03-15-2013 10:07 PM
The reason usually given is because of the danger that they face in their jobs.
In a story on CTV, Police Chief Duncan described the police actions last St. Patrick's night on Fleming Drive in London:
An unlawful assembly is declared and police fall back.
A CTV London news van was soon overturned and set on fire, with the camera person filming and then being escorted to safety in an EMS vehicle.
For another four hours police waited out the rioters, hoping the crowd wouldn’t move towards them and force them to engage.
I thought one of theri jobs was to protect people and property. What would have happened if rioters had started burning houses? What would have happened if a homeowner had felt the need to defend their property? What was the potential for rioters or neighbours being seriously inured or killed?
In my opinion, the London Police failed their duty on Fleming Drive. We pay many of them over $100,000 a year to face danger and protect us. Yet, on that night, they chose to back off and be spectators.
03-15-2013 10:19 PM
It makes me wonder too.
They claim to have a dangerous job. but statistics prove that they have a relatively safe work environment.
03-15-2013 11:13 PM
The cops really messed up with last St Patricks day and the 'riot'. They knew the area was a problem beforehand but didn't prepare. They were in the area and then left. When things started to go south they parked down the street and watched. At that point I was thinking they did it so that it would look good for more money on the next city budget.
As for the 'danger' of their jobs, they are no more dangerous and far less dangerous than many other professions that don't get paid enough money such as truck drivers, construction workers, door people at bars, hydro workers, hospital workers, farmers and the most dangerous profession they say is lumberjacks out west. I'm not saying a cops job is not dangerous but if you for instance take all the unheard of injuries and even deaths of construction workers across Canada and compare that to the yearly deaths of police the construction workers have far more. I figure the average constable should be worth about 40 to 52 grand a year tops, but they make much more.
03-15-2013 11:45 PM
When they are tough, people complain. When they are not tough, people complain.
I think people will complain no matter what police does.
Now imagine yourself stopping a car for speeding.
Complaining about how much they make, let's look at some parasitic rip-off professions that society can almost get without, like lawyers, career politicians or real estate peddlers. Do you want the car peddlers be making double the police officer ? If officers have 80k, they deserve it way more than primary school teachers.
03-16-2013 12:28 AM
Depends on what you mean by "tough". Knowing the area is a problem and not putting a cruiser or two there was just plain stupid. Sitting at the bottom of the street when things started to go wrong and doing nothing doesn't even have a classification. The cops blew it from the start and then just made it worse.
Stopping a car for speeding and being shot at rarely happens. You have more of a chance of being shot just for cutting someone off in the wrong city. There are many other people who work in dangerous situations all day five days a week and get paid less and they don't have guns, tazers, bullet proof vests or backup. I am not discounting that police face dangerous situations, I'm comparing their wages with the wages of others who face the same and make less in income and benefits or pensions.
Complaining about how much they make, let's look at some parasitic rip-off professions that society can almost get without, like lawyers, career politicians or real estate peddlers. Do you want the car peddlers be making double the police officer ? If officers have 80k, they deserve it way more than primary school teachers.
You're right about some of these. However lawyers and real estate agents are for the most part their own business so they can set the rates and people can chose to use them or not. A good lawyer or a good real estate agent can be worth it if they have proven themselves and they are not paid by the taxpayer.
Politicians, well don't get me started on them!
Teachers as essential as they are, I do think they get in many cases a good deal that is not equal to the work of others.
Personally I've always felt the guy in the ditch who works in the heat of the sun and the cold of winter and the pouring rain and breaks his back and comes home covered in mud and dirt just to keep the city running smooth, or working for a corporation, should be making a 100 grand a year. The nurses and support workers who have to bathe people and change diapers and clean up bodily fluids and at times be attacked and verbally abused, and watch people suffer or die, also should make a lot more money.
03-16-2013 09:53 AM
In Quebec their was a riot (as usual ) to protest police brutality.
The peacefull rioters only managed to send a few cops to the hospital.
03-16-2013 11:35 AM
03-16-2013 11:55 AM
Like I used to tell the nurses union when they wanted more money for working afternoons and nights - if you don't want to work shift work - DON'T BE A NURSE.
Same with cops - if you don't want to get shot at - DON'T BE A COP.
Why are people surprised when soldiers in a war zone - GET KILLED.
Remember the four cops that were killed in Alberta a few years ago. Yep, it was terrible. There have been tributes every year since. Tears and television spots every few months, grieving widows all over the place. A great big statue and very costly memorial has been raised. The stuff that goes on every year since then has been at worse - ad nausium.
But nobody remembers, or at least brings up, the mother and three kids that were killed on the same day in a car accident very close to the scene of the aforementioned tragedy. there were no memorials that I can remember - just a grieving family. I guess the cops were more important - cause after all other cops from all over the world came to thier funerals. WRONG - the cops unions just have more money and a union.
The cops get paid too much, are over rated, are too fat, pull their guns, or tazers out at the slightest provocation and walk into Tim Horton's with more gear on than most of those fat out of shape nougies can carry. Have you every seen what's inside at police cruiser - what a joke. It looks like every one of them are ready for WWlll. A waste of money.
Really, have you seen these idiots walking around with their skin tight shirts, fingerless gloves, dark sunglasses, body armour, radios, guns, tazers and face masks - they look more like the terrorists than the terrorists. The real cops from the '60 or '70 or must think they are just a big bunch or wusses.
When I was a kid, my mom used to tell me - if you ever get into trouble find a police officer - ya right - not today mom - not today.
03-16-2013 12:44 PM
When they are tough, people complain.
When they are not tough, people complain.
I think people will complain no matter what police does.
That was exactly what I thought when I read the OP.
03-16-2013 12:47 PM
hmmm that was odd. I edited my post before I clicked on post but the things I changed are gone.
I just want to add that "some" people will never be happy with what the police do.
03-16-2013 01:25 PM
hmmm that was odd. I edited my post before I clicked on post but the things I changed are gone.
I just want to add that "some" people will never be happy with what the police do.
I totally agree with that.
03-16-2013 01:29 PM
Why are people surprised when soldiers in a war zone - GET KILLED
And aren't paid near what cops are.
"some" people will never be happy with what the police do.
I'm happy with what 'most' cops do.....most, not all. But that's not the point. We're talking about what they make in wages and that is paid by the taxpayer and........it's getting to be a bigger and bigger invoice every year while at the same time crime is going down.
A cop I know well retired after 25-27 years (I forget exactly) on the police force. I asked him how many really dangerous situations he had been in. He said maybe two. I asked how many times he had pulled his gun. He said 'never', although he has had his hand on his gun on a few occassions. He also said he had put on 35lbs being on the police force because most of the time you're in a cruiser and driving and if you're not doing that then you're doing paperwork (a lot of that).
I do however believe that some police should be paid higher depending on the area they police, or the type of work they do, such as undercover or homicide (where you see things on a regular basis that you never forget).
03-17-2013 12:32 AM
Like I used to tell the nurses union when they wanted more money for working afternoons and nights - if you don't want to work shift work - DON'T BE A NURSE.
Same with cops - if you don't want to get shot at - DON'T BE A COP.
Why are people surprised when soldiers in a war zone - GET KILLED.
Remember the four cops that were killed in Alberta a few years ago. Yep, it was terrible. There have been tributes every year since. Tears and television spots every few months, grieving widows all over the place. A great big statue and very costly memorial has been raised. The stuff that goes on every year since then has been at worse - ad nausium.
But nobody remembers, or at least brings up, the mother and three kids that were killed on the same day in a car accident very close to the scene of the aforementioned tragedy. there were no memorials that I can remember - just a grieving family. I guess the cops were more important - cause after all other cops from all over the world came to thier funerals. WRONG - the cops unions just have more money and a union.
The cops get paid too much, are over rated, are too fat, pull their guns, or tazers out at the slightest provocation and walk into Tim Horton's with more gear on than most of those fat out of shape nougies can carry. Have you every seen what's inside at police cruiser - what a joke. It looks like every one of them are ready for WWlll. A waste of money.
Really, have you seen these idiots walking around with their skin tight shirts, fingerless gloves, dark sunglasses, body armour, radios, guns, tazers and face masks - they look more like the terrorists than the terrorists. The real cops from the '60 or '70 or must think they are just a big bunch or wusses.
When I was a kid, my mom used to tell me - if you ever get into trouble find a police officer - ya right - not today mom - not today.
Wow. What did the police ever do to you to make you feel this way? Honest to God when I hear people like you spewing this kind of crap it makes me want to vomit. I hope you are very able to take care of yourself because obviously you wouldn't want one of those fat, overpaid, overrated, idiots to save your sorry ass if you ever got into a jam.
03-17-2013 08:18 AM
Why are people surprised when soldiers in a war zone - GET KILLED
And aren't paid near what cops are.
maybe you should "google" the pay scale for Canadian military!
byt back to the question.
They are paid what they are for so same reason that teachers are paid what they are-basically corruption.
First off both teachers and police are paid by local boards of either elected i for teachers or appointed for police.These boards then decide the budget for both.NOBODY can say no to the budget that they put in place, for example the windsor police board sets it's budget and sends it to Widsor city council as part of the annual budget. City council cannot reject that budget and must accept it the way it sits. (they can ask that the board reveiw it but it never happens)These boards are filled wiht "friends" so they get their raises. Next time Sudbury's police budget comes up someoen says "he look what windsor got" and they follow suit. They do not look at the different crime rates,costs of living, etc. They come up with a cop is a cop and should make the same no matter where they work. same seems to go for teachers. That is why in some norhtern parts of Canada they have a hard time findind teachers, doctors,police etc as why would you go to a remote location with a high cost of living to make the same that you could be making working in some smal hick town utside of London where houses are half the price etc>
most of this happened when they put "pay equity" into place so that everybody doing the "similar" job was to be paid a "similar" wage no matter of location,costs of living etc.
03-17-2013 12:29 PM
What is a cop really worth?
It depends upon your perspective.
I've met to really nice cops and some not so nice.
I've also met some really nice bus drivers, cab drivers, retail clerks and waiter/waitresses and I've met some not so nice bus drivers, cab drivers, retail clerks and waiter/waitresses.
Imo we must pay them a decent wage or it increases the chances of getting corrupt cops.
03-17-2013 01:39 PM
maybe you should "google" the pay scale for Canadian military!
A third year private soldier makes approx 42-50 grand a year. A cop makes in some areas 75 to 100 grand a year, same length of time.
That is why in some norhtern parts of Canada they have a hard time findind teachers, doctors,police etc as why would you go to a remote location with a high cost of living to make the same that you could be making working in some smal hick town utside of London where houses are half the price etc
Incorrect. Nurses, doctors and other health professionals who go north make more money. They just don’t want to go because of the conditions and the seclusion. They would rather stay in the big city with all it’s perks and the possibility of promotion. Don’t believe me, then I recommend you “google’.
I know no one will believe this and I will have it thrown back at me later (but I am use to that and frankly don’t care), but by coincidence I have a customer out of Toronto who after 23 years of teaching police services, he is retiring. I asked him of his opinion of the police he has taught. He said the following:
- They are taught to be paramilitary and they have little understanding of people.
- He has noticed as soon as the black uniform goes on with the pants with 20 pockets, these cops change. He said many become bullies.
- Police do not get enough instruction about the psychology of people and they treat them all the same with an increasing emphasis on force, even brutality.
- If you are an officer who goes against the wishes of the rest of the ‘boys’ then you are ostracized in the group.
- And lastly he said he….. is glad he is getting out of it because of the new crop of police.
03-17-2013 02:03 PM
I know no one will believe this and I will have it thrown back at me later (but I am use to that and frankly don’t care), but by coincidence I have a customer out of Toronto who after 23 years of teaching police services, he is retiring. I asked him of his opinion of the police he has taught. He said the following:
- They are taught to be paramilitary and they have little understanding of people.
- He has noticed as soon as the black uniform goes on with the pants with 20 pockets, these cops change. He said many become bullies.
- Police do not get enough instruction about the psychology of people and they treat them all the same with an increasing emphasis on force, even brutality.
- If you are an officer who goes against the wishes of the rest of the ‘boys’ then you are ostracized in the group.
- And lastly he said he….. is glad he is getting out of it because of the new crop of police.
I believe you but that is just one ex cops opinion.
03-17-2013 04:17 PM
03-17-2013 04:47 PM
LOL----I remember somone saying they only know as they are taught! so that would mean the ONLY person to blame is the A-hole person that taught them so if he does not like what he see's HE is the person to blame as like children they only know what they are taught!
a third year private makes $48G and change
Toronto Police Service Base Salary
Cadet in Training $54,398.66
4th Class Constable$60,455.95
3rd Class Constable$69,098.18
2nd Class Constable$77,736.24
1st Class Constable$86,365.94
apparently (well according to prior) these police in toronto get promotions very fast as TOP is $86,365--well according to the Toronto police web-site
03-18-2013 12:01 AM
I remember somone saying they only know as they are taught!
I was talking about children, not adults. One day when you say you "remember", you'll remember correctly.
well according to the Toronto police web-site
This may come as a shock to you, but there are other police in Ontario other than TO. If you compare everything to TO then you're always using the high end.