Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member
Just like to know why EBay intends to cut out Canadians with regards to EBay bucks. I was really enjoying the program and would like to contribute to pressure EBay not to cancel. What can I do?
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

they should have cancelled it outright across the board and across all markets.

The way they did it has ticked me off and i will be buying more, elsewhere!


c ya!

Message 21 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

I too am pissed off about ebay cutting off the ebay bucks program for Canadians.  I sent an email asking them who made the decision and why it was made.  Since it is a solely a reward-based program - the more you buy, the more ebay bucks you earned - it surely didn't cost ebay anything to keep it going. 


I'm sure ebay figured out a way to pass the costs onto the sellers or buyers somehow - ebay does nothing out of the goodness of their shrunken hearts (like the Grinch).  We should now henceforth refer to them as "Grinchbay", eh.


First Grinchbay shut down all the customer support centres in Canada and now this.  It's as stupid as not allowing sellers to leave negative feedback for non-paying bidders to warn other sellers that this person has no intention of paying. 


But I digress, it's too bad Grinchbay isn't a democracy and we Canucks were allowed to get our 2 cents worth.  That was while we still had pennies.  You want to talk about stupid government ideas - Canada (thanks Flaherty) and it's big idea to stop minting the lucky penny was one of them.


But I digress..........I guess I will take my business elsewhere........so there, Grinchbay.........

Message 22 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

"the more you buy, the more ebay bucks you earned - it surely didn't cost ebay anything to keep it going. "




""the more you buy"


That was the problem.  Sales on eBay.ca did NOT increase enough to warrant the cost of the program.


"didn't cost ebay anything"


Who paid for these eBay Bucks?


Message 23 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member



I could see why you come to defense FleaBay, because it benefit you as the seller with the new policies.  What I have problem with is, US and UK still have the eBuck program intact. Those seller is have to offset their price through other mean ie. High Shipping Cost.


"That was the problem.  Sales on eBay.ca did NOT increase enough to warrant the cost of the program."


Pierre, wake up! This is a lamer argument I heard for a long time!


The last items that I bought from US, I asked the seller why the Shipping rate $30.00 if buy from eBay and $10.00 directly from his site. And He said the reason is higher to offset FleaBay and Paypal high fee schedule.


Pierre, you are absolute right, it must come from somewhere. For those of us still pay High Premium Shipping cost for Item come from US,  Basically we are subsided the eBuck in US without received any compensation for it!


And yes FleaBay, Most of us was born at night, but not last night!

Message 24 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

I just received my last ebay bucks certificate which did not include the promised $5.

Did anyone else receive their promised money?

Message 25 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

Yes, I received mine with an extra $5.00.



Message 26 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

I came here to say I did not receive a $5 bonus. The certificate was only for around $1.08.

Message 27 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

No for me also.

Message 28 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

I came here to see if I was the only one NOT getting the additional $5. Where is it eBay??!!

Message 29 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member


Only those with a high spending rate can get the additional 5 bucks. If your last ebay buck certificate issued was 15 dollars and or more, you will get the additional 5 dollars added onto your last certificate. 


Now that the eBay bucks program is retired in Canada, I won't buy anymore. Just that simple. Going to Craigslist to buy and sell instead probably. Free to use the site as well.

Message 30 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Only those with a high spending rate can get the additional 5 bucks. If your last ebay buck certificate issued was 15 dollars and or more, you will get the additional 5 dollars added onto your last certificate.


Huh? Where did you read that? Nowhere on the emails I received that line was written. It said every member would receive an additional $5. Period. There was no reference whatsoever to a "spending rate". ?:|

Message 31 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Community Member

tell you the truth. it was pointless... i bought a $1000 item and earned $8... oooohhhhh....


no real loss i think.

"Its called the American dream, because you have to be asleep in order to believe in it."
---George Carlin
Message 32 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

If your last ebay buck certificate issued was 15 dollars and or more, you will get the additional 5 dollars added onto your last certificate.


Well, then, I should have it: my last certificate was $38.25. Where is my $5 eBay??

Message 33 of 34
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Re: Why eBay bucks discriminatory to Canadians

Ebay really blows now, it seems as of late, there have been issues come up where it sure appears as though there is discrimination. I really hate the attitude of some of the supervisors as well, I had one on the phone that got pretty cocky with me, I got that straightened out in a hurry. 

Message 34 of 34
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