Why are my saved searches no longer working?

Why are my saved searches no longer working? I am now getting the message "Unfortunately, we only have room for around 100 characters, so we had to shorten your search." for searches that have worked for years.



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Re: Why are my saved searches no longer working?

Hi glenn.. I believe eBay has always had a max of 100 for saved searches.

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Re: Why are my saved searches no longer working?

Hi and thanks for the reply. Actually ebay has supported searches over 100 characters for years. Some of my saved searches are 360 characters or more. The first level ebay tech support person verified that she is now getting the same message for some of her saved searches. There has been some change since 2012/10/10 that has changed the hard limit.



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Re: Why are my saved searches no longer working?

Sorry Glenn , i misunderstood your Q and do not have an answer. Ebay is making changes such as removal of the wild card asterisk. Here is what Tamebay says..




Will have some impact on both buyers and sellers.

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