We may be about to lose more of our freedom and democracy thanks to the 'Harper' government.


We may be about to lose more of our freedom and democracy thanks to the 'Harper' government.

The youngest person on the list was 23 when they were executed.   Hardly a child.


They were executed for crimes comitted while they were children.

Does that mean they were tried as adults?

Message 21 of 25
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We may be about to lose more of our freedom and democracy thanks to the 'Harper' government.

Sorry gents, but some of us have no problem with executing 17 yo "children" and mentally challenged if they commit execution-worthy crime. Maybe someone can explain how is mentally challenged criminal a lesser danger to community than regular person


Back to original topic, I come from country that has been devastaded in WW2 and until today criminalizes sympathizing with fascism and denying Holocaust, so concept of selective freedom of speech does not offend me as much. From practical standpoint, I think it would help if they had probable cause for those 90 they have been shadowing, becuase those 2 crimes lately have been from the 90.


I believe difference between freedom fighters and terorrists is that freedom fighters target enemy military, while terorrists target enemy civilians, which is controversial, because that makes bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki an act of terror rather than legitimate military op.

Message 22 of 25
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We may be about to lose more of our freedom and democracy thanks to the 'Harper' government.

but some of us have no problem with executing 17 yo "children" and mentally challenged if they commit execution-worthy crime. Maybe someone can explain how is mentally challenged criminal a lesser danger to community than regular person


Well it's simple really. It boils down to the individual had no real idea what they were doing, or they were in a state of mind due to their illness that precluded their ability to see right from wrong.

Now are they a danger? In some cases very possibly and they should be in custody for the rest of their lives to protect the public, but execution I disagree with. We are suppose to be human beings and a big part of that is the concept of understanding and compassion. How can we truly blame someone whose mental capacities make their actions irrational? 


I believe difference between freedom fighters and terorrists is that freedom fighters target enemy military, while terorrists target enemy civilians, which is controversial, because that makes bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki an act of terror rather than legitimate military op.


Lets not forget Dresden either, that has always been a controversial subject. 

People may say that terrorism should only apply to attacking the military. Technically yes that would be ideal. However what we often do not do and should a lot more, is see the situation from the other side of the fence. Allow me to explain. Let's say you are from a country where you have watched invaders bomb your people and towns and kill your friends and your family and your children and destroy your homes and your businesses etc etc etc etc. True all of this was done by the military faction but there is another side and that is the people who these actions are being perpetrated on. They look to the people of the countries where these invaders came from. They read the newspapers and watch the TV and look on the internet and they see the 'citizens' of these countries cheering on their military. Flag waving and lock and load is the echoes everywhere. They do not see compassion or even a fleeting thought for the loss of innocent people, or family, or children. Oh sometimes they may see a comment such as "isn't that a pity", but that is often followed by "well ya know this is war", or some sterilized phrase such as "collateral damage" will be used, which sounds more like a dent in a car than the horrible loss of life. So in the end, slowly and surely, the people start thinking these other people don't give a hoot about us and thus the anger and hatred grows.


War, greed, is a Pandora's box and if it's opened, all sorts of evils are released. The best answer is leave it closed unless you absolutely, positively, have no other choice. In the case of the Middle East, we have and had lots more choices, but we didn't use them.



Message 23 of 25
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We may be about to lose more of our freedom and democracy thanks to the 'Harper' government.

Well it's simple really. It boils down to the individual had no real idea what they were doing, or they were in a state of mind due to their illness that precluded their ability to see right from wrong.


I think what it boils down to is not matter how young or disabled someone has to live withuot a child and the person responsible needs to pay for it ...


Canada Sympathizes way too much with this **bleep**... Disabled people murdering children **bleep** girls cutting peoples heads off and getting less time in prision then someone who kills a dog...

Message 24 of 25
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We may be about to lose more of our freedom and democracy thanks to the 'Harper' government.

I'm not saying these people should executed but they should be behind bars at the very least until there dying day wit no visitation rights so they can suffer the same fate they left mothers and fathers and brother to deal with a life with never being able to see there loved one again ... a Life for a life ....
Message 25 of 25
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