We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Community Member
Hi there is anyone other than myself getting bugged with warning Shipping from Canada our hands are tie if I charge any less I will have to subsidize the cost of the shipping I realize I am listing on .com but this is silly they know we are in Canada and this should be taken in to account..............
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Hi there is anyone other than myself getting bugged


Just ignore it.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 2 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

just ignore it, unless your a media seller...

there are the new shipping price limits coming into effect on .com.
Message 3 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Community Member
It doesn't get taken into account. It doesn't matter to them & they don't care.

I had a package that was big, heavy & oversize. It was listed in the Hot Wheels section because it was a Hot Wheels track set. This sucker had to go by USPS rated as 21 pounds because of its size. I got the same message.

They compare you to other items in the category even when it doesn't apply. Other items in the category were single little cars not some big heavy track set. They don't care. It's a computer message & it doesn't know nor does it care.
Message 4 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Community Member
I got an information call from an eBay rep and they said that in the near future, items that have high shipping rates MAY be banned from being listed on .com. Currently there are no such restrictions planned for .ca.
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Community Member
Unfortunately there definition of high is actually lower than how much it costs me to ship 😞
Message 6 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

The shipping caps only apply in a few categories


Unfortunately that's what I sell.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 7 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Community Member
That should be very interesting as it is only higher if shipped in the US I do not make money shipping from Canada most often have to add to it
Message 8 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Last June I was revising my listings for books to show shipping right at the top of the listing. All my listings were sent directly to eBay.com, and are listed there...

After about 50 revisions... shipping at $11.00 US for Canada Post Small Packet was no longer considered high... The books were Canadian history.

About 85 % of the Canadian history listed on eBay.com is by Canada sellers.

About 50 % of all Canadian history is listed by Canadian sellers who list directly to eBay.com.

The upcoming maximum for shipping books has forced me to move all my listings to eBay.ca

Right now I am revising all listings for eBay.ca

On September 15 I will be closing my store on eBay.com.

On September 16, I will open a store on eBay.ca

For the 30 days following September 15 I will be uploading my listings up, about 50 listings per day.

Currently about one-third of the way through a major revision... that is everything except title and description.

Once on eBay.ca, all shipping to the US will be international shipping.... and there should be no statement with respect to higher shipping...

That $11 US shipping to the US using Canada Post is quite comparable to the shipping from the US to Canada using USPS.


Once on eBay.ca I will be ready for most anything... If they do set limits on eBay.ca, they will have to be relative to Canada Post... not media mail US.
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Community Member
Cumos ... if you open a store on .ca ..is it possible ot have the same name?
Message 10 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Why close the store on one site and re-open it on the other?

There is NO advantage whatsoever in doing so.

Listing limitations are based on the site where you list, NOT where your eBay store is located.

My store has been on eBay.com for eight years and includes listings from .com and .ca .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 11 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Community Member
OMgosh I have items listed on both sites right now.. I wasnt thinking at all!!

Thank you Pierre!!
Message 12 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

"I have items listed on both sites right now"

Nothing worng with that! .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 13 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

900 books listed on eBay.com with a limitation on shipping of $4.00 will not work

I do not want to price to sell on eBay.com when half the books are Canadian history... and 85 % of Canadian history is listed by Canadian sellers.

The Turbolister shipping for eBay.ca is Canada Post

The Turbolister shipping for eBay.com is USPS.

If I close the store on eBay.com one day and open a store on eBay.ca the next day... the name is mine...

The name of the store goes with your ID. There will only be one store with that name on eBay..

When one closes a store the name is yours for a period of time... and then it is lost.

The rules on eBay.com may/will eventually end up on eBay.ca

Store on eBay.ca

(1) all pricing in US dollars.

(2) all shipping showing as Canada Post ..

(3) No restriction on shipping cost..

(4) And if the new rules come to Canada... it would be a lot easier to adapt.

(5) All listing will have exposure in Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.... Some of the older listings had limited exposure.

There is no difference in exposure whether you list on .com or .ca.

However, other factors have taken over, and if you live in Canada, there is now an advantage to listing on .ca

And I suspect there will be more to address in the future...

Depends on what you sell... and two third of what I sell is books

and the main theme of what I sell is Canada...

Art glass, pottery, art work,

non-fiction books, including Canadian history, the environment, agriculture, hockey, curling

And after this current revision the Canada theme will be stronger than ever..

And then there was that pop-up that kept telling me to check out eBay.ca
Message 14 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

Community Member
Good Morning cumos55,

Remember that what you are seeing happen on eBay.com will start in full on .ca in January.

Message 15 of 16
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We noticed your shipping cost looks high compared to other listings in your

It will be easier to work the shipping options from .ca than .com

and shipping if restricted should not be USPS Media mail rates...

I am already revising to exclude everything except Paypal...

plus all of the rest....that just has to be included or excluded.

I will conform to all of the .com rules except shipping caps.

Throw in Canada Post increases, and the adjustment for oversize lettermail...

This major revision also allows me to examine listings critically as to whether they should be deleted or not.

and there is a lot more inventory to list...

and if free shipping looks to be an option then I can work it more effectively if I am listing on eBay.ca and with Canada Post costs..
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