tranaction ID
Auction Drop N Ship
Drop It, Sell It, Ship It

Canada's Ebay Drop Off Store
Message 14 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

You could, perhaps, send her this: 7136566682 ?
Message 15 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
too funny. And it's affordable as well!

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 16 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
Now she sends me this email:

these outfits that i paid you are the last ones that i did pay but i have not received them please check for me i do not want any problems i like to be friends with ebayers that i shop with i will work with you as long as are honest to me and i know that you fill the same i am not angry at you and i will shop more when i get my shipment but if i do not get it by next week i must know why it is not here .just the way you want payment i want what i pay for we all feel that way but if you do not want to answer me and tell me if you mailed my clothing i guess i must report you to ebay and i do not want to do you harm so please tell me what i want to know .now you have the statement and you have payment and the items Numbers and so now you can give me an answer.i gave you very good feedbacks for the outfits that i got but i can not give you feedback for the ones that are missing when i get them i will give you feedback and that way you know that i got them that is the way i do with all stores that i buy from so please understand that i am waiting for you to please take care of this order and send it to me .this is a copy of the email that you sent me about payment i sent it back to you and put roses around it so that you can see which ones i am missing or see the feed backs that i gave you so can know what i mean i do not know what else to do so you can understand what i mean.

your friend ,carmen
thank you ,have a nice weekend and i send you a hug

AARGH!! She's been sent the tracking #s about 4 times.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 17 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
You have strange friends.

But seriously, you must arrange to have a coffee with her sometime. Tell her that is how you like to do business with all your regular (and not so regular or normal) customers.

Pick a place in her town (search the net for local hangouts and pick a dive) and set up a time to meet her. Tell her to wear one of the outfits you sold her so you will recognize her.

Then after you dont show up, send her an email asking why she wasnt there and that you had been waiting for over an hour.

Then tell her the friendship is off.

You may as well have some fun.


Message 18 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
you have nasty bones in your body!

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 19 of 59
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Re: Wacko buyer raising h*ll X-(

Community Member
Not nasty bones, funny bones.

Message 20 of 59
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