I feel really guilty for not being there to toss in my 2 cents but it was a business day for me and I have someone opening up a new store in Mississauga selling exclusively my line of musical instruments.
Just to get them started they picked up 7 acoustic guitars, a set of drums, a violin, music stands, guitar stands, keyboard stands (and a keyboard), amplifier, gig bags and accessories. Enough to fill their van so today I was definately in the right spot thsi afternoon.
I read the thread and I would like to make a comment about it and the content:
The questions raised and the manner they were addressed made us Canadians stand out amongst the best. They were delivered professionally, to the point and were well thought out and I applaud everyone who took an active part this afternoon and showed eBay. ca and eBay.com what we Canadians are made of and what we expect out of eBay.
There was no question that we expressed a clear 3rd world treatment of us and there was no denying it from eBay even when it came to advertising.
To suggest that this company with its massive fee increases, yet no cost increases to them, would dare suggest that tv advertising is expensive when they run ads in the US but some obscure printed media advertising is good enough for us, is nothing more than BS. Yes too bad I wasny here to lay it on that thick. But that is the bottom line.
Even to suggest that we, in Canada are one of the few or perhaps only eByas outside of the US where Pinks may visit the board was a downright insult.
DROP OUR DAMN FEES! If you dont give the same service, then charge us appropriately.
I know today about eBay what I knew before, and that is that eBay is for the Americans and everything else is just extra income for them with less expense.
Well, they at least recoghnized there is a Cdn Power Seller Board this time.
All I hav to add, in the event I am booted out of this club next week, is keep the pressure on eBay to deliver exactly what they give your US counterparts or even more. Accept no less, always demand more. Dont fall victim to sitting on your laurels and waiting for them to make a positive change. Those changes will only be made firstly for the US Power Sellers because of their demanding them and we might get some of the overlflow.
Its up to everyone to keep the pressure on eBay and demand at least what others have, if not better and more.
I am proud of everyone that participated today! It looked good on you!!!!